The System To Activate Your Multidimensional Self
Awakening your Avatar, your multidimensional self is about self-actualization, realization and learning that we are much more than just human beings. We are energetic beings with limitless potential. Unfortunately, we have been programmed to believe that we are something else. When we learn how to live outside of the matrix, amazing things begin to happen. Read through the sections below for specifically designed packages, or choose individualized sessions according to your needs directly through the menu system.
Avatar Clearing System
For those whom are interested in removing hundreds of various types of energetic distortions that create discordance on your mind, body, spirit and your daily life.
Learn MoreAvatar Activation System
For those whom are interested in removing energetic distortions and activating their DNA templates to create dramatic shifts in their life on an energetic and physical level.
Learn MoreAvatar Manifestation System
For those whom are interested in removing energetic distortions, activating DNA templates, receiving powerful activations and clearings through the Lightarian energies.
Learn MoreAvatar Transformational Systems
For those whom are interested in removing and preventing all types of energetic distortions that create discordance on your mind, body, spirit and your daily life, chakra unification, activate higher dimensional DNA to expand your physical frequency while receiving powerful command coding to re-code your body and merkaba to clear and protect itself and ultimately create your desired life the way you want it.
Learn MoreNot Ready To Experience One Of These Systems?
Check out the various individualized healing sessions that we offer:
Energetic removals consist of the following various systems offered:
15D Auric Clearing Session: The clearing and removing of various auric attachments, imprints and energies that are affecting you in ways that creates severe limitations of the spiritual and physical nature of the person in question. Often times auric distortions create repetitive cycles of feeling stuck or experiencing the same circle of events that keeps happening again and again. This causes the attraction of the wrong types of energies that affect your daily life.
15D Karmic Clearing Session: The clearing and removing of various karmic attachments, imprints and energies that are affecting you in ways that relate to what has been inherited through your parents and ancestors through the process of birth. These karmic distortions greatly hold us back from experiencing our true multidimensional self as many struggle day to day with lack and limitations concerning prosperity, abundance and love.
15D Energetic Cord Cutting Session: The clearing, removing and cutting of various energetic and ancestral distortions that are related to negative and unhealthy cords that drain huge amounts of energy as a means of control. Most people do not understand the concept of when someone is on their mind, it usually means that there is an energetic cord that has been created and the negative ones mostly attach to the chakras which creates even more discordance.
15D Auric & Chakra Clearing Session: This sessions is identical to the 15D Auric Clearing Session, however the added benefit is that it clears the various attachments, imprints and entities within your chakras and it also activates your 15th dimensional chakra system. Please keep in mind that you may not be ready yet spiritually to merge your chakras into your core star and in this instance this will help you on your path of self-actualization.
J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal Session: The clearing and removing of the 7 Jehovian Annunaki Seals that have been placed into the Earth’s crystalline grid system over 200,000 years ago by various invader races. This session also comes with a 15D Auric & 15D Karmic Clearing Session as well. This will clear many energetic distortions that create much discordance within our energy system.
Matrix Unplugging Session: The clearing and removing of hundreds of energetic distortions that create major discordance, chaos, drama, anger and other negative things in your life. This is a very big energetic cleanse that will create dramatic shifts in your energetic and physical body, as well as, your daily to day life.
Chakra & Kundalini Removal Session: The gathering and merging of the energies of each chakra one at a time into your core star which is located above your solar plexus where your old heart chakra will be. Without having the restrictions of your chakras, you will no longer experience energy drain from your environment and people, and you will have much faster and direct access to your higher self and source energies. This is a very important step in your spiritual evolution though many are not ready for this and just reading this sentence will experience great resistance through the deeply seated programming that you have been subjected to your entire life. Things are not the way they seem.
DNA Activations consist of the following systems offered:
12 Strand DNA Activation Sessions: The repairing of distorted fire letters within your Angelic Human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA blueprint. This will activate DNA strands 1 – 12 (or higher if you are Indigo) and will allow you to embody 12 dimensions of consciousness or more within your body. These activations will create dramatic shifts into your daily life as they are designed to raise your consciousness level, re-code, re-wire, and re-structure your entire light body, preparing it for the ability to handle more light (information) and energetic system upgrades.
Golden DNA Activation Sessions: The activation of the 144,000 golden strands that are found within your 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA blueprint. Through the these activations, you will experience higher states of consciousness as your light body is instructed to accrete much higher levels of liquid golden light. This session is performed after activating one’s Angelic Human 12 Strand Diamond Sun DNA blueprint.
Galactic DNA Activation Sessions: To dramatically expand your physical frequency, consciousness, abilities and much more, the Galactic DNA Activations supersede any other form of DNA activation available on planet. They are very intensive energies that come from Ashtar Command and will allow unlock your limited DNA template, up to 777 strands of activated DNA, if you are a Starseed that is in service to others. For Earthlings and Starseeds that are not in service to others, you can be expanded to a maximum of 100 strands of activated DNA.
Lightarian Energies consists of the following systems offered:
Lightarian Ray Program: The Lightarian Ray Program attunements accelerate the unfolding of and stimulate breakthroughs in six important phases of spiritual and energetic development. They are received as single attunements by both clients and those who wish to be trained as teachers with no prerequisites.
Lightarian Clearing Program: This series of attunements expands upon the benefits of the Lightarian Clearing Ray to provide an amplified approach to clearing for those that wish to go even deeper. The program works to clear and release the same 6 kinds of patterning, focusing on each of them one at a time. These include Path Clearing, Birth Pattern Removal, Template Clearing, Attachment Removal, Lineage Clearing and Veil Removal. You may receive these attunements as a client or be trained as a teacher.
Lightarian Reiki: Lightarian Reiki is an expanded vibrational form of Reiki that opens six additional bands of healing energy, each going progressively higher in vibration beyond traditional forms of Reiki energy. Some have called this universal energy “Reiki for the lightbody.” You must be a Reiki Master to become a practitioner/teacher of Lightarian Reiki. You must also either (1) already be a Karuna™ Reiki Master, or (2) receive one additional Lightarian attunement called a “Buddhic Boost.” The Boost is a simple attunement passed by the Lightarian Teacher that bridges the vibrational gap between Usui and Lightarian Reiki for those who are not Karuna Masters. A 30-day period follows the Boost before beginning the series of attunements for Lightarian Reiki I-VI that are taught in four steps: I-II; III; IV; and V-VI, with a 30-day period between steps. The principles and philosophy of Lightarian Reiki are taught in I-II. As such, III, IV and V-VI each provide the relevant attunement with minimal formal training being necessary.
Lightarian AngelLinks: This series of attunements for the Lightarian AngelLinks helps you in embodying the qualities of the Angels in your energy field and in making a permanent connection with each of them as your angelic guides. The links deepen and strengthen any relationship that you may already have with them.
Lightarian Purification Rings: There are six unique and permanent guide-ship connections with these supportive seraphic groups. The six Lightarian Purification Rings are designed to create extraordinary connections for you from the highest level of the Angelic Realms called the Seraphim. These seraphic groups, including Seraphim Y, Seraphim, C, Seraphim V, Seraphim Z and Seraphim K, will assist with facilitating the expansion and purification of recipients. The Purification Rings have been inspired by the Seraphim in order to work through a strong, direct link with humans to advance their spiritual development. This is an ADVANCED program given to us to help our physical beings function more efficiently in the new Earth. It is for those that have already begun their Ascension/Descension process and choose to stay on the earth plane at this time in history.
Lightarian Ascension Bands: This series of six attunements is designed to accelerate healing, raise individual vibration and accelerate the process of self expansion! The six bands divinely permeate our lives and this profoundly translates into deeper connections in all realms. Aligned with Buddhic energies, but not on a Reiki path? This is for you! This program profoundly impacts the individual as they expand with Ascended Master Buddha. Lightarian Ascension Bands™ are sacred levels of the higher vibrational bands of the divine Buddhic energies − here to assist as we personally enter a new phase. As we move through the eight bands of Buddhic energies, we increase our own self-actualization process resulting in meaningful and joy-
Chakra Healing consists of the following information offered:
Chakra Healing Sessions are designed to super-charge your chakras. If you are feeling off or having physical or emotion issues, there’s a good change one or more of your chakras are out of balance.
Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The chakras are the seven power points (energy centers) in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as Prana. They are vertically aligned in the center of the body close to the spine.
If the chakras are unbalanced – not properly aligned or blocked – it can affect physical and mental health. The spiritual development is also connected with the good health of the chakra.
That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy chakras, as they will ultimately improve the quality of your life.
You can purchase Chakra Healing Sessions individually, or purchase more than one, please know that each session requires an integration period of at least 3 days to allow the energies to work within your body.
It is also important to know and understand that the chakra system is a slave system that was designed and put in place by ET’s many eons of lifetimes ago. They are the reason for many entity attachments, discordance and chaos throughout your life. There are many that are not ready to have them removed, if you are ready at this time, I can remove them for you through an ancient process of chakra & kundalini removal.
Facilitator Kits consists of the following systems offered:
15D Auric Clearing Session
15D Energetic Cord Cutting Session
15D Karmic Clearing Session
15D Auric & Chakra Clearing Session
J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal Session
Matrix Unplugging Session
Chakra & Kundalini Removal Session
Avatar 12 Strand DNA Activation Session
Avatar Golden DNA Activation Session
Usui Reiki Master Attunement
Karuna Ki Reiki Master Attunement
Lightarian Ray Program
Lightarian Clearing Program
Lightarian Reiki
Lightarian AngelLinks
Lightarian AngelLinks Extensions
Lightarian Purification Rings
Lightarian Ascension Bands
Lightarian Gateway Program
Lightarian Rays Extensions
All Avatar 25D Systems
Many more attunement systems coming to aid you in your spiritual evolution.
Results-Based Testimonials
Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider
Wow! This one is super massively powerful I got this session back in April 2021 and looking back I feel like it took my life to another level. The session takes like 10 months to integrate. I literally felt my vibration change I was in such a high vibe space for months after this session it was amazing! I cannot explain it but obviously if you read the write up on what this session does for you and your reality then you will understand. Thank you Xanther grateful to be able to have access to healing as powerful as this🙏🏼✨😊
Mehtab January 31, 2025
I’ve done many healing & activations with Xan’ther and each time he releases a new course, it seems to unlock an even deeper state of my spiritual evolution. As he has brought my energetic body up to a very high vibration so far, the session itself did not cause much physical sensations (still the usual body tingling’s and deep relaxation), however I certainly felt it that day/night. I immediately felt a more clear connection to both my higher self and life purpose, almost all procrastination and doubt/fear I had about taking action to my life goals seemed to just poof! disappear, and that same night I started sleeping MUCH better and longer. 10 hours first night then 8-10 hours each night for a week. Most restful sleep ever. I had definitely had symptons of detox (inflammation, some bad skin etc) and alot of old consciousness and versions of my old self came up hard and fast to be let go back into the light of God. Only been a couple of weeks so far, but already am experiencing significant change. Highly recommend the Awareness Merging Session if you are still contemplating doing it. Xan’ther will take care of you!
Lachlan Mannix January 24, 2025
The Awareness Merging session is one of the most needed session ever, especially when it comes to embody wholeness and fullness. It has now been a month since I received the service. This is another game changer service from Xan’ther.
The shift for me was subtle at the beginning, yet powerful. I had the feeling of coming home. I heard “Welcome Home” during the session. I experienced gentle sensations throughout the session i.e., waves of energies, heat and warmth in my both.
Ever since the session, I observed that my sleep has improved. When I wake up, I am wide awake. Aspects of self from childhood are being integrated and I feel more anchored in myself. This session is one that allows someone to bring all aspects of self into their physical body.
Thank you Xan’ther for creating a much-needed service. The time has come to reclaim our sovereignty and this service does just that.Christian K. December 5, 2024
I decided to take the Inner Child Healing Session because I have been suffering from more stress in the last six months than I have ever experienced in my life,
I was troubled by one event after another at work that made me feel angry and disgusted, and I had no control over it.
I was also feeling resentful and murderous feelings toward people, but I was trying to calm myself down with my rational mind, but the situation was not subsiding.
I was also experiencing a deep sadness that I did not understand the meaning of, and I felt like I was on the edge mentally.
I have had many different sessions with Xan’ther, dozens of times over the years.
This Inner Child Healing Session was a different experience than any other session I have had.
I was always close to a state of altered consciousness (not knowing whether I was asleep or awake), seeing various images, and sometimes feeling energy in my body.
Sometimes, when I felt energy in my body, I usually had a feeling of shaking, as if I had goosebumps all over my body.
In this Inner Child Healing Session, I was reminded of past events and wondered which ones were traumatic.
I was thinking about the traumatic events of the past, and the events that I am currently struggling with were going through my mind.
Later in the session, a thought occurred to me. It seemed very strange.
It turned out that I (past self or Higher Self) was sincerely “happy to be worried” (intention of wanting to be worried).
Yes, my childhood may have been bright and worry-free…
It was an idea that seemed like a masterpiece of a joke to my current worried self.
All experiences may be precious to the soul, but I had created and succeeded in creating myself to be troubled to such an extent that it often made me suffer and struggle, and struggle, and struggle, and struggle, and struggle!
But I got the feeling that for my Higher Self, I wanted to have that experience.
During the session I was a little teary-eyed and laughing from the bottom of my belly. I was laughing for the second half of the session, maybe 10-15 minutes.
I thought it was the best story of a funny comedy show. I said to my Higher Self, “Yes, I’m a huge success. From now on, please make more fun scenarios.”
(LOL)NK November 14, 2024
If you have come across this website, and I thought about taking a plunge into what those world is about or feel like you need healing in somewhere, let me put your mind at ease and tell you that Xan’ther is the real deal. Because of what he’s been able to do for me I have finally achieved what I’ve been looking for my whole life. You should know that your body is just the avatar that houses the spirit or the IS-BE that animates that body into being. Xan’ther can help you get in touch with it again.
Isaiah Schwartz November 13, 2024
This was really powerful. I had strong physical sensations during the session. After a few days I feel more grounded, sleep is great and also I am breathing more easily and deeper. Thanks, Xan’ther!
Rafael Aleixo November 10, 2024
It’s been over a month now since I’ve had the second camouflage shield destroyer and I frankly cannot recommend it enough. Since my session I’ve noticed that my sleeping has dramatically improved. I used to suffered from stomach pain. The pain is now gone. I am less tired during the day. It’s much easier to get into a meditative state and I feel generally that my frequency has vastly improved as well. I’ve been working with Xan’ther for over 2 years and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be alive without him. I was in a very low and dark place. I strongly believe that my Higher Self led me to Xan’ther. He’s a true master healer with integrity. He’s the only healer I trust. Thank you Xan’ther for everything.
ANL September 11, 2024
I love these sessions! I purchased lifetime subscriptions of the Light Quotient Expansion Session and the Feel Good Booster Session over a year ago, (after trying them out) and am so glad I have them! I don’t always remember to call them down every three days anymore, but there are times when I’ve felt sluggish and checked, and my body was only at 30%! Typically it’s at 70% when I’ve checked, but who wants that when you can be at 100%?!! I highly recommend these lifetime subscriptions. Thank you for creating these, Xan’ther!
Lori T September 6, 2024
This is my second healing that I’m doing with Xan’ther and the session went well, felt sharp inner pain on right hip area and my fingers was twitching a few times . It’s been a few weeks already and I’m feeling amazing. I see positive results in myself. Currently im focusing on my healing journey and he has shown me great results. I can’t wait to do half of what he has to offer next time. I’m so excited for my future self
PAN September 1, 2024
I’ve completed two sessions so far, and after the Chakra & Kundalini Removal session, I feel transformed. I feel lighter and more energetic, and I have a newfound trust in life. I can sense that I am being guided. Previously, I sought this feeling but was often plagued by fears and doubts. My inner world was chaotic, and I frequently experienced emotions that didn’t seem to belong to me. However, after the session, those feelings vanished.
Now, I can accept what is happening around me and within me with greater ease and less fear. My thoughts are clearer, and I can hear my inner self more distinctly. When I have a question, I just ask myself, and the answer comes to me instantly. It’s truly amazing, and I’m eagerly anticipating our next session.
Veronika August 2, 2024
What an amazing experience this has been with the master healer Xan’ther. Well I highly recommend anyone that want to change their lives to master Xan’ther. He is the answer.
Fiston Kashindi July 21, 2024
This is my first session with Xan’ther as recommended by another healer. During the session I’m one of those that didn’t felt anything but I kind of already expected it as I’m quite disconnected with my body. So I got this removal due to reoccurring psychic attacks which I didn’t even knew it was till recently . I always thought I just had a very bad dream. They began to attack me in the dreams after I removed their access/attachment to me. Anyways I have been waking up energised and no longer feeling restless or tired . Feeling very charged up even with having minimal amount of rest. Happy to know they have no way of harassing me anymore. It is totally worth the removal and all the benefits from it. Just having bad headaches and some discomforts around . Can’t wait for alot more sessions with Xan’ther . God bless
Pan July 15, 2024
I purchased the one with 12 distortions option to be cleared and then I discussed with Xanther to personalise them to clear specific ones. Well they definitely worked especially the ones that I actually had the hidden distortions on like being addicted to TV and junk food. Since January this year I may have switched on the TV twice! Massive shift in not caring to watch it at all… and junk food is a thing of the past. Amazing! Now I am waay more aware and intentional when I purchase it and it has been way less maybe once every few months. Last year I was buying bags of crisps every couple times a week! There were other hidden distortions that were removed as well. My body and mind are grateful because I am back to eating healthier and sleeping better because of this. Thank you😊🙏🏼✨
Mehtab July 10, 2024
It’s a fantastic feeling being lighter!
I had a Matrix Unplugging session ten days ago.
It was a great experience.
In general, I was calm and relaxed. Probably, the two hours laid on the bed with closed eyes contributed to that feeling.
I felt some pain in different parts of my body – especially in my knees and ankles. There was also some shaking of the body, either.
There were a lot of tears. I cried a lot. I must admit I didn’t expect that the album of Thomas Bergersen has incorporated elements of the Bulgarian Traditional Folk Music. Hearing the Bulgarian Traditional Music made me very emotional.After the session the feeling is that God and the Universe support you in every possible way!
Thank you, Xan’ther!
Rossen M. June 15, 2024
We do not fully realize how humanity has been impacted by different distortions until we clear them from our energy field. I am talking about the Camouflage Shield Destroyer, another powerful session from Xan’ther.
I received the two-part sessions a week ago and the effects on my being have been astounding. During the sessions, I felt strong sensations on my body, experienced chills and at one point, felt intense clearing on different parts in my body which I checked with Xan’ther and he confirmed those were entities clearing.
Fast forward, some benefits I am experiencing from the sessions are: Spiritual/Physical strength in my body, physical glow up, getting stare in public, animals and children drawn to me and in my yoga practice, I am feeling more in my body and my flexibility range has increased and so much more that I am still processing. If you feel guided to do the Camouflage Shield Destroyer, do not hold back, follow the guidance. The sessions are the cherry on top of the cake, particularly for folks who have gone through different healing services with Xan’ther. As we are ascending, it is becoming paramount to clear our vessel/body to hold light and this session does just that and more.
Infinite gratitude for you, Jaye, and for the work you are doing for your brothers and sisters on behalf of Source ATEN. May the divine compensate you for all that you’ve done and continue doing.
Christian K. April 28, 2024
The 25D Trapped Emotion Clearings are very intense & deep cleansing sessions! I lived very high level of trauma, tortures, rejections, pain, etc since childhood and these sessions are a life-saver.
I had unending pain, sadness, despair, hopelessness, breathlessness , heaviness, deep sighs as if I’m in an unending dark hole! It’s all gone now!
The 2nd session took away all my fear fear & fear of fear! & an uncontrolable anger, rage, unforgiveness, hatred, abusive spirit… all washed away!
The Intergration process was very very painful, as they all go out the way they came in!
Now, I’m feeling light as a feather! I’m not controlled by everyone’s drama. I don’t even care about anything! I still can’t believe this is the new me – still a long way to go with more sessions!
This mind-blowing experience cannot be expressed in mere words – all that I can say is Xanther has given me a new life, a total born again experience! Million thanks to the Real Saviour!
Sharmila Borkar April 15, 2024
This session was life changing for me and I am beyond grateful to have received it. I have been abducted since many thousand years during sleep and during day time through my astral body because I carry a piece of lightcode that the dark side does not want me to share with humanity. 90% of my body was covered with Astral Parasites which left me shattered, feeling like a shadow of myself. I always wondered why I had recurring nightmares where I was violently pulled out of bed or why I would wake up throwing my arms over my head since my childhood. The Astral Removal session gave me back power, knowing that I am safe at night. Gone are the days with unexplicable blue fingerprints on my legs or upper arms and scratches on my fingertips. Like with any other session that Xan’ther offers, I felt extremely peaceful afterwards and very grateful to have received his gifts. Trust yourself when something feels off and weird, because you will be given unmistakable signs to book this session or any other session that you will need in order to heal.
Daniela April 15, 2024
Xanther is an absolute miracle. His bindings spheres saved me from big attacks and infiltrations from my newly dsicovered ancient enemies and false light people Sadhguru Jagadish Vasudev, Rajarshi Nandi who embodies my higher self Imposter consciousness and Mahavatar babaji who i indetified as a summoner and channeler of cosmic demonic entities which were also confirmed by source and Lightforces. All three were harvesting my soul fragments since tens of thousands of years through their dark network connections that were installed here, especially mahavatar babaji.
It first started with the attacks of sadhguru after i discovered his true idendity as false light and enemy of the lightworker community. I claimed back my soul fragments back which gave him and the other 2 attackers their charisma and divine presence for attraction. After that he launched an direct attack on me from the inside by using all the nests he build in my fields in the hidden for a very long time including the ones that i got by watching his videos. Sadhguru used all of that to bind my higher self to the demonic nibiru slave ship and to force my soul to become a royal draconian member of his demonic empire. Not only did xanther sealed his whole being away with the bindings sphere, he also provided me a large number of commands to install my higher self back to the lightships and to reclaim my fragments back for free. Rajarshi nandy started attacking me 1 or 2 days after that by using my higher self imposter consciousness where his presence is deeply involved. My higher self imposter is seth/satan as i found out and rajarshi nandy attacked me with dark ancient magic, black liquid and other nasty distortions to force me to surrender. Normally attacks like that dont have any effect on me because of my very high frequency and protections but they were all facilitated from the inside not outside my fields. Xanther could easily seal rajarshi nandi away and he provided me another sets of commands to purify and heal myself from the dark ancient magic attacks. Few days after that i scanned mahavtar babaji because i had big suspicious about his true indentiy. I discovered that he used my stolen soul fragments from ancient atlantis times to cover up his demonic side. Turns our that he channel the biggest demonic entities to this world including lilith and grim reaper. He somehow discovered me and used my inner hidden distortions laid by himself to attack me from the inside.All 3 attackers sealed my soul fragments away for a very long time and i am sure that i am not the only victim. thankfully xanthers bindings sphere can even seal away such high level enemies like mahavatar babaji and i am save now. I can certainly say that xanthers bindings sphere along with the commands saved my soul from hell grids. Thank you xanther. I recommend the Binding sphere to everyone who deals with high level dark beings
aydin March 31, 2024
I’ ve now had a couple of online call and remote sessions with Xanther and must say that I did benefit. During some sessions I fell asleep, the last one I was totally awake. The music is very uplifting and helps me meditate. I have the feeling of being somewhere else, flying..I am curious to experience the total effect of the galactic activation in 6-8 months at the latest.
Agnes March 31, 2024
This one is for the hopeless & helpless cases who have given up on life! Please go for it!
Since last 8 years & more 24/7 black magic attacks were instantly halted with the powerful 25D Mirror Shield Session!
I’ve lost a fortune with different healers &nobody could. And now I remain obliged to Xan’ther for making this priceless service available to tormented & tortured victims like me. The peace & serenity im enjoying is incredible!During the session :
…there was heat, severe pain in various parts of my body – where the black magic automated gadgets pin, etc were placed. In a few mins I went into deep trance! After the session, I woke up a new person, cool, calm & total change in my looks!Its a week now -unbelievable calmness in my life – I feel I’m dreaming, I then cry and give thanks to God & Xan’ther!
Sharmila Borkar March 12, 2024
I have done many of Xan’ther’s services and this was my favorite. I did the video session and it was worth it. While doing the command code installation process I realized just how big this was going to be for me. The combination of what was happening and feeling my body respond to the incoming information was amazing. As someone who leans into meditation and observing the mind, there is a great appreciation for the expertise in this service. The next day I was absolutely baffled at how quiet and calm my mind was. It was much easier to be connected to the world around me and to truly respond from myself rather than myself and the collective together.
One thing I will say, I was considering the 25D Body and Merkaba Command Codes prior to the session. I wasn’t sure though until after the session. The CC Switch made it a no-brainer.
Matthew C February 25, 2024
This session was particularly remarkable. I had my eyes closed at all times listening to the recommended music. Approximately 15 minutes into the session, I felt my lower abdomen being pulled or tugged at. It was not like a cramp but rather like a fetus kicking. Then about 15 minutes later, I felt a huge pressure on my chest like somebody was suddenly sitting on it. This lasted for about 5 minutes. Breathing was not affected at all. Then another 15 minutes later or so, it felt like a heavy book was pressing down on my forehead. This again lasted for about 5 minutes. Everything was back to normal by the time the session finished, and I felt nice and warm.
The next day I was settling in to sleep, when suddenly out of the blue, the heavy book sensation came back lasting a good five minutes. I was so surprised about this that I actually reached up to see if there was anything on my forehead, but no, nothing was there. The feeling went away as fast as it appeared.
The next day, as I was again falling asleep, the same thing happened again.
This feeling did not come back and the remainder of the week was unremarkable except for a complete body buzz and heatwave off and on which I welcomed.
I received a report from Xan’ther saying that my chakras are now integrated into the 3 Stars: head, heart and loin stars along with some exercises/meditation to do to enhance the energy.
6 days after the session, I had a remote Reiki session from a person that can see energy and his report to me stated: “Your new Star Core energy system was shown to me, with the energy moving quickly in an 8 motion.”
He was able to see that Xan’ther had successfully done what he had promised to do. Thank you so much Xan’ther. Looking forward to my next session.
Gabriela Reinhold January 19, 2024
I cannot praise enough one of Xan’ther’s masterpieces, “The Quantum Shortcut”. I believe it is by far one of the revolutionary tools available for healers and non-healers. The fact that you can place in the ethereal realm different services for clients, mantras, binaural beats/ solfeggio frequencies, meditation, frequencies etc. is simply phenomenal.
As spiritual beings having a human experience, time is our most precious commodity and the Quantum shortcut would allow you to call down the services placed in the quantum field for yourself and/or your clients and save you some time instead of performing it manually. The cool thing about the shortcut is your can create shortcut within shortcut (Masters shortcut) to group different services together. I am enjoying not having to carve out some time in my day to recite Mantras or Affirmations. I can just state a command anytime I want to, and the energy will be downloaded in my field.
Also, the Quantum orb is imbued with Source energy which amplify and intensify the energy of what you’ve placed into the ethereal realm. This enables one to constantly interacting with Source frequency and Source energy acts as a cleanser and purifier in your field.
Thank you, Xan’ther, for creating and making available to us one of a kind of system. This system is the next level in energy healing for people who volunteered to Service to others as a soul mission.
Christian K. January 4, 2024
I have been doing the lightarian programs for the past few with Xan’ther. I coupled them with Galactic DNA activations. Combining them together made me progress faster spiritually though I am yet to get the breakthrough. For the past one week I had constant connection with ascended master Babaji. I was guided by him to go for the 25D Hidden Distortion Removal Session. It was kind-of random. I suddenly had the urge to go for this session and I chose this Quantum Healing Vault as I need not wait for Xan’ther to schedule it. After few hours I noticed my presence increased more. So far, I have activated twice. I purchased the 15days option but I feel like I don’t need to activate the remaining 3 times. I already feel lots of differences and the amount of love I feel for myself is incredible. This could also be the cumulative effect of the other sessions/programs. I am glad I stuck to them during my tough phase and finally I feel like I am living a fantasy life. Thank you Xan’ther for coming up and offering these sessions.
Seetha December 27, 2023
This was an incredible session. Xan’ther is an amazing healer and his knowledge and wisdom is out of this world! I can definitely feel he is the real deal and that Source is working through him. I immediately started feeling lighter just after 45 mins of this session! Fantastic and I also highly recommend his Akashic restoration session. I wish i had enough money to buy EVERYthing on this website. Truly a man who knows what’s he’s doing. I can’t thank him enough.
J.K.M. December 20, 2023
Galactic DNA Activation session (DNA strands 173 – 200)
This session was one of the easier remote sessions to feel because I was able to get my body in perfect shape.
My sessions are always like finishing a movie, with some images that are incomprehensible and some that are cosmic.
This time, compared to other sessions, there were relatively few visual images and it was pitch black.
Still, for the first time, I was able to see Xanther’s images in this session, and it was an interesting session that I felt his love for me.
Maybe it was because I talked with him a little talk before the session.
There were images of receiving or being supported by such high energies from various other beings and there were powerful feelings.
I also received several waves of energetic heightened energy around my body. Usually a few times, but this time, I had many opportunities to feel them.
Also, I kept a strong intention during the session to activate the DNA so that it would respond,
It seems that the wave was coming.
I also had an image of my body being upgraded and each cell shining like a crystal.
I also felt a tremendous sense of power during the session.
A short time later, I went out and felt that my frontal lobe was also very activated.
The scenery outside looked clearer than before, as if my glasses had been raised.
Thank you very much for everything!N.K. December 20, 2023
If you are looking to dismantle deep, and stubborn patterns in your life, look no further. The Distortion Removal session is your remedy. This service, like many others offered by Xan’ther are a game changer because they go underneath the surface to find the root cause of these patterns and uproot them in all layers of your being.
I received this healing almost two weeks ago and I can feel the subtle shifts and change in my energy field. I feel calmer and more aware of awareness itself. I noticed an increased in self-confidence and self-esteem, a willingness to break free from old habits and patterns and a desire to make better choices in alignment with my inner self.
Few days after the removal, I had experienced some deep emotional clearing which I believe were due to the healing being done in all aspects of my being. I am sure they would be more noticeable changes as time goes by, but for now, I don’t think I would fully realize how powerful and liberating this service is as it touches my multidimensional self.
I am grateful beyond words for what you do for humanity, Xan’ther. Your offerings provide deep healing and freedom to anyone who encounters it. May you receive infinite blessings back for what you are offering to us.
-CKChristian K. December 19, 2023
False Light is energy that feels good but has actually negative consequences (as opposed to pure Source energy which feels good and has long term positive outcomes). Anytime you are open to any ritual, energy work, or teaching – you are allowing in part that person or entity’s thoughts/beliefs/energy/karma/personality to override yours. If that teacher is of false light, it can cause significant problems. A lot of Xanther’s energy work is about increasing your frequency, which magnifies the impact this false light has on your life.
Here are my observations having done a number of false light removal sessions:
-I removed 8 energy healings of a popular starseed healer from Etsy. Due to this, I have a greater connection to Source and I am less attracted to dangerous starseed influencers. I learned when you remove false light from your system, you attract less of it on the outside.
-I removed 2 books of a popular black magician. After clearing them from my fields, I felt a massive weight off my chest (since I stopped identifying with his bad karma), developed a much deeper understanding of black magick (his energy purposefully hid it), developed a deeper connection to my inner child. After the removal, I stopped acting like a black magician (stopped expecting other people to change, instead started to focus on myself).
-I removed a book of a popular yogi from my fields. After the clearing, I activated a lot of my emotional body again.These are challenging sessions, but are critical to spiritual development. What I have found by working with Xanther is his energy work magnifies who you truly are. This session is critical for helping you to develop self-sovereignty
The largest downside of this session is that you have to know exactly which book/session/etc caused the distress. I am looking forward to when Xanther upgrades the service when he removes the false light entirely that emanates from a specific person.
Anonymous December 10, 2023
I was very sick. I had many headaches and was diagnosed with cancer. The hospitals were killing me with their medicines and bad tests. But thanks to Xanther, the many distortions that were hurting me are now cleared. My headaches and cancer are gone. I am now healthy thanks to Xanther!
AM December 4, 2023
This Clearing is THE TRUTH & Freed the matters of my heart ❤️ and Organs that were un-natural & negative- My testament is this-
I have had my trapped emotions done before some years ago- Recently I did the Galactic Session- (that’s a must see testimonies there #truefacts) Since then I Am much more energy sensitive- I opened myself to some unpleasant family drama – I felt the negative emotions in my heart & tried to control them- however family- related issues festered & before I knew it I could feel everything inside – I reached out to Xan’ther for trapped emotions clearing sessions he confirmed what I felt was correct-
After My session – I IMMEDIATELY felt better- The session was calm -I felt warm waves- I felt Love 💕 and safe again, inside myself and my own aura field- I feel free
& unbothered -nor sad, however my joy is totally back inspite of the family stuff I have been able to detach myself and still show Love 💕-Dealing with today social & spiritual society’s can cause harm to the soul- you will be surprised at the things that can be trapped & causes triggers in the midst of distractions- clear your heart for clarity & freedom- clear other organs that resonate with your soul- believe it or not you could have experienced something many years ago- that is trapped in a organ- each organ holds a emotion- an emotion is a chemical release to a reaction – good or bad-we then feel the feelings of the emotion- so when something traumatic happens & we don’t properly let go, that energy becomes trapped inside the organ it’s attached to/ now there is dis-ease in that organ & lack of energy flow which will show in behavior & mindset—-
Invest in your SOUL you are WORTHY to be FREE!
Thank You Xan’ther- Your Amazing & I Am Grateful To Source For You 😇
JC November 29, 2023
I was sure that this session would bring about a great transformation, and I had high expectations for it, but I had no idea that I would experience such a powerful experience.
It was such an amazing experience that even after the two-hour session, I was so moved that I could not sleep for a while.
I was lying down, listening to music on my earphones and relaxing, when I realized that the session was about to start.
My whole body stiffened and my muscles pulled and shook.The palms of my hands began to bend backwards and move slowly with tremendous force.
It was clearly being moved by an entity that was not me. It was a force that I could not have produced on my own.After that, I felt the hands clenching tightly, my face twisting, being pulled upward, and the sensation of being removed as I scanned my face and body.
I am sure someone would have been very surprised if they saw that.I felt and heard that , “You are an old soul who has lived a very long time. You’ve worked so hard.” I felt like, “Ah, I can finally let go, thank you. Thank you.
I felt so much gratitude, and I couldn’t stop.Even now, when the session is over, I can’t stop thinking about it.
I am really thrilled and excited to have had such a wonderful experience.I want to say it again.
Thank you so much. Mr.Xan’ther Ka EnRa El.(N.M) November 7, 2023
This is a review for the Light Vibration Amplifier. Definitely another game changer by Xanther. It pairs perfectly with the Distortion Removal Shield Session.
Since turning on the LVA, I have noticed my family become more spiritually inclined, which has been a pleasant surprise. Additionally, I noticed more profound meditation sessions, in large part because I am not being attacked. This allows for greater clarity and a better connection to Source.
A big aspect of the LVA is knowing when to keep it off. At work, some co-workers and even my manager freak out at me because they come to very depressing conclusions much more quickly. As a result, a big aspect of the LVA is knowing when to turn it off. The LVA has quickly become my introduction to and a constant teacher of how to exist as a high frequency individual in modern day society.
As always, great work Xanther!
Anonymous November 6, 2023
This session is something that caught my eye from the very start, but I waited a little bit for it, unfortunately.
Let me give some background first. I used to have astral experiences by accident for as long as I can remember, and they were always, always, highly uncomfortable and unsettling experiences, leaving me tired, anxious and in terror, with heart beating like crazy for hours. The vile creatures I met there were terrifying, so I never went there willingly.
When I read books and watched YT stories about astral level, I thought that there is something wrong with me, until I read this article, that instantly resonated with me. Like most people I thought that it is something inevitable and part of our nature.
So, I scheduled this session a month ago, and yesterday I had the session. For me it had immediate effects:
* increased clarity while I’m awake
* much less anxious while I’m awake
* no feeling of dread when I go to bed
* relaxed when I’m about to sleep (was nervous before)
* I dream only normal things now, without uncontrolled and intense bad emotions and horrible beings lurking
* waking up is really like a snap of fingers, that easy and quick.
* I have so much more energy after I wake up, I don’t even need coffee. I used to need at least 2, 3 coffees to be able to wake myself up.So, to summarize, this session is really life changing, like many others by Jaye. Especially for someone like me, who was deeply troubled by the astral realm.
Thank you J, and all beings that enabled you to share your gifts with us.
Kindest regards,
IgorIgor October 23, 2023
I had the Matrix Unplugging session, 15D Energetic Cord Cutting session, Chakra & Kundalini Removal session with Xanther recently. During the sessions, I always felt warm sensations at the beginning of each session which assures me that session has started. After Matrix Unplugging session was completed I got recognition at work which was unexpected. Day by Day my awareness levels are increasing and getting to know how blindly we are following the crowd and certain belief systems. Most of the times I have stopped reacting to situations and not much affected but still long way to go. Thank you so much Xanther for these sessions and answering to all my questions.
Anonymous (SV) October 23, 2023
I would like to deeply thank Xan’ther for offering this session.
I have had many sessions to date and in between sessions I have been encouraged by his advice when I have asked questions about things I don’t understand.
I am very grateful to Xan’ther because in the past sessions I was worried if the session was going well or not.
In this session, I was able to recognize that all is well.I thought that the state of being connected to or healed by Higher Self in a session was different for each individual.
This session was long, but my body was shaking quite a bit in the first half of the session.
It would stop during the session, but it felt like the energy was surrounding my body, and then it would shake again.
There was also a video of the session in progress. Some of the images were not clear, but I knew that was okay.
I don’t remember the images, but they seem to have meaning and messages. I enjoyed them very much.
I also felt pain in my thighs, feelings of sadness and deep elation.I am grateful for the supportive presence.
N.K. October 11, 2023
The Matrix Unplugging session was truly life-changing! I rarely leave testimonials for any product or service unless they are amazing! This is NOT a paid endorsement but an actual, accurate account of exactly what I experienced during this session.
First of all, Xan’ther is very patient and willing to take the time to listen to any question you have. You can tell that he genuinely cares about his clients and puts forth every effort to make sure he provides you with all the information to prepare them for this intense session. He lists in great detail what it will entail, what can occur during the session, what your role will be, and everything you might or might not experience. Xan’ther is so thorough that he even sends you a selection of pre-approved music for the session! I usually have a million questions, but his instructions were so detailed that I didn’t have a single question or doubt.
I had a remote session without video or audio, so there was no way anyone could say that what I experienced during my session was “influenced” or all in my head.
The following is an account of what I experienced during the session. Please keep in mind that everyone will mostly have different experiences, but for the sake of transparency, I wanted to inform you of my experience:
In the first few minutes of the session, I felt nothing but complete relaxation. Then, after what felt like 10 minutes or so (I don’t know exactly how long because my eyes were closed the entire time, and I couldn’t check my phone), I felt a heaviness in the energy around me. The next thing I knew, I felt a significant pressure in the middle of my lower back. It was like something was being yanked out of my lower back from my physical body. At this point, I also saw an image or vision of a body floating with a considerable plug connected to the middle of the lower back. It looked like the outline of the body was floating in some lab. As the pressure continued to increase in my lower back, I saw the plug being pulled out of the body in the lab. Once the plug was pulled out of the body figure in the lab, the pressure in my lower back in my actual physical body decreased. The vision ended at this point, and I was again in darkness.
After the vision ended, pressure began in different places on the left side of my body. The first pressure I noticed on my left side was on my lower calf, almost near my ankle. Then another force began on the outside of my left thigh. The subsequent pressure occurred on my left hip. To shorten this summary, I had other pressures appear on the outside of my left rib cage, the palm of my left hand, the center of the lower portion of my arm on the left side of my body, the center of the top of my upper arm on the left side of my body, the left side on my neck, the back of my neck, between my shoulder blades, the top of my head, my forehead, throat, above my ears on both sides of my head, my chest, right below my rib cage (where your solar plexus chakra is), my pelvic area, the palm of my right hand, my lower right forearm, and my right shoulder. Keep in mind that these pressures did NOT flow together across my body. These pressures felt like they were being applied to specific points on my body. Finally, the pressure began to reduce, and it felt like a dull throbbing. It felt as if whatever had been lodged in those points of my body had been yanked out, and I felt lighter!
Believe it or not, the next thing I experienced was even more mind-blowing! As I lay on my bed, thinking that the session might finally be over because the pressure had ended, I had an intense experience. I say experience because this was not just a vision I was remotely viewing. I felt my astral body sitting on a roller coaster, and a loud animated (or animatronic) voice counted down from 3 to 1. Then, once the spokesperson said 1, the roller coaster immediately plummeted. I was ejected from the roller coaster and flew into a swirling vortex. I then felt a hand wrap around my right ankle and pull me through different timelines of reality that I could witness. I was not scared at all. Instead, I felt calm and excited.
Then, I was brought in front of a sliding door to a bedroom closet I didn’t recognize. The sliding doors of the closet were made of mirror glass, and a version of myself appeared in the mirror, asking me if I forgave myself. Again, I wasn’t scared, but I was a little confused. I looked at the version of myself and said yes, I forgave myself and will continue to work on myself. Then the figure disappeared, and I was confused about how I would leave this bedroom, but I knew the way out was through this mirrored door. So I tried kicking the door, and when the door didn’t move, I had the distinct feeling that if I let go and fell through the door, I would move forward. When I finally let go and listened to my instincts, I fell through the next dimension and flew through the rest of the timelines with ease until I could feel my astral body merge with my physical body lying on the bed. At this point, my eyes flew open, and I had the most overwhelming sense of gratitude for this experience and felt as if my body and spirit had been cleansed and drained to the point where they were utterly pure and light. I had NO CLUE how much I had been holding on to or how many attachments and seals I had.
I woke up with an extreme sense of euphoria and wonderment. I know this will sound cliché, but when I walked outside, the colors of the grass, sky, trees, etc. all seemed brighter and more alive. It even seemed as if they were vibrating! It has only been a week since I had this session, and I have noticed a profound difference in all aspects of my life; this includes my physical body, astral body, and overall mindset.
Again, I can’t guarantee that someone else might experience what I experienced during this session. However, the Unplugging Matrix Session truly works, and I would encourage anyone ready to unplug from the Matrix and discover their true self to book this session.
Wednesday October 10, 2023
Before astral body removal, I keep getting red spot, scratch, exhausting, waking up around sleep. After astral body removal, I feel my inner whole body much lighter, energetic after sleep.
Xanther is amazing healer that no other healer doing this
anonymous October 9, 2023
I had done other sessions before the Collective Consciousness Switch session. I still felt like energy was being taken from me at night. After the Collective Consciousness Switch session, it seemed to have stopped. I checked with a psychic to make sure I was right about which session it was. And I was. It’s been six weeks since I did the Collective Consciousness Switch session and six weeks without energy vampires at night!
Anonymous 144 October 9, 2023
Xan’ther is A Powerful & Phenomenal Being on The Planet – I have been working on my Soul for some years with Him, & I have to say this has been one of the Most Powerful Frequency Booster I Have Felt- Session is very Intense & I released a thick mucus during my session- seen my higher self-& other images -colors lights -darkness-ringing sounds in my ear- a buzzing thru my head- body also feeling hot & cold- after session I experienced light head ache- back aches yet tolerable-❤️
Aftermath- next day I Am on a NATURAL HIGH ❣️ Flying so high I had to check with Xan’ther to make sure this was normal Lol 😂- Here is a couple of personal examples -❤️
❤️For months I have said I Am going to start going to the gym -No consistency -I’ve went twice- The next morning after my session My Higher Self had me up & out by 5a.m. with Blissfulness – My workout was great & I Am well on my way-consistently is no longer a issue ❤️
❤️I use to be manic depressed & had other emotional & mental dis-ease in my body- this caused me to go into a cycle of being a passive- too nice- ect… Which caused me to overthink how to reply in a nice way when someone inflicted negative energy or deception into my space & aura field- this caused plenty of energy draining &
non sleeping moments for me – Well Guess what??? My Higher Self & I are no longer having it lol 😂 Since clearing when people come to me with any bull💩- I state my mind, if it deserves a response- F-that I Matter & No longer sitting in the back ground & amazingly after I state my peace I Am able to send Love Vibes & a Laugh- I feel free & no longer in a box Look at that there-Amazing Grace❤️If you want a Natural High do the work to get to this level – Invest in your Soul like you do for all things you have outside yourself / invest inside yourself – I Am a Witness- Your life will change in ways you never thought was possible-❤️ Sacrifice for your Soul – ❤️ So can Fly Fly Fly High out of this 3D way of feeling❤️
Xan’ther Thank You Again for your assistance in my ascension- for my soul evolving & healing from within ❤️ Infinite Blessings-Infinite Gratitude-Infinite Huggs – Infinite Love ❤️ #Source Consciousness ❤️ #Christ Consciousness ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Looking forward to next step – and next testament-
JC September 28, 2023
All I can say is “wow “I have enjoyed all my sessions but this one made all the difference. It was like the world was lifted off my shoulders. I feel lighter, calmer and ready to face whatever comes my way!. I particularly enjoy the music from “Two Steps from Hell” I have become a big fan! I would definitely recommend any of the Avatar Activation services. You won’t regret it.
Lisa Gustafson September 27, 2023
I have recently completed the first 777 DNA strand activations and while I understand it will be a while to fully integrate, I feel great! I have never felt more in tune with myself and my surroundings. Manifesting has become so much easier now as well. There are so many moments in my day where I think about something and next thing I know there it is out of the blue. Sometimes I also hear someone else’s thoughts in my mind before the person speaks them to me. This ability in particular has helped me better connect with others!
If you’re considering completing your DNA activations, do it! It is so worth it!Liliana Lopez September 21, 2023
I am so grateful to have had the privilege of experiencing a 36 strand DNA session with Xan’ther, and I can’t express how profoundly my dna activation sessions have impacted my life. The DNA sessions that I have undergone have been truly transformative and have changed my life for the better.
Xan’ther’s guidance and expertise in this realm are unparalleled. The depth of understanding and insight Xan’ther provided during these sessions was remarkable. I now feel a more profound connection to my Higher Self and an expanded awareness of my purpose in life.
After these sessions, I did experience some flu like symptoms, which Xan’ther explained as ascension symptoms. These sensations were intense at times, but knowing that they were part of the process helped me navigate through them. Soon enough, they passed, leaving me feeling more aligned and attuned to the higher frequencies.
Xan’ther is undoubtedly the real deal when it comes to spiritual guidance and DNA activation. I have encountered many practitioners in this field, but none have displayed the level of expertise and authenticity that Xan’ther possesses. I wholeheartedly trust Xan’ther to guide me on my spiritual journey, and I can’t imagine entrusting anyone else with these profound sessions.
In summary, Xan’ther’s latest 36 strand DNA session was intense and I cant wait to see what positive impact this will have on my life. These sessions have accelerated my spiritual growth and brought clarity to my path. If you’re considering a DNA activation session or any session, I highly recommend Xan’ther as a gifted and trustworthy practitioner who can truly make a difference in your life.
Daniel Saunders September 17, 2023
The first thing I would like to state is that for each/every session that I have had with Xan’ther Ka EnRa El is the unfailing personal attention that has been mentioned time and again throughout the testimonials, one just senses the Divine Love that comes through him, a rare soul, and Xan’ther has given me the confidence to know that my ‘time’ had indeed come for my soul journey to expand to ‘new’ heights of unfathomable Divine Service.
I have just completed the first of my Galactic DNA activations and this was very ‘special’ for me as I had waited for 25 years for this ‘moment’ to arrive!, I felt tears welling up as the sensation was like ‘coming’ home (spiritually) and just being so overjoyed to reconnect to a higher aspect of myself. The other sensation(s) I felt was like a slow energetic vibration throughout my body and constant sensing of frequency changes, overall my experience was wonderful and looking forward to beyond.
Just an extra note, the music playlist ‘SUN’ by Thomas Bergersen that Xan’ther recommends to be played during the session (if Higher Self permits) is incredible to say the least and does enhance the session, I now also play it on a regular basis. In Divine Love and Light and immense gratitude to Xan’ther in this ‘our’ (humanity’s) pivotal ‘moment in time’.Judith Remaliah September 4, 2023
i had two session with him and i cannot express how light i feel after so many years of trauma . i highly recommend his service which is also affordable . being sensitive to energy its really not easy to understand whats going on in your life but he helped me a lot and now i am feeling so happy emotionally and mentally .
birva August 31, 2023
This session was amazing! First week after the session was a little hard, with some symptoms but at the same time with a new freedom. Symptoms like digestive discomfort went away a few days later. Sometimes passed in my mind how we were deceived all this time about the meridians lines, which is even used by chinese medicine for thousand of years! I know theses therapies have their place and are important, but the feeling of not have theses restrictions anymore is outstanding. It is like we are taking a constant bath in Source Energy. Very interesting. Really recommend this session, coupled with other ones surely. Thanks, Xan’ther!
Rafael Aleixo August 31, 2023
This Avatar Quantum Healing Vault is SO amazing! I signed up to do the Light Quotient Expansion Session, Brain Balancing Protocol, and Feel Good Booster sessions all at once. I called them down one after the other, and just, WOW! It’s pretty amazing how good I felt…it’s just one of those things you should try for yourself. I felt energized and had clarity and focus, and felt good in so many ways. And this is coming from someone who has struggled with chronic fatigue, brain fog, and memory issues for YEARS. I set a reminder to call them down every three days.
A few days later, I got the 25D Trapped Emotion Clearing. I found it really easy to just call them all down at the same time, so I couldn’t say specifically what each one was doing. But I felt great! Eventually, the subscriptions I purchased ran out for three of them, but I am still doing the Feel Good Booster session.
So a few nights ago, I had that really strong “feel like I got hit by a truck” feeling, (after taking a 5+ hour intensive energy healing class earlier, and really needing to integrate everything from all of it.) I decided to really pay attention to how the Feel Good Booster session I was due to call down, affected me in this exhausted state.
Wow, what a mood lift! I found out there’s a good reason it’s called a Feel Good Booster…it really made me feel good! So much so, that I had to look up what all it did, (because I’d forgotten what it even was, lol) and saw it balances out serotonin, dopamine, endorphins, oxytocin, and cortisol…(which is all clearly explained in the description) but no WONDER it made me feel so good…I definitely don’t want to be without this one, and the others too!
Lori T. August 14, 2023
I have now completed all 8 of the recommended Inner Child Healing sessions. In my experience, this has been one of the most powerful sessions or sets of sessions that I have experienced with Jaye. The noticeable effect has been the tremendous amount of progress I have experienced as far as shadow work/integration in this calendar year. I have dropped many harmful habits that were in place to cope with the kind of trauma that Inner Child Healing addresses; moreover, there is now much greater clarity about what it takes to live in a healthy and optimal manner, meaning less in the way of denial and rationalization that the bad habits aren’t so bad. This has resulted in a greater sense of self-confidence and self-respect and a greater sense of purpose and direction. Jaye really hit it out of the park with Inner Child Healing.
Alex August 9, 2023
It was very powerful this one. Just wow! The sensations were intense, specially in the heart area. For a few days I got the “flu-like” symptoms, but at the same moment was feeling different in a good way. Seems that the body is adapting to this new energetic system and a sense of completeness, calmness and motivation is increasing.
Let’s vibrate higher and make a difference in the world!
Thanks, Xan’ther!Rafael Aleixo July 11, 2023
The DNA Activations are something every human should go through. If you are truly serious about your spiritual journey don’t wait and start upgrading everything about your life. These activations will help anyone in various ways. X’anther offers a truly unique service. I am forever grateful for going through 0-300 strands. Thank you X’anther Ka EnRa El.
Irene Mcdonald June 17, 2023
This is absolutely the thing to get if you have been incredibly moved by Xan’ther’s energy work. From my experience, if you simply get a healing session from Xan’ther you can focus on the healing effects and ignore a lot of the theory. If you get the facilitator kit, this energy basically forces you to learn the structure of the very universe and the very nature of healing. It forces you to master every single aspect of the energy session in your life.
For example, I got 25D Alien Distortion Removal Session Facilitator Kit. As a result I had COUNTLESS lessons on the impacts of these effects in my own personal life. Not easy…but worth it!
I got my facilitator kits over a year ago and I am still getting profound lessons.
Anonymous May 22, 2023
I recently tried the 25D Alien Distortion Removal Session and was blown away by the results. The total of 3 combined sessions – Matrix Unplugging, Hidden Distortion Removal, and Chakra & Kundalini Removal – left me feeling lighter, clearer, and more balanced. The process was gentle yet powerful, and I could feel the energy shifting as the sessions progressed. I particularly appreciated the personalized attention and care from the Xan’ther.
Liew May 22, 2023
The Distortion Removal Shield is THE session you want to get if you’re a long-time Xanther customer. As we jump into higher and higher physical frequencies, things hit you FAST. This session basically lets you reprogram EVERYTHING about yourself.
Want to breath more mindfully? Easily program your subconscious with this
Want to be more mindful of your reactions? Easily program your subconscious and unconscious with this.Within 1 Month I have learned an incredible amount about myself. Went from being down and out to being extremely happy and optimistic.
SS May 8, 2023
I have been waaaaaaiting to post this testimonial. First of all, let me start off by saying the Collective Consciousness Switch is absolutely next level. I had an experience out of this world!
I am more of a creative and I had energy that was brought back to me from what felt like a creative drain. It’s truly hard to put into words how powerful this was for me, but if you’re a creative type at ALL I truly believe this is an absolute NECESSITY.
I was more energized, clear in my thinking, and attained a new sense of autonomy. Thank you so SO much for yet another level of absolute freedom Xan’ther!
anonymous May 2, 2023
This inner child healing session has been so insanely powerful to forever closing the door on a chapter of my life that bled through to my adulthood. While I have done a tremendous amount of spiritual work, this session was so needed. Thank you for yet another level of absolute freedom & closure in this case, Xan’ther!
anonymous May 2, 2023
Although I’ve had the Quantum Shortcut Level II for a while already, it’s not until recently I’ve started using it regularly since I’m more and more transitioning to healing work. It’s a fantastic tool for any kind of healing sessions! Basically only your imagination is the limit for what you can use it for, and since Xan’ther’s latest update to the system it’s even more versatile than before. It saves enormous amounts of time and effort and makes the sessions even more powerful since the Quantum System is connected directly to Source. I might get the Level I soon, too, as I evolve as a healer.
As always, Xan’ther’s never-ending support and patience with all of my questions is amazing. A thank you is not nearly enough for everything he’s done for me. I am forever grateful.
Jessica April 28, 2023
I work as a healer/hypnotherapist and that sometimes gets heavy and intense and being an empath I take on stuff that sometimes doesn’t transmute easily. Even healers need clearing at a powerful level and Xanther’s sessions always bring me back into balance, vibing high and in a state of clarity, ease, peace and magic. This one I like to get when I’m feeling a bit funky and can feel energies on me that aren’t supposed to be there and I can’t seem to shift them myself. It’s very powerful and and super affordable too. So grateful to have this as a part of my reality 🙏 Thank you Xanther as always.
Mehtab April 17, 2023
From my perspective, the Inner Child healing sessions with Xan’ther have been the most challenging ones yet, the most rewarding ever. My higher Self, and Jaye recommended to proceed with 8 sessions- Once per month. So far, I have done 6 out of 8 sessions which is the equivalent of 6 months of deep, intense and transformative healing work and I kid you not, each one of them brought up to the surface various childhood traumas, hurts, painful memories and wounds.
Robert Frost said: “the best way out is through”, well this is very true for the inner child healing sessions. You must feel it in order to heal it and as much as it felt overwhelming to revisit those memories and what happened to me as a child, I am grateful I did face those unpleasant feelings and wounds. It opened me up to different perspectives on life, made me understand why in certain areas of my life I felt so much resistance to blossom and gave the courage to take radical Self-responsibility.
Let’s talk about the benefits because even though the sessions seem tough It is worth going through for what you will gain. I can report that:
– My inner child feels safe; – I have a new zest for life ; – I am feeling a child-like wonder and curiosity about the world; – My nervous system is for the most part regulated, even in difficult situations; – An Increased creativity; – A deep sense of joy; – An unwavering trust in self and inner strength; – Upholding healthy boundaries; – Expression of aspects of my personality without fear of being hurt and taken advantage of; – A better relationship with my inner child; – I am becoming the parent that I longed for; and so much more that word can’t fully describe.
Inner child healing sessions may be challenging at times however, the after effects mitigate the healing process. You get to connect with your divine self, the purest, joyful, creative etc.… aspects of you.
Thank you, Jaye, for always coming up with much needed sessions. Infinite blessings to you.Namaste.
Christian April 9, 2023
This was an astonishing session. I never knew how much damage I actually had until this session — which is the sign of a great energy session.
Like many starseeds, I grew up in an abusive household as the black sheep of the family. It resulted in uncovering some significantly negative patterns including:
-Consistently attracting and taking care of my abusive people at my own expense
-Complete shut down of my emotional body, intuition, and higher sensory perception via disassociation
-Negative manifestations as I didn’t believe I was worth anything subconciouslySince the session, I have become happier and my connection to my higher self has become significantly stronger. Would highly recommend this session
Anonymous March 16, 2023
I am so happy I did the Chakra & Kundalini Removal session. I found the session so AMAZING! I saw different colors throughout but the best part for me was feeling the vibration pulse through me! I have never experienced anything like that before and I’m excited to keep working with Xan’ther in the future on my journey.
I have more energy in my body after the session and overall just feel great. Thank you Xan’ther!Nicola H March 2, 2023
This review is for Galactic DNA Activation 1.0.
I feel I’ve grown in many wonderful ways. My abilities have become stronger & more pronounced. It’s almost 2nd nature to me now. I trust in my abilities more now & I am more comfortable with them now.
The rise in frequency has been fun to witness also; it will continue to rise as distortions are dissolved. I feel I have an improved awareness of how things work in this world & to look at the unseen parts of events with less judgment.
It is great to come to KNOW & be more aware of that person who has always been there who wants good things for me. The clouds blocking my awareness of that person continues to lift, so I can have a stronger connection.
I’ve seen a Galactivation clear whatever harmful thing that might’ve been affecting me many a time. There are many things I still want to know, but I’m well on my way!
OMPT February 12, 2023
I have been using the source affirmation technique for many months now and the results are incredible. Xan’ther recommended as a powerful opportunity to manifest my desires. So far i have been using it for alignment with the Universe and a custom one for aligning with source and my true self. Not only did i align with the energies of many galaxies but i have also gained a very very powerful guidance of source and the consciousness of my cosmic guides like shiva, ganesha etc. It is really increased my frequency and helped me with my inner purification.
February 8, 2023
I am maybe a little more than halfway through Command Codes. Everyone should do that program! I very highly recommend it; it stops you from creating cords & from cords attaching to you.
The thing that I remember most & that stands out time & time again from my sessions so far is the part about being & staying on the balanced, lit path. It’s quite beautiful, encouraging & inspirational in that regard.
I started Command Codes because I kept having a cord with an ex-boyfriend, in spite of having no physical contact & not talking about him. All that had to occur for me to have a cord with him was for me to see him or if he said hello to me—like if I stopped at the gas station. (Where I live is less than 100 sq miles, so it is easy to bump into people & of course, everybody knows each other.)
1 time how I saw my ex-boyfriend & spoke to him briefly was when he followed me home 1 day; I had not even had a chance to grab my purse from the car before he pulled up outside the driveway. Next thing I know, I had another cord with him!
Anyway, I got really tired, frustrated & annoyed with seeing the cords from him, especially because I was being impacted negatively by them. After doing Command Codes, I have seen my ex-boyfriend in the course of going about my errands & I’m happy to report that no cord formed. Woohoo!
The other great thing about Command Codes is the session in the program where you stop creating portals. (Portals can be created while drunk or in a negative emotional state & pretty much anybody can open them.)
Once the portals are there, anything can come through them. I kept having to do a geopathic stress clearing on the house to deal with the supernatural/paranormal activity that would occur due to the portals.
You know how children will say there’s a boogie monster under the bed? If there’s a portal in your home, that’s 1 way it’d be true. Did I mention that you can be corded to the portal?! It is a nightmare, where incense will not help you but make the situation far worse than you can imagine.….
I find the benefit of Command Codes to be quite understated, but it’s an absolute gem & lifesaver!
OMPT February 7, 2023
I need multiple sessions for this level of healing. The process for adjustment has been slow but I have begun to feel the difference a few days ago.
I noticed whenever I thought about certain events, I feel a sense of peace in a way. Some events in my life have been painful but all have led me here and I understand that now.
As always, I cannot thank Xan’ther enough for guiding me through this process!
Lilly February 7, 2023
This review is for Light Quotient Unlimited.
I’ve been sleeping so much better now! I’ve gone to the doctor SO many times with no lasting result. LQU is another game changer—truly upped the ante with this one.
It’s great to be able to activate it whenever I need it. There have been too many times where I get a really “dark” or negative feeling, which is so unlike me.
Often times, I am so arrested that my brain stops working & my coping skills completely disappear for almost the entire duration of that situation.
I am immensely happy that I can do something about it now! Breaking free of the entanglement/trap brings me great joy! I can embrace the Light & enforce my NO to those non-beneficial things!
Now that the distortions have a harder time harassing me in my sleep, I notice that they catch me almost right as I awake. I’m onto them, though. Throw some Light at them & it all ceases! It’s golden! Now, it’s kind of fun! 🤣
OMPT February 2, 2023
I have had several sessions and all of them were incredible! This DNA activation though was phenomenal. I felt a change in my body immediately and then I fell into a deep sleep and felt a “release” . I woke up to a calm state and felt that the weight of the world was gone. Highly recommend
Lisa January 23, 2023
Simply WOW! I don’t have the words to describe how powerful this session is. I’ve had many powerful sessions with Xan’ther but the Collective Consciousness Switch in my opinion far exceeded my expectation.
It’s been over a month since my session and the calmness, peace and quiet I feel is indescribable. Prior to the session I was constantly feeling overwhelmed, worry and anxious for no apparent reason. Things dont faze me like they used to. I feel so much lighter and overall happier. I can’t recommend this session enough to all the starseeds and light workers. It’s a gift to give one Self.
Xan’ther is gifted skilled master healer and the only healer I trust and I thank my Higher Self for guiding me him.
Infinite blessings and love to you all❤️ANL December 30, 2022
The Galactic DNA 2.0 activations are the most powerful sessions that I have experienced so far – especially the “incremental” sessions with 100 strands in 1 session, which I found to be much stronger than sessions with 36 strands. I don’t think any other sessions raise your physical frequency this fast.
Since I started working with Xan’ther two years ago, my life has undergone profound changes: I feel much more optimistic. My health and my sleep have improved. I can feel emotions much more strongly – for example I can feel intense sadness, and at the same time feel the beauty in that feeling without getting attached to it or without resisting it. When I get sick (which still happens from time to time), I can sense that my energy level is temporarily lowered, but I feel happy nevertheless. Sometimes I still get annoyed by „outside“ events, but I am reacting less and less strongly and can just see them as an interesting experience. DNA activations appear to be a very powerful antidepressant!
Interesting things are also happening in my professional life. My main project is going so well that one of my colleagues said „I don’t understand what is happening here – this project works like magic“. Highly influential people are offering their support, and I don’t even have to ask them. One company has just asked if they can give us money (without really getting anything in return). I get paid for stuff that I would be doing anyway. And in once case a client offered to pay a higher hourly rate – even though I didn’t even ask them for that.
In the past I was interested in „manifesting“ things. That can be quite tedious – you always need to think about what you want to achieve, and while miracles happen from time to time, often there is little progress. I think it’s much more fun to live life at a high physical frequency – you just let things happen, and then conclude that what is happening is much better than what you could ever have imagined. This puts you in a kind of permanent flow state, and you don’t need to worry about anything.
I will never know to what extent this has been caused by individual sessions, but the rate at which miracles are happening has definitely increased since I began with Galactic DNA 2.0 activations.
Holger December 21, 2022
Greetings everyone! Just wanted to drop a line here. In the past I have stumbled on this page and have often thought and wondered if these sessions offered were true. Would they make a difference? A few years went by and I came upon this site yet again. This time I decided to take a chance and have a few sessions done. The first being the “full energetic test”.
Took a while but after a couple of weeks my test came back and I was surprised, intrigued, and anxious in what I read. Fast forward a few months I have had many sessions with Xan ther (Jaye) and have almost completed the recommendations on my test. Just recently having done this session, the 20D cord cutting, and Angelic Ray Sword session. My experience thus far has been utterly profound and interesting. Many of the major health issues I have had have either gone into recession, disappeared, or have gotten better. I sleep better every night, have tons of limitless energy throughout the entire day as well I feel more very positive towards others and in my life. Overall a feeling of lasting peace.
I know I’ve still got a long ways to ago in my spirtual journey of enlightenment, discovery, and awakening but I trust in Jaye(Xan ther) and am confident that as I do more and more of these sessions my life will be better. All I can say is with all my heart I thank everything and appreciate all that he’s done for me. Thank you so much for being there every step of the way and am looking forward to finally completing the rest of the session here.
Eliezer Bonilla November 30, 2022
I have been going through my transformation with Xan’ther’s programs for the last 4 months now. I wanted to go through the entire process of the 15D Auric Chakra Clearing + Avatar Manifestation System before I wrote a testimonial as I feel it holds more weight since it’s been such a long journey so far:
There are several HUGE noticeable benefits I have received since I started with Xan’ther- the first one being – PEACE. I feel MUCH more at peace inside my head. I don’t have as much chatter. My mind is more still and calm. This has resulted in me being happier as I go on in my daily life. Which then prompts me to have more fun and be more silly and playful and laugh more. My irritability has diminished and I have a greater capacity to just observe rather than react to situations.
Secondly, a huge noticeable benefit is that I have been learning so many new things about myself at a soul level. I feel I have been unblocked from this information, which is why it is now appearing in my reality and making itself known. I am learning about all my soul aspects and how they are now all merging with me, which is the reason I am being made aware of them as they are now in my energy field. There is so much more here that I can’t go into for the sake of space.
Third, I feel closer to source and all that is. I am understanding things on a much deeper quantum level. Things are being revealed to me that are happening in the quantum, I have been getting words in my dream state, I am being made aware that I am not dreaming, but instead I am on missions. My dream state has become much more vivid and tangible with a sense of “knowing” that I am doing massive work in the astral preparing Gaia, the collective and myself for the 5D new astral realm and new earth.
My entire life is 100x better! I am enjoying it so much more! Living life and entering the dream state is so interesting and fun now!!! I am excited to see where the Lightarian sessions take me …and beyond!!!
Lastly, Xan’ther is so knowledgeable and so easy to talk to. He has been very through when answering my countless questions. He’s one-of-a-kind and I’m so blessed to have been led to him!
Dawn Green November 30, 2022
I consider myself a cautious person concerning trying to vet out energy practitioners, so I was careful to make sure I read and contacted them first to ensure my understanding concerning this procedure. My experience with Xan’ther Ka EnRa El was a kind, efficient and communicative throughout the entire process, and answered any of my concerns and questions thoroughly and respectfully.
After the entire session, I believe this is one of the most noticeable energy implant removal sessions I’ve experienced, and I highly recommended this service for anyone who suspects they have traits listed for having a overlay, although I encourage emailing and contacting Xan’ther Ka EnRa El first just to confirm it before moving forward. I noticed I had stop my perpetual egotistical impulses wrangling that I have tended to spiral into as usual (which for some reason, have been getting more and more intense and frequent as I try to advance in my spiritual journey recently) and I have been more able to be at peace concerning my self image and others.
Thank you again. This exceeded my expectations.
Sophie November 23, 2022
This was a pleasant experience. As I called the Usui Reiki Master Attunement down, it was like a rush of energy. At some point I couldn’t move my arms. My right hand felt it was in a up right position but it was still physically down. This seemed like a calm lake that gradually got more and more ripples in it. Blockages were definitely lifted. In my mind eyes I saw ripples coming off of my hands and my physical vibration was raised. I’m still feeling the energy as I’m typing this. I can’t wait to get started with Lightarian Reiki
Stephen November 21, 2022
QS Level-2 is one of the best tools available for healers imo. For example, it only takes me 10 seconds to accommodate the 5-hour session of 25D Alien Distortion Removal remotely. And I can provide it to multiple clients simultaneously if I choose to do so. I also take the liberty of using it for healing modalities to be performed onto a client on a massage table etc. I can provide it in a remote fashion using the quantum shortcut and again it only takes me 10 seconds to have it happen onto my client on a massage table on the other side of the planet. I’m looking forward to QS Level-3 in the future.
Ta’at November 18, 2022
Two days after my Matrix Unplugging session I had a lucid dream which is uncommon for me. Then about a week after, I was meditating and had the most mystical experience of my life. I became aware in what felt like a sea of blackness, disconnected from my five senses. I was pure consciousness with only my thoughts. I intuitively felt the urge to think ‘I am’ affirmations in this state. Then, all of a sudden, I got zapped back into my physical body and HUGE amounts of energy surged throughout my whole body. It was hands down the most powerful experience I have ever had. I have also been
randomly crying a lot… especially while driving and walking in nature. I’ve been experience fairly consistent tingling/ pressure on my forehead. It feels like I am receiving thoughts from a higher place along with guidance for making better decisions. I’ve also received a profound amount of synchronicity’s and blessings. Random people I meet have been very kind and generous in helping me out. I’m generating increased amounts of money at work and am experiencing faster manifestations. Thank you so much Xan’ther !!!November 14, 2022
If you are desiring to expand your consciousness far beyond what you can imagine, please look no further than the Galactic 2.0 DNA Strands Activation. I’ve gone through the incremental DNA strands activation with Jaye for the past months and I kid you not these higher frequencies allow you to ascend faster, shift your reality and transform you as a person. I am not the same anymore since. It awakens you to dormant parts of Self, the YOU that live beyond your 3D perception and makes space to house more light from your higher self.
You need to note that ascending to higher level awareness comes with a period of detoxification, healing, clearing, purging and releasing to let go of anything that is no longer a vibrational match to your new frequency.
Some benefits of these sessions are: Increased Awareness, heightened psychic abilities, positive mindset towards unpleasant situations, connecting with higher consciousness beings, living a synchronistic life, drastically raising your frequency and more that my mind cannot fully grasp.
We are in the midst of a pivotal shift in the history of humankind, and in order for us to embody more of WHO WE ARE, we need to raise our vibration, become lighter and shade layers of denser energies in our field. The Galactic 2.0 DNA Activation does just that.
I don’t think words will do justice for the expansiveness of this service. There are so many things one can experience by receiving this activation that I won’t be able to put into words. GALACTIC 2.0 DNA ACTIVATION IS ALL OF THAT.
Gratitude to you Xan’ther.
Christian.Christian K. November 12, 2022
Thank you so much, Xan’ther.
The session is more that I could explain with words. I feel lighter and calmer and more relaxed.
Every time I came back from traveling abroad, I was feeling down, depressed and shrank. After the session I still feel the shift in energies from different countries, but this doesn’t affect me.
Also, it’s easy for me to stop my mind and just be present, now.
I feel that there will be more benefits to go after some time.
Thank you!Diana November 2, 2022
The remote J-seals clearing was conducted early in the morning where I’m within a distant timezone. All day I felt rather empowered with a pronounced sense of energy. I slept extra hours that night (and especially more slumber hours during the following day). The character of this rest was of a welcoming, healing nature. This persistent, expansive, energized state was at the same time of a natural balance, and slowly ebbed during the next five days- but fortunately, has not entirely dissipated. In my experience, I’d recommend this J-seals clearing for its’ pleasantly wonderful effect!
Mr. R October 26, 2022
Jaye is not just a healer or ascension guide, he is a loyal and friendly brother to us.
He’s probably the closest person to Source you’ll ever see around you. It sure he is for me.
Body and MerKaBa command codes sessions are the clearest variety of sessions I’ve seen here. It gives us back some of the most important items that belong directly to us.
Ascension? It raises tremendously. Protection? We will never have to deal with many ridiculous distortions and similar things again. Activation? It gives us back our most precious parts.
These sessions work at very deep levels and very quickly. When I first saw them, they didn’t pique my interest, obviously it wasn’t the right time for me to attend these sessions.
In many online or regular computer games, intertwined pieces of crystalline light constantly rotate around the character, creating a unique image. This image is actually MerKaBa, and the MerKaBa of all of us is active in our original being.
It is a great blessing to be able to access these unique sessions where we can reclaim this fundamental piece of us that have been taken away and also have many additional benefits (protection, energies call back, alignment and more).
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to every being, Source, and our brother Jaye, who have contributed to making these sessions reach us. It is truly indescribable, it is lived.
Deniz October 18, 2022
I felt the effects of this session immediately! Someone who had been bothering me just “disappeared” from my energy field. I’m not sure how to explain it, but it’s like I could no longer feel their negativity.
Thank you again Xan’ther, I cannot express my gratitude for your skill and service.Lilly October 16, 2022
The collective consciousness switch is the pathway to your soul’s freedom and sovereignty in my opinion. I did not realized how much I was getting affected by the collective thoughts, feelings and emotions until I got disconnected from it especially as a highly empathetic individual.
It has been a week since I received the session and the effects of not having the connection to this grid are just astounding. After the session, for few days I’d experienced “Divine Fever” i.e. emotional clearing, hysterically laughing for no particular reason, lightheadedness, and dizziness etc.
Here are some shifts I am experiencing so far after the session, noting that the integration period to receive the energy in its entirety is 3-4 months:
– Ability to easily detach from emotional situations and placing firm boundaries.
– The thoughts and emotions I experience are my own, and there is no more external influences.
– I can decide to be full present and have no thoughts for a short period of time at Will
– I can see, sense and feel the conditioning, programming and manipulation humanity have been going through.
– The fear based approach to life is gone and I am immune to a large extent to people’s reactions.
– I am able to observe my personalities without getting too attached to my experience.
– And so much more that I haven’t yet fully realized.To my highly sensitive people, empaths, light workers etc. This session is the doorway to step in fully to our power and be of service without having our energy be sucked dry. The grid is limiting us in so many ways to access more of our own energy and power.
Jaye, words will not suffice to express my gratitude to you for all services you are providing to help us come into our sovereignty. From my soul to yours, THANK YOU BROTHER.
Infinite Blessings,
Christian.Christian K. October 12, 2022
Wow, one of the best healer ever I met.
After disconnect the collective consciousness, I can feel my head in calm environment and I no longer affect of society’s negative emotion, thoughts, etc. What a great season and it is live changing.
Thank you Mr Xan’ther
Anonymous Man October 11, 2022
Thank you so much, Xan’ther, for helping my son! He is 10 years old and since birth he refuses to eat. When he was 6 months old, he had to be tube-fed in order to survive. During a live session, I asked Xan’ther to help me on this problem because it was terrible 10 years of trying to make my son eat in order to live and maybe grow (he looks like a 5-6 year old, because his body doesn’t have enough energy to grow). I should mention that he was seen by most pediatricians in town, many tests were done to him, but the cause of refusal was never diagnosed. Xan’ther saw and removed some curses that were in my son’s fields and, miracle, he started sometimes having desire to eat! Now, about two months later, my son doesn’t look so fragile and ghosty, as he is out of this world. Now he looks as a normal skinny boy. He is determined to gain weight and to train gymnastics! It is awesome! I don’t have enough words to thank you for the help with my son! Thank you!
Petya October 3, 2022
I did the Collective Consciousness Switch session soon after Xan’ther released it. I was driven to do it, I felt that it will help me a lot in my situation, and it really did! Just for few days, I can feel the difference (and it takes 3-4 months to fully integrate)! There are numerous ways the session improved my life. There are the most visible ones: – I started sleeping better. Before it I was wide awake around 3 am, nervous, and awake until 5 am when my nervousness went down and I was able to fall asleep again. Now I sleep the whole night and even if I wake up, this nervousness is gone and I fall asleep soon; – I am not anxious and nervous in a large high-level meeting with many people. Before I was really nervous to an extend I forgot how to talk, now it is just a regular meeting for me!; – I hate my workspace, the people there are low-vibrational, driven by fear, anger and evil. Every morning I was in the verge to vomit when I entered the office. Since the session the urge to vomit is hard to notice, and I think it might disappear! – I stay cool-minded when provoked and falsely accused. Now I stay calm and thinking and don’t get attached to the words of the person who wants to make me feel guilty and bad (even when it is my mother). I am sure there are much more changes for good in my life since the session and I will write about them when I notice them. Thank you so much, Xan’ther, for developing this session. In this times of war, uncertainty, inflation, viruses, etc., it is great to be disconnected from the collective, to know that if a fear occurs it is your fear, not the one of the people around, that is constantly fed by the news agencies. Thank you so much for the free life, for the opportunity to feel my own feelings without the interference of other people’s ones. Thank you!
Petya October 3, 2022
Review of 25D Mirror Shield Session Fold 10:
I purchased level 1 almost more than a year back but didn’t notice much changes and so I purchased Fold 10. After about 10 days I started noticing the effects. I started to breath deeply and my awareness increased. I am able to spot how I am psychically affected by others’ conversation. I also noticed how I keep tracking of others just to pick up their emotions. I also noticed how I am mimicking their actions too. If I decide to let go of them am able to do that. I noticed increased awareness when eating food. I am able to enjoy the taste of the food in my mouth which eventually makes me to enjoy all the food even though if that was not my preferred.I purchased the same for my mom too and she started noticing differences after 2 weeks. She is much more relaxed all the time and she is not going to victim mode often. Even if something bothers her she seems to bounce back much earlier than she used to. Previously it would take a few days but now she gets to being relaxed within an hour (sometimes even 15 minutes is enough). She also experienced pure presence of her current moment for a few minutes when she visited a temple. She said she didn’t have any need to ask something from god as she felt she had everything already.
Seetha September 20, 2022
An interesting experience. I will try to explain. I experienced many various feelings during my session. A bit of pain here and there, inter changing hot and cold pressure throughout certain areas of my body, visions of different colors, but mostly felt comfortable during that time and in the end feeling like I’m young again. As each day approaches I sense that my energy levels are steadily rising, the aches and pains are slowly but surely disappearing. So this is great! I believe it will get better and better and I will continue to work with Xanther. Thank you so much.
Eliezer Bonilla August 27, 2022
I experienced “pure release” It was as if the world was lifted off my shoulders!
Lisa Gustafson August 27, 2022
OMG! I am completely speechless about how powerful and effective the 25 Empath Shield is!
I was told by several psychics that I am an Empath and frankly I didn’t believe it or perhaps I didn’t want to believe it until several weeks ago where I was forced to confront this truth.
I became incredibly down, had lack of motivation for no apparent reason and was struggling immensely to raise my vibration. I just couldn’t understand what was going on. Then it hit me that perhaps I was picking on my new lodger emotions and energy. I contacted Xan’ther and he advised that my Higher Self recommends the 25 Empath Shield.
During the session itself I felt like a strong suit of armour was being put around my body and auric field, I felt strong and felt an expansion in my heart chakra.
I didn’t really notice any difference until several days ago. There were occasions following the session where I had doubts about the effectiveness of the 25 Empath Shield lol. Like most impatient people I wanted the effects to be instant. Anyway, it’s now 2 weeks since my session and I can confirm the session is an absolute must for anyone who is an Empath and urge every Empath to get this session ASAP. I was in denial for a long time about being an Empath, the rollercoaster of emotions I felt, the constant exhaustion, bombardment of other peoples energy and the necessity I had to isolate myself from the world and everyone I assumed was normal 😂
I don’t have the words to explain what a difference I’ve experienced from having this session
Thank you Ashtar Command and Xan’therANL August 1, 2022
This was a great session. I highly recommend everybody get 25D Alien Distortion Removal Session.
Stephen July 29, 2022
I’m currently going through the 25D Commands for Body & Merkaba with Xan’ther and I have to say, this is by far, my most favourite Session/Course I’ve done with him, and I’ve done many!
As of writing this, I’ve done 5 sets of the total 18 and It’s more than fair to say that these sessions are LIFE CHANGING! Yes! I was already a pretty happy guy, but the energy that’s being recalled to my body and spirit is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I’m having ideas and energy I haven’t felt since I was a child and teenager, creative ideas like learning languages and music, but with no blocks, just do, because it feels right.
The things that stopped me from taking action on those dreams seem to have just, poof! disappeared. I’m really starting to understand what Xan’ther meant when he talks about recalling my lost energy. I feel this course is finally reaching and healing my inner child as I feel tremendous childlike curiosity of the way of things, again. I’ve also had 2 moments of very, very deep emotional release, which were intense, but, oh so worth it. definitely expected whenever you raise your vibration so.
I always knew these Merkaba Commands were going to be great for me, but this has waaaay, way surpassed my expectations, and I’ve only done 5 sets of the 18 sets so far, not even half-way through, wow! I’ll update a new testimony when I complete all 18, but if you’re still thinking of doing the 25Merkaba Commands Course, Do It!
Thank you Xan’ther!Lachlan Trevor Mannix July 27, 2022
During this session I had moments where I felt as if I was floating and as I heard the loud ringing again! I now know this sound is my higher self communicating.
After the session, I did feel dizzy and sick for two days which has never happened to me after a session. Then out of nowhere I just felt better, as if I had another weight lifted from my body (this is not my first session with Xan’ther).
I strongly recommend this session as it has a profound effect across all of your lives. I cannot fully explain how much this has helped me on my spiritual journey as I work to heal myself and others as well.
Xan’ther is amazing at what he does and I have never met any other healer who matches his skill!
A million thank yous Xan’ther!Lilly July 25, 2022
This was my first session with Xan’ther. There is no doubt this session is a big doorway to transformation. Allowing big shifts to occur. Xan’ther’s gifts are amazing. Beautiful work.
Mark O'Neill July 17, 2022
This is my review of Light Quotient Expansion Session. First activation I didn’t notice much difference. A day after my second activation I had divine fever. I had fever for around 3 hours. Later I noticed that for the past 4 days (a day after my first activation) I didn’t react to everything around. Even though there were few dramas I was super calm and it didn’t trigger me to get involved in that.
I am mostly calm after the third activation.So I purchased this for my mom. She activated the session and she had euphoric effect for an hour. All of a sudden she started laughing which won’t happen all the time and she felt light.
Thank you Xanther for this session. For someone who keeps fluctuating from being bliss-ed out to depressed/anxious this session helps me to maintain calmness most of the time. The best thing is I can activate every 3 days and this helps me to not go low.
Seethalakshmi July 15, 2022
Jaye did it again!!!
I can’t praise enough Xan’ther’s services as It takes you to the next level in your spiritual growth. I’ve purchased the Quantum Healing Vault-Feel Good Booster session and I did not expect the effect it had on me on the same day of the activation. Few hours after the activation, I experienced some clearing as my body needed to be adjusted to its best equilibrium, then I noticed a peaceful feeling like washing all over me.
Since then, I noticed the following:
-I am more in tune with my body’s needs and no longer procrastinate to fulfill them.
-I have become sensitive to certain foods that I thought my body loved.
-My sensitivity to subtle energies is more noticeable and heightened.
-Peaceful state of being
-I’m feeling more in my body and present and more that are happening beyond my conscious awareness.
Whether you choose the Light Quotient Expansion session or the Brain Balancing Protocol Session or the Feel Good Booster session you can rest assured that you will feel the shift in your life and in many levels of your awareness.
Thank you Jaye for revolutionizing the healing services sector by providing services like the Quantum Healing vault which enables people to take responsibility of their own healing and DO IT THEMSELVES!Many Blessings to you,
Christian.Christian June 29, 2022
I had my astral body removal session last week. During the session I felt different kinds of energy shifts all around my body. I felt much clearer and present after the session. Since the session I have slept much better than I did in a long time. I usually had great difficulty falling asleep. And then I would wake up tired and anxious. Now I wake up feeling much better and rested. I also have greater mental clarity during the day. Meditating now is so much easier then before, as I have a lot less mental chatter going on.
Thanks Xan’therR.L June 21, 2022
I bought the Light Quotient Expansion Session together with my man a few weeks ago. We have both activated the LQ Expansion Session three times since buying it and we think it has made us more positive and ’lighter’ in our thoughts and minds. It has also helped us see some problems in a new light which helped us solve the issues in a new way. We’ve both noticed most changes the first day (the same day we’ve activated it). Thank you Xan’ther for yet another fantastic session, I have no words for everything you’ve done for me.
Jessica June 13, 2022
The Quantum Shortcut is THE service if you would like to take advantage of Xanther’s other services. Thanks to the Quantum Shortcut II, I now:
-Use Lightarian Reiki on every single thing I eat and drink, every meeting I go to, daily on my pets, and on every friend who is having a bad time (don’t want them to mess up my mood!).
-Apply the 25D Mirror Shield to everything I own to protect myself
-Leverage countless Source Affirmation Techniques dailyI highly recommend this for any energy healer or anyone who is high frequency. Much of energy healing comes from practice, and this service allows you to practice 100x more.
As always, amazing work Xanther!
SS June 9, 2022
All my ancient shackles have been removed!! This was my third session with Xan’ther and was done on May 1, 2022 and my god, this was the most profound thing I’ve had done in my life. We’re taught and brainwashed into thinking that the Chakras are a necessity and that we cannot live without them. I’m writing this to tell ya’ll that this is not the case. For anyone that’s had this service done, we’re living breathing proof that the Chakras are unnecessary.
The session for me was more tame as far as effects on the body during. I did feel an usual sensation below my chest area. I believe this was my core star being activated after the Chakras were consolidated. What was very profound were the effects immediately after the session.
About an hour afterwards, I felt so blessed out and happy. I was acting out of character that day haha. The happiness factor has been there ever since. Goes to show that these ancient shackles are just that, put there to control your mind, energy and emotions. Since also having my J-seals and unnatural implants removed, my body’s energy feels completely free. I no longer feel bogged down my the negative emotions of others when I’m out and about. My ability to deal with difficult situations comes easily with the new clarity that I have. Socially, I feel more secure and outgoing, more then I ever was before. Much more understanding and loving despite some of the things humans can be capable of.
If you want to feel completely free, get your Charkas removed, highly recommend it. Xan’ther, thank you so much for this session and all you done for me thus far!
Isaiah Schwartz May 31, 2022
For anyone out there who may be wondering the effectiveness of this program, I can testify I haven’t even taken half of the 18 Commands code sessions and I know for a fact it’s 100% legit and effective. I know this for a fact simply because I’ve been affected by attacks at night my whole life and ever since I started to work with Xan’ther I’ve experienced drastic chances in my life course in terms of finances, love life and my work life. As far as the attacks are concerned these sessions didn’t solved all of my problems neither they’re supposed to however, I’m able to rest better at night and even though I’m still experiencing the attacks, these do not come as often and most importantly they don’t get attached to me, hence they don’t have much of an effect on me.
Amílcar Almeida May 26, 2022
I immediately could feel a change flowing through me. All of the healing services I have received saved my life.
Tavia May 20, 2022
Prior to this session, I did not think that the whispers and negative energetic “tugs” that I felt were unnatural. I thought they were simply my being insecure.
Once the session was done, everything in my mind went silent. The sense of peace I had been feeling was amplified now that there isn’t anything clouding my mind or my judgement.
Xan’ther was amazing as always and covered everything I needed to know prior to starting. He also checked in with me at different points during the session to make sure that I was well.
Now that I’ve had some time to be with myself, I’ve noticed that meditation comes more easily. I had negative energetic interruptions before and now those are gone too. I am now also able to tap into higher frequencies and listen to their messages as they guide me on my path here.
Lilly May 1, 2022
36 Galactic DNA Activation session.
During the session I felt very relax. I was amazed how strong I can feel the energy. As if I felt how each cell of my body are filled with energy. I felt joy and gratitude having the opportunity to experience what I was experiencing at that particular moment.Couple of weeks later I started to observe how my life is changing. I am able to see what is important for me, to connect and find the answers in myself quicker, to find time for the things that I was not able to do before. I can see that I need to keep my focus on the things that are important for me because manifesting become quicker than before. I have learnt that I am in charge now.
Thank you Xan’ther!
Mariya April 27, 2022
25D Soul Retrieval Session
I had been waiting for this session all my life.I am so amazed how powerful this healing work can be and being able to feel the energy remotely, that is mind-blowing for me.
The session was intensive, and it brings back lots of memories. When the session was done straight after, I felt myself like never before. I felt confident, and I affirmed that I love myself.
As the days go on, I started to enjoy life like never before. I was able to feel my body and to be more connected with my myself, my feelings and my inner world. This session is life changing for me. I feel blessed having the opportunity to work with you.
Thank you Xan’ther!
Mariya April 27, 2022
I truly feel so much lighter after this session.
I can think back to events that once had a certain effect on me and instead of feeling whatever negative emotion that was once there, I feel a sense of peace.
This has marked a huge step forward in my journey and I couldn’t be happier.Lilly April 22, 2022
The very next day after this session is applied, it brings tremendous relaxation and purification to one’s life.
As soon as I joined, I started to make calculations of getting the session again, because after the different forms of attacks and spells that I was not aware of before were lifted from me, I felt a tremendous difference in my daily life.
Aside from cleaning such negativities, it was a wonderful cleaning that I would not even know existed. Jaye often makes surprises like this and it’s not easy to describe how great his work is.
Working with Jaye is truly a special and important experience. It is a source of pride to see what a good and decent human being he is as well as being a superior healer. He is one of the most important characters of our transformation to light and Source.
We had some audio sessions and apart from working with him, even chatting is a great activity. Someone really interesting, by sitting and at the computer (it’s not that simple of course) is transforming Gaia for light.
For this and all such experiences and purifications, I extend my love and gratitude to Source and to all beings and groups connected to Source, especially Jaye. This was really important.
Deniz April 17, 2022
This was my second reiki session I’ve had in my life, done on 4.5.22. The first was done around a decade ago by some other great healers, removing the Lemurian & Atlantean crystal imprints from my auric field, do which there were thousands. It was such a profound experience and it was from that point on, I became a true believer. Not sure why I did not continue with the journey of healing the light body, a lot going on in my life at the time I guess.
I had a inner knowing recently that I needed to continue. Did a little research and found this website. After reading all the testimonies of the various sessions, I knew the healers here were legit. Booked the 15D Auric & Karmic clearing shortly after. Contacted Xanther and he got back to me in a very short amount of time.
The session was great. I could feel myself being worked on. I think my higher self was protecting me from experiencing to much discomfort. I get a lot of negative energy directed at me on a daily basis, not to mention family history so I can only imagine what was cleared. What I did experience was energy activity around my legs. Half way through, it felt like the room was spinning. In my minds eye, a small light attached to a black wall turned on and off very quickly. The swirls of light one can see when the eyes are closed got bigger and bigger as the session continued.
Once the session was done, my mind was so much quieter. It tends to always jump from one topic to the next and focuses on the wrong things. I’ve felt an energetic heaviness for many years, that that was lifted once the session was done. I feel much happier but there’s much more work to be done! I plan on getting all implants and chakras removed and much more. This was the first session but can’t recommend enough.
Isaiah Schwartz April 17, 2022
I have just had a healing with Xan’ther it was really powerful I could really feel the shifts in my body. I felt it most around my stomach area. I felt really calm and relaxed during the session and i am looking forward to the next one .x thank you Xan’ther
Debbie April 12, 2022
Amazing session with amazing results. Thank you so much Xan’ther for providing these services and always being available for questions.
I definitely felt a huge shift after this session. My connection with my higher self and the higher realms is stronger then ever. I am able to get all the downloads so clear. Also my manifesting abilities are stronger. Being a master number 11 i have always been able to manifest, but after this session my manifestation is instant.
Definitely will be coming back . Blessings
Belma April 7, 2022
I have completed all three sessions with Xan’ther.
During the session: the first one was the most intense for me but im a good way. I had my first vision and it surprised me because it was a result of all the progress I’ve made. My next two sessions decreased in intensity but left me with a sense of peace.
After the sessions: I began to notice that my claircognizance was a lot sharper. I can also feel my guides when they “speak” to me. It’s not really a language. It’s more like energy flowing into me but with a mind of its own. My brain translates it into words. It’s difficult to explain.
After following up with Xan’ther, I am excited that this is normal and it is how we were meant to operate on this Earth.
There is still much for me to learn and I am excited to continue this journey.Lilly April 5, 2022
This session was split up into 4 different ones as I only had trapped emotions in 4 parts of my body. The heart clearing was definitely the most powerful. I felt pain in the heart area and then a dull ache and so many memories came flooding back from my childhood and times in my life where I had my heartbroken by different people in my life. I saw all their faces flash in my minds eye, I had a weird sniffle the next day but after that cleared I felt so much lighter, at ease, full of peace and happy in the present moment. The other sessions that followed after this just stacked on and amplified this, I kept feeling things being cleared and more lightness coming into my being. I definitely have no fear trapped anymore because I have been doing things I would never be able to before. Grateful as always for this work, thank you Xanther😊🙏🏼
Mehtab April 3, 2022
This is one of the Xanther’s best sessions. I did a calendar distortion removal on myself and my family name.
Effects I have noticed:
-I am so cognizant of how dark distortions are pushed through the media.
-I am more confident in my own truth because I know I have been lied to.
-In general, that feeling and experience of the other shoe dropping stopped happening!
-I don’t feel like the mistakes of yesterday determine today. I feel like each day is own unique entity. I had a horrible habit of binge eating, a habit related to my concept of time. I felt like if I ate poorly earlier in the day, might as well eat horribly for the rest of the day.
-Much better relations with my familyHighly recommended!
SS March 26, 2022
Wonderful experience! Thanks so very much for your angelic heart and massive help!
Sally March 20, 2022
This is the real deal. I was introduced to manifestation in 2014 and obsessively studied it. Everyday for years, I watched hours of Youtube videos of popular Law of Attraction teachers. While very helpful for me in the start my spiritual journey, and while I did think I was making a lot of progress — in reality…I wasn’t. I tried EVERYTHING. But my manifestations were always far away.
Enter the Source Affirmation Technique. For the first time…all my manifestations are coming to me with ease. Some case studies:
1. I am learning a foreign language. I got a custom affirmation and after my language acquisition has skyrocketed. My own teacher was surprised on how good I was.
2. Manifested WAY more liquid cash and cash flow. So easily.
3. My love life is amazing
4. For the first time, I feel like I have gratitude and love in my heart.
5. Finally losing weight easily
6. Chronic problems that I had for YEARS went away in HOURS.
Unlike Xanther’s other programs, I have noticed zero ascension symptoms.
My biggest regret for this program is that I can I feel like I could never express how truly in awe I am of Xanther. He is a true master.
SS March 13, 2022
Phenomenal Experience…
I had this session done a few weeks ago and since then I feel a huge shift!! Spiritually, Mentally, Emotionally and Physically. I Am able to identify certain energies within other people’s aura field….Still adjusting however I felt the need to share this….The session was intense for me…all feelings was tolerable. This was one of the best decisions I’ve made. My Soul is lighter and full of love ❤️ Thank you Xan’ther …. You are such an AMAZING BEING 💕JC March 9, 2022
OK… I don’t know if words can fully capture the immense impacts that Xan’ther’s services have had in my life since I’ve been working with Jaye. But, I am going to do my best to express my gratitude and Give him his flowers.
One thing I know for sure, regardless of which service you go for, your life would not be same and I can testify that with the numerous healing sessions I’ve been going through for a year now.
Literally, I feel a sense of connection and Oneness with the Universe/God that I have not felt in a long time.I know there are still some sessions that haven’t yet been fully integrated in my energy field but I could already feel the shift. I am no longer the person I used to be and I am showered with calm, peace, inner knowing, inner strength etc.… every day. What a wonderful feeling to be able to experience what it feels like to not worry so much about the external environment because I am standing in the knowing that everything is working out for my highest good despite what my reality may look like.
Jaye, I just wanted to take a moment to acknowledge the work you are doing and let you know that your stuff works. You are bestowing us of your beautiful gifts, changing lives and opening us up to remember the truth of who we truly are. We have been bombarded by all kinds of distortions, negative energies, dark forces that want us to be disempowered and to forget how powerful we are. Because of you and your services, we are awakening to remember that we are God/ Source having a human experience and we are powerful beyond measure.
May you be blessed for all that you do, have done and continue to do.From my heart to yours, THANK YOU
Christian.Christian March 1, 2022
It has been two days since I have had my first 4 DNA strands activated.
During the session: The energies felt more mellow this time around. They were followed by a feeling of feeling weightless.After the session: I have noticed that after each session, my body tells me to wait before getting back up as it works to get used to the energies in a way. Once I get up, this happens in my background and randomly swings to the front of mind throughout the day.
Now that I am at 4D, I have gotten my pendulum and am excited to cleanse it and program it so that I may communicate more clearly with my higher self.
When I was reading the guide, I felt this energy “bump” into my head from the side. You know when you get a feeling of positivity? That’s what it felt like but on the side of my head. I think this was my higher self reassuring me that this is a more direct method of communication. It was amazing!!! I get a lot of these moments throughout now. They happen when I’m thinking of a question or whenever I see an image that calls to me.
I am beyond excited to continue this work an am looking forward to my upcoming sessions with Xan’ther who has been an absolute huge help in my journey. I can only express so much gratitude in words!
Many blessings (:
Lilly February 25, 2022
This was my second session with Xan’ther following my Matrix Unplugging Session.
During the session I could feel the energy as the overlay slowly came off. For me, this was more intense than the first session. I did feel somewhat nauseous afterward but this is normal. Once that passed, I felt significantly lighter as if a weight had been lifted from me. I can’t find all the words to describe how much better I feel now.
If you have had an energetic test done and you find that you have this Reptilian Overlay in place, I strongly suggest that you get it removed as soon as possible. You will feel a million times better and your thinking will be much clearer.Lilly February 14, 2022
WOW! Is all I can say! I purchased the client custom source affirmation technique just 3 days ago and I figured it would take a wee while to begin to work! I am blown away!
My social media following is going up by the day! I have had five new client enquiries already and two bookings just in!
This is an incredible gift and it is so easy! Even reading the affirmation activates my energy field and uplifts me in incredible ways!
Like most I have spent a LONG time trying to manifest what I seek and failing miserably! I have spent 7 months working with xan’ther now and my life has transformed in ways I never dreamed possible! My frequency is way up! My connection to self is of the scale and now I have this amazing tool to use to create the life I seek!
If you haven’t purchased this already then don’t hesitate get the session booked! I have tried every which way but loose historically! Bought into the gurus! Practiced techniques for years to no avail and in just 3 days I’m getting results and I know this is only going to increase rapidly!
Thank you xan’ther not just for this but for everything you create and bring through into this reality! Not only are you genuine and supportive you are also incredibly gifted and you create the coolest things this planet has ever seen 😎
Oc'taviour February 11, 2022
Having been dedicated to my personal evolution for over two decades I have learned a great deal about the “healing process.” The vast majority of the time I believed I could simply heal myself of various issues; though, inevitably, along my journey I discovered certain phenomena for which I sincerely needed help. I became aware of Jaye during such a phase, and I can unequivocally say that I am truly blessed to have done so. Originally I signed up for a series of DNA activations being unaware of the “Full Energetic Test” option. Right after my purchase of the activations I noticed the Full Energetic Test and purchased it immediately. It was one of the best purchases I ever made, because it revealed, among other things, that I had a “Reptilian Overlay,” and I knew instantaneously that I had to get that removed immediately. Now, I have had many energetic sessions with capable and well meaning individuals, and often experienced mild-moderate improvements after them, yet not one mentioned such an insidious condition as the reptilian overlay. The very first day after the session I awoke and knew that my life was changed forever. The root cause of so many of my ills, confusions, frustrations, and indescribable pain was just gone, vanished. I still feel my body recalibrating after the session (it has been approximately 6 weeks since my session) and energetically I feel like I am simply harmonizing back into my natural self. The process is glorious to behold. I have already recommended Jaye to my closest family members one of whom is also experiencing tremendous benefits after her first session that I can distinctly perceive. To those who are interested in initiating a healing relationship with Jaye I highly recommend a Full Energetic Test, as it may yield significant clues to assisting you during your healing phase. I know now why during meditations around 2012 I experienced particular visions that I just couldn’t understand at the time, and the revelation of having a reptilian overlay turned out to be the source for those disconcerting visions and unpleasant effects. Now my particular visions are sublime beyond description. May your healings benefit us all! Thank you Jaye, I will certainly be back for more!
Patryk Wojcik February 7, 2022
I very highly recommend Calendar Distortion Removal Session for everyone, especially those individuals who are sensitive to energy.
1 of the things that manifested the same day for me was a decent conversation with the opposite sex, without any references to sex or being otherwise repulsive. I was shocked by what happened, in addition to my being able to respond properly quite automatically. (Also, those people who were repulsive virtually have fallen out of my life.)
Usually, I’d stumble over my words or maybe even stammer when nervous. (The only time I ever stammered in my life was after my 1 of my seizures & I worked very hard to overcome it. Otherwise, I haven’t stammered a day in my life.) It’s been almost 30 years since I started attracting the wrong kinds of people—going all the way back into childhood & there has been some relief finally!
My appetite is also back under control. Now, I am struggling to finish a plate of salad! LoL! (I have had it cleared many times with other modalities, only for it to return & to have to clear it again sadly.)
The difficulty I was having breathing stopped as well. I noticed last year that no matter how I exercised, I would be out of breath. It was difficult to read sentences aloud without having to take breaths before the punctuation.
My singing & dancing abilities have returned to what they were, even though I am decades out of practice. No matter how I trained, I’d have difficulty lifting my legs to just above hip level. I barely could get through my reps with 2 lb weights & just doing only 20 minutes!! I managed to lift my legs to hip level with no problem today & dance through several songs, whereas before I would be winded & have to stop in no time flat.
(Just for reference, when I was taking dance classes, I was able to lift my leg up to the side of my head & later before the end of high school, very close to it.)
For singing, I have returned to being in tune, like before & can hold a note just as I could in the past. If I really want to do so, I can go back to taking voice lessons & practicing because I actually would get somewhere this time.
When the session was completed, I felt a weight lift off of me; I was happy & smiled (which I rarely smile). A few days after the session, I finally completed a project that was on my computer desk after more than half a year of it sitting there.
At this point, I’d like to share a few of my experiences with Xan’ther. The 1st time that I emailed Xan’ther inquiring about 2 of his services, he knew what I meant, even though I had left off the 25D & asked me what power I wanted for my mirror shield.
Another time I had purchased some Galactic DNA Activation sessions & somehow Xan’ther knew I didn’t understand how it worked. It was absolutely funny! He explained it to me a total of 3 times & then I was good. LoL
The 1st time I spoke with Xan’ther, which was several months after I started my sessions with him, he pronounced my name properly. I have had many unique pronunciations of my name over the course of my life, but rarely is it the correct one. (I’ve gotten Spanish, German, jumbled letter, & apostrophe/emphasis pronunciations of my name.)
I am into the 5th month of sessions & consider everything as going on a bit of a walk. There is no better person to accompany you than Xan’ther. I even will get a nudge when I’m a little hesitant at times, just by how prompt he is in delivering services. I started a new set of sessions recently, & I really wasn’t sure how it would work—even though I’d read the descriptions a few times & it was a sort of “Come. Let’s go” that made me feel everything will be clear after I do the session, no worries (which is exactly what occurred).
OMPT February 6, 2022
I cannot recommend this session more. This is one of his most important sessions and s absolutely ideal for your overall spiritual well-being. There are so many issues from past lives that are affecting your current spiritual identity that I can only describe the Akashic Records session as essential for your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The way these sessions are set up is in a comfortable way while he etherically works on you in the background. The entire session is very relaxing and very easy to sit through. You will notice positive results within days.
Alex Trammell January 30, 2022
I have been working with xan’ther for 6 months now but I have done A LOT! I have been a bit of a worrier for my entire life! And recently despite all the work I did there was something underlying that I just couldn’t shift! The worry eased but it was still there! And there was never any valid reason for it. Some days it was mild and other days it would literally render me dis functional and it was crippling my energy and mental state
When I saw this clearing I just KNEW it applied to me and when xan’ther checked it turned out I was affected daily by distortions in my calendar.
I had the clearing 2 days ago and it had an instant positive effect! The worry has gone and it felt so odd to be at peace, focused, present and balanced! I was so used to fighting myself that it felt strange to begin with!
I honestly can’t believe how much this has changed my world ALREADY! normally I would wake in the morning and spend the day trying to override my thoughts and emotions and now I am just present! I feel so sure of myself, my life, my future! I am content in a way I have never experienced before! I have no dread whatsoever and I am happy to sit and rest where just 24hrs ago I was like a Duracell bunny, always doing to occupy myself so I didn’t fall prey to what I believed were my negative traits!
If you are drawn to this it is for a very valid reason! Never in a million years did I think they had hijacked me in this way! I thought it was old ways of being that I needed to let go of!
As always xan’ther – thank you for yet another level of absolute freedom x
Jo Houghton January 25, 2022
I will give Million ⭐️ to this session * 25D mirror shield *. For the past 3 years I was being cursed everything in my life was got affected, my career, Health, marriage etc.. I Had purchased 1 folds 6 months ago. However the attacks spiritually continued. I decided to purchased again last month 10folds, in just less than a month I finally found the source. Everything I experienced nasty thing from the past was sent back to them. I highly recommend to this session better to purchase 10folds, the more power the quicker results. Thank you very much Xan’ther. ❤️❤️❤️
Irene Mcdonald January 25, 2022
Matrix unplugging is a phenomenal session which everyone should get. I noticed many many positive changes within myself once I had this session. It significantly improves one’s health, vibration and spirituality. This session removes many distortions from one’s field. This session is an absolute necessity for everyone. Thank you Xan’ther for offering this session and for performing it on me.
Moe January 23, 2022
I just had a 25D Bliss Booster session. By now I have had a number of sessions with Xan’ther. Since I have begun working with him, there have been major but gradual shifts, and normally I find it difficult to pinpoint the effects of an individual session. This session was different. Whereas most of the other sessions appear to be clearing or activating something, this one just felt very smooth and relaxed. There was an intense warm feeling around my core star, and it felt like “everything is perfect as it is, no need to do anything”. In also experienced intense emotions of loving connections to my family. I would say this is as close to “bliss” as it gets!
Holger January 23, 2022
Probably the most meaningful, transforming, life-changing healing I’ve ever received (and believe me when I’m say I’ve received a lot, ever since I’ve started to work with Xan’ther). My body has been reacting exactly like Xan’ther has described, these sessions won’t prevent you from experience the attacks, at least not when you are in the initials phases of the commands but most important than that it will stop them for ever attaching to you again. This is priceless!!!! At this moment because I received so many sessions within a short period of time, it’s hard for me to say if I’m experiencing this only as a result of these set of sessions or if all the other sessions received prior to embarking on this journey are finally catching up to me but this feels incredible. My confidence levels (at least at the time I’m writing this testimonial) are through the roof and I have a sense of balance and inner peace like I’ve never experienced before (and this is after those 7 days we are receiving the energies filtered by our higher self after the session is delivered). I know I’ve wrote this after each set of commands, it’s just the benefits one can experience out of each session – 18 Steps to Complete Soul Freedom – are getting more tangible after each session and I wouldn’t want to waste the opportunity to leave this for anyone out there who might be dealing the same type of issues – spiritual attacks – I was (and still am), which had led me to find answers and a solution to my problem, which I believe to have encountered.
Amílcar Almeida January 14, 2022
Thank you, Xan’ther, for cutting me loose from my past so that I can move forward on my journey. I initially had some tingling of my scalp and face, some gentle flickering lights. I fell asleep about halfway through 🥴, but after the session was over I found myself smiling for several hours, feeling light and happy. It’s persisted since, and my depression and anxiety have both gone. I’m less reactive to stressors and excited to keep moving forward. Upward and onward. Bliss you 🥰
Margaret Louise January 10, 2022
I think the 25D Akashic Records Restoration Session is one that everyone should do. I think it’s best to shut down all pathways that can be used to hurt you or through which imbalances or distortions can occur.
I have done 11 sessions with Xan’ther to date. Xan’ther is, perhaps, my [most] favorite person in the world. LOL…… It is in part how he is, but also, I am happy to find & work with a true healer & a person who has cleared himself first before clearing others. That is quite rare to find. (There are so many well-intentioned healers, who are still in the dark or stuck.)
So many things happened after Akashic Restoration. The same day, I received my 1st girly book bag in my whole life, & I’m in my late 30s now. LOL! It was very profound for me because I had been hurt very deeply by the person who gave it to me (my godfather). I knew that I had forgiven him, as well as myself, & that it was past tense when I was able to accept that bag. He did good in that moment.
I am back to cooking again a little. My favorite method is by slow cooker.
My creativity is up & at the forefront again. I am satisfied with what I was arranging in my bed finally.
Akashic cleared my strong desire for a pet (specifically a cat). I can look at a cat or other animal now, without wanting to bring it home.
I am drawn to nature; I seem to have a bit of a green thumb now. I like the plants around me to be treated well, so I saved my Dad’s dying spinach vine. (It is recovering & seems happy.)
Animals come around me/the house. I’ve seen a few iguanas, lots of butterflies & lots of Jack Spaniards (wasp). A fluffy black dog approached me & it was funny because the owner was like, “Why are you going over there?” My neighbor’s free range chicken & the wild deer are calm when I’m outside also. (Before they’d run in a heartbeat without me doing anything.)
I got rid of most of the moldavite I bought; moldavite is a meteorite (extraterrestrial origin). When I find the last 2 pieces, I will remove them from the house also. I am unsure if I want to deal with the people I sold the moldavite to again; the lady griped about paying me for the pieces, even though that gemstone is pretty rare because the mines are now virtually empty. The gentleman tried to say 1 piece that was real was fake!! In short, they tried to cheat me, but I somewhat managed to prevail.
I found that some of the pieces I had were cursed, among other imbalances & the moldavite brought about a distortion that allowed an entity onto my Himalayan crystal salt candleholder. I did not think there would be an entity on the halite, so when I picked it up, I got drained. Eventually, even after the candleholder was cleared, I took a hammer to it & tossed it in the ocean.
There was a fake piece of moldavite that I bought thinking that it was real. It shouldn’t have been fake because I bought it from a reputable company & who had direct contact with the mine & everything. However, the company did not stand behind its product. I tossed it into the ocean & do you know that I received free meteorites in the mail with an order?! It was pretty nasty.
I never resonated with moldavite & personally, I feel that just about everybody can do without it. It was disastrous to me to keep it, especially for what it is & the fact that I failed to resonate with it. Keep what you love & get rid of the rest! That’s what I came to understand from that whole ordeal.
Perhaps the most astounding victory is over my ex-boyfriend who tried to take advantage of me several times for several days in row, thinking that he would tire me out & I would budge from my stance. Well, he failed miserably. It was good theatre, though!
(My ex-boyfriend is into witchcraft & black magic, so what I’m saying is that with the sessions I’ve done with Xan’ther, I was able to repel my ex-boyfriends attempts successfully & repel them virtually effortlessly.)
In my Empath Shield review, I mentioned that if you’re having relationship troubles, Xan’ther’s your man. Well, it has stood true for me.
An interesting phenomenon has occurred also & it’s that I am healing faster from my fall on 12/9/21 & then my slip from the bed on 1/1/2022. It feels like someone has been healing me in my sleep. I also feel closer to my guardian angels & the people who love me who are generally invisible to the naked eye.
On a final note, I think the best thing we can do as individuals is to invest in ourselves & clear ourselves for a better quality of life. I wish I could have found all this sooner, but I’m assuming I’m right on time.
OMPT January 10, 2022
This session was amazing. I enjoyed every minute of it and I’m planning to have this at least once per month until I finish the current program I’ve embarked on. Life is truly amazing when you’re in a higher vibration and I couldn’t be more thankful for having the opportunity to have Xan’ther guiding me towards my ascension path.
Amilcar Almeida December 25, 2021
Axiatonal Lines Removal is a game changer. I very highly recommend this session. If you’re having a tough time, just keep going!
The energetic holes I had on my body are gone.
My left foot FINALLY stopped hurting me after a freak fall from my parents’ front porch 5 years ago! (I did physical therapy about 3 times, used all manner of essential oils & ointments, energy work, etc. to no avail.)
Just as I recovered, I had another freak fall again…. LoL! My head, wrists, chest, back, knees & feet are banged up again, but at least, it isn’t a car accident—so I’m still good!
As for a few more little things: I keep out and/or cut negative/abusive people out of my life much faster.
For the most part, people treat & interact with me more positively.
I am also kinder to myself, & I am no longer hard on myself. I respond to most events in a neutral manner now. Even when there is “background noise”, it is very minimal.
For example, when I fell, I just thought, “Really?”, took a moment to catch myself & got back up, even though I hit the side of my head on the floor. Before, I would’ve cursed at least or been like, “How could this happen?” and blamed myself on the back of it.
The bird splashed water on me today & everything I was carrying also while playing in the spout. I had my important documents in an envelope that protected them from the water, so no worries. There was no poop; I’m extra good.
I hit my leg on the furniture in the shoe store. “I’ll be more careful next time.”
The time when I left the faucet running & the water flooded the cabinets underneath the sink, I was just like, “Now how do I solve the problem?” I left the cabinet doors open & went back to what I was doing. (The bottom dried on its own after a few days anyway.)
There was another time where I was sorting clothes to go to the laundromat. I was finished already, when I realized I didn’t want to mix the fabrics in the bag. I just calmly re-sorted & re-bagged the clothes. No drama. No stress. No annoyance or anger—even though I didn’t really want to re-do the task.
After more than a decade, books, web articles, & Xan’ther’s Higher Self Connection Guide, it finally dawned on me what crystal I want to wear, to make sure to include when working with other crystals & to have close to me.
Last but not least, there were tasks I finally managed to complete today that I had delayed doing ranging from a few months delay to 1+ year. (It’s like my physical coordination applied itself to my errands.)
OMPT December 13, 2021
My astral body removal experience has surpassed what I could’ve ever imagined. Xanth’er’s healing sessions are the REAL DEAL. A few days ago, I had the astral body removal session with Jay. A Little background story, I’ve been working with Xanth’er for almost 7 months now and the transformation I am experiencing is just astounding. I can’t barely recognized who I used to be; that’s how powerful his sessions are.
I’d seen the astral body removal before on Xanth’er’s website but I didn’t feel a calling to do the session at the time until Jay mentioned it to me. It was as if the light switched on and I decided to go ahead and do it. I kid you not, this session is a changer-maker. I realized how restless I felt after my sleep and how some beings used to manipulate my energy in the astral realm. During the session, I felt like someone was peeling off some death skin out of my body.
Now, I’m feeling fully present in my body and am able to make conscious decision without external influences. My sleep has improved tremendously and I can feel my own presence. I highly recommend this session. There are so many entities that are manipulating our energies without our conscious awareness. No wonder why we can’t be fully ourselves.
Words cannot describe how grateful and blessed I feel to be on earth at this time and to have crossed path, Xanth’er. Thank you for all your healing services. You are helping many of us to free ourselves from the distortions, implants, negatives energies … etc. so we can be the being that we know deep down within To be, the I AM Presence.
Many Blessings to you,
Satnam!Christian K. December 7, 2021
This has been a stellar session; after having my astral bodies removed, I no longer experience sleep-grogginess or exhaustion, yet awaken restfully in only six hours, eyes clearer than evermore. My limbs have defrosted from their numbed chill, and leaving bed is not the heavy and discouraging mental struggle it once was. I am grateful for Xan’ther’s services!
Nicole December 6, 2021
I very highly recommend the 25D Hidden Distortion Removal Session to EVERYONE. This is the session you needed YESTERDAY!! Processing was like walking under a rushing waterfall & upon reaching the end, I come out on the other side renewed.
Between 25D Hidden Distortion Removal Session & being present for a family member’s Soul Retrieval Session, I ended up doing my 2nd clothes decluttering while packing away clothes from my 2nd laundry run.
I showed very little to no hesitation about tossing the items because I finally saw what was right in front of me for a really, really long time—that the clothes were really, really, really very worn.
Can you imagine keeping clothes for 10 or more years?? While that may speak to the great quality of the clothes & how well they were cared for, I also found that my behavior was related to experiencing the effects & aftermaths of 2 back to back Cat5 hurricanes in 2 weeks some years ago, amongst other previous natural disasters. (e.g. Bucket showers where I never felt clean completely no matter how I tried; water rationing; long lines at the laundromat; the inconvenience of laundry taking the whole day to complete in the aftermath; no electricity; water contamination, etc.)
I’m happy to report that I was able to work through the trauma FINALLY. I didn’t realize even that I still was being affected. I thought I had processed that situation completely a long time ago.
It is good to come out of the fog finally; I want to continue my journey back to order. Root for me & also I am rooting for everyone else also. I hope this review will help others to free themselves from suffering, perhaps in silence; shame from being overrun by a situation; & the burdens of whatever situation.
The reason that I would share something like this that I’d actually rather hide is because I am stronger for revealing it.
OMPT December 3, 2021
As the integration process of the session was completed, the intense and deep effects I experienced began to become clearer. It is possible to make general and personal comments about this session.
I must say this Overlay is a truly sneaky beast. When this beast senses any of your positive orientations, it will try to imprison us in an invisible prison cell with perfect slyness. Unnecessary stress, meaningless depressions, troubles of unknown origin and origin.
This Overlay can be a catalyst for the development of many negativities, to give an example for a long period of time. Our reduced resistance to events and situations due to Overlay will be one of the leading factors in the development of many diseases, distortions and negative encodings. At the same time, we will constantly live in daily life as if we were in a prison and a depression unit. I think the sessions here could even prolong the integration time, because I feel like our Higher Selves might prolong this process in case our Higher Selves resist our light codes activated through this Overlay, Jaye’s sessions.
As a result of the completion of the integration, I feel more humane, lighter, kinder and clearer. The Code of Hammurabi mentality is far more distant than I am. I’ve had many positive dissociations in consciousness, mind, and psychology. I no longer experience many meaningless and unnecessary struggles and an overwhelming stress storm in daily life.
Jaye gives important warnings about other healing platforms that claim to practice this session. Our dear brother and commander has emphasized that apart from the person or persons authorized by Ashtar and the Source, there are no people who can hold this session. Based on my experience, I can safely say that when Jaye says something, it never contains anything false or negative. He is a warrior of love with a higher level of consciousness, always broadcasting in pure light frequencies.
Unfortunately there are too many fake lights out there and if you’ve stumbled upon this site, you won’t need to look any further for the real light. Fortunately, for us to escape such an Overlay, the Source, in the form of an invaluable healer, appeared as Xant’her(Jaye) on this 3rd Dimensional quarantined planet. I recommend removing this Overlay early in your Avatar Activation journey. Because this Overlay, the closer you get to the light, the more resistance it will show.
I am eternally grateful to all missionaries and volunteers of pure light and love, Xant’her, our planet’s most powerful and pure light healer, and the Source.
Deniz Ekin Derinalp November 24, 2021
I am happy to say that since my 25D Empath Shield Session, it’s been pretty quiet & way calmer than it’s been ever in my life. The noise is no more. That last bit of bombardment is gone. It’s a relief! I have gone back & even started watching a Chinese drama that I had abandoned.
I usually keep my reviews short, but I’d like to share the little things that have happened, somewhere along the way after a few healing sessions with Xan’ther.
Perhaps 1 of the most notable events that took place is totally burning the ex-boyfriend (verbally) who decided to bother me a day. I was so fierce & ferocious & wanted to keep burning that man (verbally) again & again; I actually sat back for a moment & was like, “Is that me?” I usually hold back, ignore things, keep quiet & even spare him, but that day was no-holds-barred. There hasn’t been a peep out of the ex-boyfriend, since I let him have it.
If you’re having relationships troubles, Xan’ther’s your man.
Having difficulty ending a relationship or being on equal footing in a relationship? By the time you complete the MAIN recommendations of your Full Energetic Test & maybe even a few extra healing sessions, you’ll be in tip top shape & able to turn around the situation. This was particularly noticeable for me about 1 week after the Chakra Unification Session.
Another thing that I would say happened is that my inner child has grown up, leveled up & healed. She is no longer that scared little girl who is so traumatized that she’ll slink back into a corner. She is at least teenage me, if not adult me—who is fabulously mischievous with a bunch of spunk & the right amount of attitude. We are now working together more harmoniously, & it is just a ton of fun. That’s who showed up to help me dispatch the ex-boyfriend gracefully, with finesse & no profanity.
Also, I have completed 2 books, & I’m on my 3rd one, all in under 2 months—a sharp contrast to being able to read only comics. This is significant for me because the last time I was able to read a book cover to cover was probably 25 to 30 years ago. Growing up, I used to read books close to the way you’d eat food (& for my brother, it’s like he literally would inhale whatever book).
Another miracle that occurred is that I managed to do 3 XL machines worth of laundry last week, & I’m preparing to do my next batch this week. It wasn’t just getting the laundry done, but taking everything out of the car (soap included), which was at least 8 times up & down the stairs to my apartment BY MYSELF. The stairway has about 21 steps. Then, after that, I finished packing everything away just in time for my Dad’s session that day.
Yet another amazing thing that happened for me was packing away 3 racks worth of clean dishes that I’d washed several weeks before & then washing up all the dishes I’d soaked but not completed cleaning.
One time, I remember waking up in the middle of the night & going through several storage bins & the pantry. By the time I was done, I had about 5 garbage bags worth of items that needed to toss. I never used to struggle with any daily life tasks before ever in my life, but it is over now.
I have said all this to say that it has been a nice return to self & order. I find myself a little bolder, a little stronger, more daring, more courageous, more confident & more at ease. I complete things & accomplish. I succeed where I used to fail. I am back on track & have more energy to get me through the day. It is immensely refreshing & satisfying.
OMPT November 14, 2021
I gave a lot of thought to this session before having it, it took me a while to feel the need of it because of all the stuff we’ve been taught about chakras. But the more I thought about it, the more I felt the urge to do it. It all happened in the Devine time 😊
This was a very powerful session for me. I felt all sorts of tingling and pulsating in different chakra areas, I even started coughing at some time, a lot of pressure in the lungs and the temples. But the real impact was revealed after the session. And it still amazes me how strong this session actually is. I have been a really strong empath ever since I can remember, even as a child. Now, after having my chakras removed, I feel so much more balanced. Other people’s feelings just cannot make me feel their negative emotions. I just feel where they come from, not experiencing them as my own. It really is amazing, I thought that it was something I was born with and I should just accept it, but now it is gone. And the self-blaming is gone as well. And it feels amazing. My self-confidence has increased significantly.
I cannot thank you enough, Xan’ther, for all the light work you do! I am so happy and grateful that I met you. Love and Light to everyone!Antoaneta Yordanova November 11, 2021
I had been getting hit with psychic attacks for months, and towards the end there were more. I suspected that the attacks were seriously affecting my sleep (I needed a lot more sleep, and the sleep cycle was disturbed.) Jaye recommended the 25D Mirror Shield for the attacks, and soon after the session my sleep cycle was much more manageable, and I needed less sleep (the “normal” 7-8 hrs.) An extremely powerful session for anyone experiencing psychic attacks and their ill-effects. I highly recommend this session. If you just got your energetic test done and it’s indicating attacks, I strongly recommend you prioritize this session, as certain major challenges you are experiencing may be due to the attacks. You can also program the shield to exclude people you don’t want getting blasted with rebound negative energy, like your kids. My only regret is that I should have gotten this session months ago, but the silver lining is an education on the potency of psychic attacks and the shield. Very grateful to Jaye as usual.
Alex November 7, 2021
Thank you very much for everything, Xan’ter.
Now I live in inner harmony and peace. I never think this is possible after so much traumas I had.
All the sessions we’ve had they have moved me way out of the swamp of drama, scarcity, unhealthy relationships, inner crick bursts, lost connection with God and with myself. I never imagined that I could feel peace and light almost all the time.
The journey I have taken in this one year is amazing. When I look back, I can’t even imagine that it’s only been a year since our first meeting. It seems years and lifetimes ago. I’m in a so much different place. And I’m a completely different person. I understood what inner center is and I can stay in it now. Priceless!
Thank you for the enlightenment and inspiration I received through you and working with you. For the light, for the care, working from the heart! Thank you!Diana November 4, 2021
During 20D Cord Cutting, the sharp pain I kept having in my heart stopped. I tried the doctor, medication, exercise, dietary changes & EFT with no permanent resolution. Also, a cat approached me on my morning walk the next day almost every time I finished a lap. (The last time that happened was over 25 years ago.)
OMPT November 1, 2021
WOW! This session was intense.I felt the energies being removed from me and experienced aches/pains throughout my body from the start and I knew before the session ended that it was going to be a huge impact on my life.
It’s been a week since my session and i feel soo much lighter, an increase in confidence, more energy, less affected by negative people and negative energy. Things don’t bother me like they used. I highly highly recommend this session.
I’ve been working with Xan’ther for many weeks now and have had many sessions. I 100% vouch that he’s the real deal, an earth angel, a miracle worker!
If you want deep healing and transformation in your life, then look no further.
Thank you Xan’ther for sharing your incredible healing gifts with us, for your compassion and kindness. With infinite gratitude as always-ANL
ANL October 25, 2021
Xan”ther I said it once & I will say it again Source is working with you & thru You! I feel so much better! The chronic pain I have endured for many years are gone, I feel balanced, I feel more confident, my vibration and mindset is changing for the better day to day. I have suffered manic depression since childhood and that’s gone too, along with anxiety! Amazing Grace! This session was very intense you have done a very good in explaining the process, it was bearable, after I felt like I was floating (very light) for a couple of weeks. I Am joyfully enjoying this journey & looking forward to the next step. This clearing is crucial & I would suggest everyone to take this opportunity to invest in your SOUL, we invest in many things here on earth -house-cars- business- family & all sorts of things, The Soul is the most important priority there should be!! Being whole mind body & soul should be the first priority. If your reading this you have lost soul fragments, don’t delay… go get all if you so you can take your rightful place, be safe, lift your frequency so you can walk in your purpose & be free while living limitless.This is A Soul Life Changing Clearing ❤️ Love & Light & Gratitude To Souce, Xan”ther, All Dvine Beings, & Everyone reading this Testimony ❤️
JC October 23, 2021
1 day after this session, the energy drains stopped on me & my walking partner. 10 days after this session, I finally found my calling in life. I have noticed a clarity about things that was not there previously. This is the 2nd session that I have had with Xan’ther. If your Full Energetic Test indicates that you need this session, I strongly encourage you to take action posthaste. (It’s like a straitjacket for your whole body.) It felt so great to take back my power & to break free of the interference, but most of all, I could enforce my NO finally after so many years of trying on my own.
OMPT October 18, 2021
I very highly encourage this session for yourself, your loved ones, your house, your car, your land/business, etc. It is a great investment that has brought me tremendous peace. (I particularly love the 10x power option & the fact that I no longer have to suffer at the hands of others.) The clearing has brought the negativity to a halt. I recommend this session FIRST, & I recommend Xan’ther FIRST because working with him will save you time & money in the long run. I have seen marked improvement & my issues are all but gone after this session & Overlay Removal. That is about 3 weeks compared to the 3 years worth of energy work I had done across 4 different healing modalities.
OMPT October 15, 2021
Probably one of the most life changing sessions I’ve ever received and believe me I already received a lot. This one put me into contact with a level of balance, self-worth and confidence I never experience before. Not much more than I could say about this session actually, it has surpassed my expectations and I already had high expectations on this session as I heard about it and read other testimonials about this one before, but one thing is to hear about it and another thing is to embody it. Amazing
Amílcar Almeida October 12, 2021
I have been working with xan’ther for 7 weeks now and I can’t get enough! Since finding him I have been through more activations than I can remember! And I am loving every session! My growth has been rapid albeit I know I still have a long way to go but oh my am I blown away by my acceleration already!
Xan’ther is the most remarkable healer and guide I have ever had the pleasure of working with and if you haven’t had a video healing with him yet then I cannot recommend this enough! His voice changes when he goes into the activations and your entire frequency sky rockets! I swear to god it is another level!
Today I woke up to the fact I am galactic law enforcement which is uncanny because I was a police officer for ten years as a human! I have just booked my command codes and 25d mirror shield with him and I have activations going on until Christmas!
My life has transformed and I have such a strong connection to myself already that I just can’t wait to launch into my full essence! If I could lie down for 48hrs and have all he offers all at once then believe you me I would!
So grateful to you xan’ther and for your support outside of my sessions! Xan’ther is the only one who I can really talk to about my experiences as no one in my circle is anywhere near my now level of understanding and he always replies despite the fact some days i send him essays on what is coming into my field!
Thank you for your patience, your guidance, your remarkable skill set and your presence at this time! You are a legend in your own right 🙏😎
Oc'taviour October 8, 2021
For me at this stage it’s difficult for me to report any specific changes I may have noticed after I have received a specific session, but I can tell you all the sessions received thus far, within the last year, help me significantly. As a result of that I feel more grounded, lighter in my body, all the fear and the anxiety I used to carry within me in my body has left me for good, I no longer am being attacked during my sleep which leads to more productivity and more energy throughout the day. I never ever heard about a Reptilian overlay and to be honest even when I heard about it for the first time I couldn’t care less. The thing is there isn’t any other energy healer/ascension guide on earth I trust, I would even go further to say I trust him almost blindly (based on the results I’ve been experiencing) so I always take Xan’ther recommendations in to consideration and I’m a living proof the sessions I received, dramatically boosted the way I’m experiencing this temporarily life experience, so yes, I said this before on other testimonials but I will say it again I couldn’t be more grateful for the opportunity to work with Xan’ther in my ascension path. These multiple sessions I received have shift the way I experiencing this temporarily earthly existence. I see myself operating from a gratitude stance and see myself spending a lot more time focused on the blessings life has been throwing on my way as opposed what I used to focus on before. This was possible after all of the energetic distortions were successfully cleared out of my body. As far as the Reptilian Overlay Removal session is concerned, if I were to define it in one single word the it would be: “Relativize”, probably this won’t have the same impact\meaning as on my native language, the hidden meaning of this word is that prior to receiving this session I saw myself being tormented by the type of debilitating thoughts that used to cross my mind, but I was sure there was a certain level of programming behind those thoughts. Ever since I had the Overlay removed, I can look at things with another perspective and no longer give certain events, people or circumstances the importance I used to.
Amílcar Almeida October 4, 2021
Another powerful and transformational session with Xan’ther. Had body aches and experienced emotional purging following the session but I guess that’s to be expected.
I’ve been working with Xan’ther for several weeks now and the transformations I have experienced and is experiencing is absolutely phenomenal. Prior to working with Xan’ther, I was depressed, despondent, plagued with intense fear, anxiety, under constant psychic attacks and overweight. I have had so many healing with different healers and tried different healing modalities to no avail. I was literally on the verge of committing suicide when i was introduced to Xan’ther. From my first session with him I knew he was the real deal. I then proceeded to have many other healing sessions with him. I don’t have the words to convey how truly life changing Xan’ther sessions are. Fast forward to today, I am a brand new person, anxiety, depression, fear, hopeless, psychic attacks gone and now weigh 52kg. I am so excited about life again, joyful and driven to pursue my dreams, feelings I haven’t experienced in many many year.
I simply cannot recommend Xan’ther enough.
Thank you Xan’ther from the bottom of my heart for everything and for sharing your incredible healing gift with us. You’ve literally saved me and for this I will be forever grateful.
Much love and gratitude to youANL October 4, 2021
Wow! I have had so many healings, clearings and activations with Xan’ther that my diary is full with him until Christmas! This session was profound! I felt waves of gratitude so powerful I cried! I saw my Akashic records being restored with flashes of aqua marine light! It was incredible on every level!
I am sooooo grateful to you Xan’ther for your work, your commitment to this planet, your strength, your abilities! In just 6 weeks my life has transformed beyond recognition and I cannot recommend you enough! I feel empowered just knowing you are here and I cannot wait to share my new found skills and abilities to help heal the human race and return this planet to its original state of being!
I have gone from Being a lost human being called Jo to stepping into my power and becoming Oc’taviour! I am only 6 weeks in and I am blown away!
Can’t wait for my upcoming sessions! And I have so much more to complete with you! Bring on the future 🙂 x
Oc'taviour October 1, 2021
At the beginning of September, I had the 25D Hidden Distortion Removal Session, which was deep and powerful.
For the following two days, I went through a major purging process. Cleansing is accepted to be a major foundational phase in order to accrete more light into our fields so that we can co-create. So this was a welcomed intervention. Also I am going through a complete metamorphosis energetically. In fact, I am proud to say that finally I have cracked it; – I was able to step into my power. Yes, I concurred my personal mountain and the view on top is amazing. This has been a major transformation for me.
I would love all of you fellow travellers out there to make the decision to go through the trainings / tools made available by Xan’ther, as transformation is inevitable and the outcome over time is well worth it.
Arzu September 26, 2021
WoW what an immediate difference this has made in my Soul! Xan”ther, SOURCE is Working Wonders with & thru you! Here’s the deal after spending years, time & money to balance my chakras after years of kios seemed impossible. I have been a client of Xan”ther & received quite a few healing sessions, all of which I have found growth, and a increase in my vibration! This Clearing Right Is Amazing! I Am not bothered by other people energy, I Am more Blissful. This is only day 5:) The Session was intense , waves of energy , a few pains (all bearable) more like pressure, colors, hot/cold chills & the rest was not in the forefront. I slept like a new born baby. Woke up very light & happy feeling full of love. Anyone who has suffered Emotionally, Mentally, Physically or Spiritually, or Struggle to stay grounded or Stay in that figure 8 ( life up & down) well this is the Devine 9 feeling:)
JC September 26, 2021
Unlike most of the other sessions I have had the opportunity to receive, you won’t feel the results instantly, it will actually feel your doing worst during the integration phase until it becomes better, have no doubts this will be one of the most important sessions you will have the opportunity to receive in your ascension path. It’s not like other sessions I receive where I have suddenly felt a boost in my energy and I felt increased awareness or clarity, it’s nothing like that. It doesn’t work like that, on the contrary, it’s not something new you will feel it was added to you like you had your aura cleared it’s more like you had an enormous amount of baggage removed. The results are simply something like more lightness in my body, more grounded and I don’t know exactly how energetically this process actually works, with the unnecessary baggage, the trapped emotions clear, it’s like all my limiting beliefs are also gone. It’s kind of like being on top of the world just for now simply because on one hand I don’t have those energies holding my back and also the other sessions I received prior to this one are finally catching up with me so I’m not just resonating with the energies I received for this session but I’m most importantly resonating with the sum of all the sessions I received up until now: 15D Auric clearing session, 15D energetic cord cutting session, 25D Mirror activation shield, 36 strands Galactic DNA activation, 25D Astral Body Removal. If you want to take your spiritual life to the next level, reach out to Xan’ther so that he can guide you towards your path to ascension.
Amílcar Almeida September 22, 2021
I’ve had other sessions with Xan’ther. And they are all really special. But this one, the 25D Mirror Shield Sessions turned out to be life-changing for me. I cannot explain it with words even. As if I am not the same person after it. I am so much more happy, confident, joyful, full of energy, I sleep better, I see things I have never seen before in my everyday life, I am much more aware of the world around me and of all the energies. And the terrible headaches I had been having for quite some time 24 hous a day just stopped. I felt the vast impact of this session over me from the very beginning, but I waited some time just to be able to explain the full effect of it on me. And I am so grateful to Xan’ther for the amazing work he does. I had black magic, sorcery, evil eyes and other nasty stuff put on me and now that they are all gone, I can physically feel it, and energetically as well. As if I feel more freedom, more space around me, it is even hard to be explained. I feel like I am improving myself each day It’s just amazing. Thank you so much, Xan’ther! Love and Light to everyone!
Antoaneta Yordanova September 20, 2021
This session was wonderful I felt intense energies in the first few seconds and throughout the 1 hour audio session.
I no longer feel drained in crowded places or toxic environments. Thanks to Jaye. Brother from another Mother. 🙂
Chander Shekhar September 12, 2021
Resting for me (and when I talk about resting I’m referring to go to bed at night) has never been or at least it hasn’t been for quite some time a enjoyable, resting or pleasuring activity, on the contrary, it seemed like it was judgement day, every night (and not in a good way) we’re I used to see my self being dragged against my will to a very dark and sinister place place and to be feed with parasites which inhabit that place. If you experience the same things I did you know exactly what I’m talking about. Be attacked over and over again until you’re drained from most of your life force. This can create a huge negative impact into ones vitality. As soon as I receive this session, I’m able to rest easier not having to worry about being kidnapped over night, so long story short I am very grateful to have the opportunity to work with Xan’ther. There is no greater calling then the one you’re serving in this existence and I hope all your clients are able to appreciate you for what you’re doing for as much as I do. Thanks for everyone, see you on our next session.
Amílcar Almeida September 12, 2021
Towards the end of August, I had the 25D Akashic Records Restoration Session with Xan’ther. This was a long awaited step up for me and is a benchmark for sure. It was a gentle session, given the fact that my body is adjusting itself after a year and a half long traumatic medical interferences.
I felt freezing cold the next day, even though it was rather a warm weather. I also had a sudden lower back pain which lasted for over a week, gradually fading away. Both experiences are an indication of further restoration work, as I am integrating energies. Overall, I am feeling a lot freer in my mind and heart, liberated from projections / filters. I am loving this state of flow, which is facilitating me to observe, deal with and move on with ease.
Considering it could take months for the energies to be integrated, I remain curious as to how the mid to long-term impact of the session will be unfolding for me. As always, in deep gratitude for Xan’ther’s diligent guidance and rigorous services.
Arzu September 7, 2021
At the end of August, I received the ‘galactic 72D strand activation’. It was a deeply felt gentle session.
One of the most obvious results of the session is its cumulative impact on the previous sessions in terms of liberating me from low vibrational thought patterns of the past /present/future and negative reactions to the observed reality.
We are in the process of major transformation. There is nothing to do other than being. The energy will change / upgrade the energy in the perfect way and in the perfect time which in turn will change our reality in line with our vision. All we need to do is to receive / listen. The more repetitions of the receiving / listening we do, the better the results.
As with probably majority of people, I was guilty of paying lip service to the widely accepted concepts of self-trust / self-love. However, applying them to day-to-day life was a challenge. As I receive more energies guided by Xan’ther, my boundaries become clearer and the meaning of ‘filling your own cup first’ reveals its deeper meaning before offering love/time/energy to anyone else. I also stopped empathing others – so that I can live according to Sovereign Law. As always, in deep gratitude for Xan’ther’s priceless guidance/services.
Arzu September 7, 2021
I have had quite a few sessions with Xan’ther now and I can honestly say the shifts are truly felt! He is always on hand to answer any questions and support me through the process! I was very anxious in the early days because I had just woken up to the the false light and found myself very much alone but despite my fear I stepped forward and embarked on a whole new journey! Can’t wait to do more and see how far I can expand into all that is me! Thanks for all your support Xan’ther I’m truly grateful for your work and your patience with me x
Jo Houghton September 5, 2021
As strange as this may sound, I’m very grateful for contracting the disease in the first place as I wouldn’t have learned the lessons I had if I didn’t and I wouldn’t most likely have ordered this session. What most people don’t realize and what having been through this experience along with the conversations had with Xan’ther have taught me is that there is a very powerful soul lesson associated with this disease one must go through in order to endure the effects and to ultimately heal from this disease. The symptoms I had prior to receiving this session were practically eradicated in full by the end of the healing but the benefits you can obtain by receiving this session goes way beyond than just clearing the symptoms of the infection: 1) it will strengthen your immune system which will make you less vulnerable to contract this disease again 2) and most importantly it will heal all of your core wounds which are the major sources of mental and emotional distress that are impacting our lives. Having these wounds addressed, directly contributes to a more joyful and meaningful existence and are a crucial step towards ascension. Thank you Xan’ther for another great session, I’m truly blessed for the opportunity to work with you, I can’t wait to see, what our next sessions will bring.
Amílcar Almeida August 27, 2021
The whole session was very light when I was receiving as I didn’t feel much. After 10 days, I noticed an increased level of self-confidence and self-esteem. I got super motivated to work towards my goals. I am still integrating the session and I could notice all the subtle changes it is bringing. For most of the sessions I received from Xan’ther, it would take several days for me to balance the energies and notice the changes and it would be different for everyone. So, don’t be disappointed if you didn’t feel anything during the session. The energy shift might happen anytime and trust the process.
Seetha August 26, 2021
Wow! Mind blown! That was the most immense healing session I have ever had! I felt the seals releasing, pains in my leg, throbbing in my head! I felt a tornado of terror leave my chest area! Euphoria! And tingling all over! Can’t wait for my chakra removal session! If you haven’t yet taken steps to unplug yourself from the matrix I can’t recommend it enough!
Jo Houghton August 22, 2021
Hello everyone, this is what I experienced during the sessions and after my 12 strand dna activation. The first session I experienced a very calming and relaxing energy throughout my whole body. My 2nd session experience was quite dramatic and super transformational. During the 2nd session I felt strong energy in my left leg and then it slowly moved to the left side of my face. The energy was also strong in the lip area during the middle of the session. At another point in the session the energy was like needles hitting my chest which was a little bit painful. The next day after the 2nd session around 4am I seen an ascended master. He had long hair with blue energy being projected from his eyes for a total distance of roughly 3 inches. It looked like two tiny beams of light coming from his eyes. In the past I was always very sensitive to negative energy but after the 2nd session I had a guest come in during work. He was yelling and swearing at me. Normally I would’ve been traumatized but to my surprise I couldn’t feel his rage or his negative energy that he was throwing at me. I believe he couldn’t affect me because I was operating at a much higher frequency than he was because of the activations. In the 3rd session I experienced similar energy to sessions 1 and 2, but following the 3rd session I had a divine fever with a sore throat similar to a cold. My husband also experienced this after his 12 strand dna activation. Thank you Xan’ther I highly recommend this activation especially if you are an indigo soul.
Irene Mcdonald August 22, 2021
This dna 2.0 sessions from xanther are so powerful in so many ways that it changed my life with only few of them. I am much more optimistic and have much better experience happiness and joy. My frequency expanded so much in a very short time that i used to before. The energies are so powerful and warm to feel during the session and it gives a very pleasant experience. I couldn’t be more grateful for receiving such high energies to expand my frequency and develop much higher than ever
Aydin Karabulut August 18, 2021
At the end of July, I received the ‘galactic 36D stand activation’. Since then I have been integrating and observing progress at all levels of my being. Fear, in general, was at the fore front for me. Fear paralyzes us and prevents us from making higher conscious decisions. Particularly for us empaths / healers, fear can sabotage multiple areas of our lives; such as a) our relationships, b) our ability to manifest abundance, c) fulfilling our soul mission, and d) our ability to embody a state of absolute health. Hence mastering our fear of failure / rejection / not being good enough / disappointment is an essential part of our unfolding path.
In this context, I consider this session to be fundamental for tipping the balance and facilitating me to step into my full power. This is the power of soul alchemy / transmutation. It is also essential to note the importance of the cumulative effect / impact of previous sessions / progress.
Regardless of our personalities, we all deserve health, happiness and abundance. Each of these states requires us to let go off all limitations / restrictions, as well as mastering our fears. That is where Xan’ther comes in with a wide range of tools / services providing the ultimate support for empowering us to excel in our lives.
Arzu August 16, 2021
I don’t have the words to convey how POWERFUL and TRANSFORMATIONAL this session was. I have suffered since from childhood from astral travelling to negative realms and experienced immense attacks at night. Over the last 2 years I’ve spend thousands and thousands of pounds on different healing modalities and on different healers to no avail. I’ve had countless clearings done, etheric implants removed, portalways closed, negative entities removed, earthbound souls removed, soul attachments removed, golden webs/tears and Godspark damaged repaired,etc etc. One of the many healers I used told me I was astral travelling to these negative realms on purpose to visit someone who I know who is stucked there.absolute drivel.NOTHING worked until the astral body removal session with Xan’ther. I had 7 astral bodies! No wonder I was constantly being hijacked in my sleep. I felt the results immediately, my sleep is getting better and better and I am no longer experiencing fear and dread at night and sleep paralysis.
I’ve had several healing sessions already from Xan’ther and he is a true healer and the most powerful healer I’ve come across. In fact, he is the ONLY healer I trust. I cannot recommend getting sessions from Xan’ther enough. Take it from someone who has used many healers in the past.
Xan’ther, I cannot thank you enough for everything. You’ve literally saved me and I would be forever grateful. Looking forward to others session
With immense gratitudeANL August 16, 2021
Before the session started I felt a huge pulse of energy enter my feet which slowly dissipated after a few minutes. During the session my left shoulder started to hurt a lot and remained in pain for about 15 minutes. In my minds eye I seen light blue for a moment and not long after that a yellow/orange like colour. I seen these for only brief moments. After the session was completed at the 2 hour mark I felt like a heavy weight was lifted off of my entire being. It was a very light and happy feeling. Also, at the very end even past the 2 hour mark I laid down for a little while longer and in my minds eye I seen huge anaconda like snake slithering away and disappearing off into the distance. The reptilian overlay removal works and I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for me.
Cameron Mcdonald August 13, 2021
I have done galactic dna activations and the lightarian program and all I can say is WOW! It takes a little while to integrate but it is very powerful stuff! I am so easily able to hear my spirit guides and communicate with them directly. I am getting more and more opportunities presented to me. Overall, I am just feeling better every day and my manifestations are becoming much easier to create into reality. Xanther is a godsent healer and psychic! Thank you Xanther!
Sofia F. August 9, 2021
I was sure I’d been hijacked in my sleep. It turned out I had 7 astral bodies. I received the session from Xan’ther and this brought a lot of changes in my daily life which I’d like to share with you.
Before the session I couldn’t fall asleep without having a shower right before going to bed. I’d tried to have my evening shower earlier like before dinner but when several hours later I went to bed, I rolled for an hour or two, then I got up and took a shower again. After the session I can take a shower before dinner or a night walk and I still fall asleep immediately.
I drink at least three litres of water per day and go to the toilet often. Before the session I was waking up at the middle of the night to go to the toilet whole life long. After the session I sleep 8-9-10 hours without toilet and I still can’t comprehend how it’s possible. For me this is a pure miracle 🙂
Before I’d been waking up heavy and exhausted, sometimes disoriented where I am, like lifetimes and timelines had been mixed up and I can’t recognize the current one. I didn’t want to get up because I had no energy. It was taking me about two hours to arrive back in my body and during this time I was walking around like a silent ghost who hates to be engaged in conversation.
After the session I arrive in my body at the very moment I’m waking up. I feel light, recharged and capable to start my day right away. I have much more energy during the day than before, even when it happens to me to sleep less than I need. I’m a therapist and my work consists of giving deep and long channeled sessions. Before I needed a 5-15 minutes power nap before every session to restart myself. Now I do it for pleasure when I can but it’s not necessary like before. All this makes me more effective.
It looks to me that now I have more access to the fire in my constitution. In general I’m a cold person. Before I was feeling my feet cold quite often. I have always slept with short bamboo socks during the night. For the first time in my life now I sleep without such :)) I have a client with the same effect after her session too.
I continue to watch myself and discover new effects after every session I get. I recommend Xan’ther’s work to all my clients. All they sleep deeply for 8-9 hours after this session and all of them have huge specific differences before and after every other session. I watch this transformations with awe and gratitude. I can say that some of our issues are not in our hands to solve. We need divine intervention. Thank you, Xan’ther, for your kind support and magical skills. I feel so lucky to know you! This is a new era in my life 🙂
Milena Petkova August 8, 2021
I received the Matrix Unplugging session. During the session I felt various implants being removed from me. They felt like fine needles coming out of various parts of the body – from the breast, womb, intestines, fingers, toes. A large seal (I think?) was removed from inside my brain, it was a more substantial object. By the end of the session I felt like someone had given me an enema – a bit sore on the inside (my intestines hurt) but clear, like I had let go of a lot of baggage.
The following morning I woke up feeling full of energy and my insides felt healed and less sore! I highly recommend this session for anyone who wishes to let go of high level programming, implants, seals that have kept you stuck for a long time! Definitely a great session to go for coupled with the Chakra Aura Clearing before going into therapy/personal development. Big thumbs up!
Natasha Bailey August 5, 2021
Recently, I had the ‘chakra and kundalini removal’ session. During the session, I felt strong movement of energy around my sacral chakra and about half way into the session there was a strong vortex of energy movement around my heart chakra.
Since then, the negative thought patterns tape, that was playing in my head over and over again, lost its significant grip over me. Hence, I feel more in control of my emotions and responses. More importantly, I feel freedom at last, allowing divine light to flow through me abundantly. I remain curious, as to how many different ways this process will unfold for me. Meanwhile, in deep gratitude to Xan’ther for providing these priceless services.
Arzu July 30, 2021
I got this done as well as a 25D Mirror Shield a couple weeks ago. I could feel a lot of dark energies being removed, things the shaman I went to couldn’t get off or see maybe. And I worry less about being attacked so I feel more comfortable going out without stacks of crystals. The biggest thing that happened was after these 2 sessions I had my first clairvoyant and clairaudient experience when a bunch of fairies and 2 aliens showed up. Thanks Xanther.
Jennifer Langevin July 28, 2021
It has only been a couple of days since I received this session so it may be premature for me to be leaving here my testimonial as time will tell how long it will keep me protected from the negatives entities that have been affecting throughout my entire life. In the last 20 years of so of my existence I’ve spent thousands of euros and used the services of many healers as soon I got my suspicions confirmed that a curse has been place upon me and my family. All of the healers I worked with helped me at some extend but none of them were as effective as Xan’ther. This session did much more than as advertised as it literally gave me my life back as I feel I’m finally able to express myself fully without any invisible enemy continuosly sabotaging me (especially during my sleep) and holding me back from achieving what I came here to do.
Amílcar Almeida July 25, 2021
I had a 20D cord cutting session about a week ago. My intention for the session was to set myself free in order to fully step into my power to provide my unique services to the global community with ease and peace.
This was yet another gentle energy work during which I had no visuals at all. Later on in the day, the unmistakable feeling of lightness came over me. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders.
I have been tested to destruction on the health front for over a year. As part of this major transformational process, zest / joy in my eyes was extinguished. This was alarming, even though I knew that I had health challenges, in order to be made a new. Following the session, however, I noticed sparks in my eyes, which was a welcomed recovery. I give thanks for the many blessings that now unfold for me.
In the grand scheme of it all, we are in the amidst of a powerful Sirian-Lemurian ascension waves that are awakening all souls. This is such a powerful phase, aiding us to let go off all limitations / restrictions that accumulated over time, blocking our progress in life. That is where Xan’ther’s comprehensive tools and services come in handy, providing spot on support. After all, we all deserve health, happiness and abundance.
Arzu July 22, 2021
As the integration of this session begins to be completed, it is possible to expect a general uplift in our lives. I realized that each strand of DNA awakens different potentials within us and opens different locks of our consciousness. It elevates our spirit, increases the light within us.
It seriously increases the positivity of our outlook on life. We become more ‘there’. Our minds are clearing and we are getting further and further away from being a slave to our minds. Our outlook on life is evolving to favor Source energy.
We develop an internal mechanism that is more fair and understanding to people. Of course, it is a session that has the potential to contain many different positivity for everyone. You will never regret working with Xant’her, a Galactic and Cosmically blessed special healer who is always understanding and professional.
This process is a whole and DNA activations are a very important part of this whole. I would like to express my endless thanks to all our brothers of pure light, love and service to the whole, especially Jaye.
Deniz Ekin Derinalp July 20, 2021
It has only been a week since Xan’ther did the chakra/kundalini removal session for me. I’ve noticed lots of positive differences and am experiencing more daily. On the first day, I was looking around and thinking how perfect everything was. The car dealership, the advertising signs – things that before would have annoyed me with their ugliness now seemed absolutely perfect.
Next, it was people. Even when they were being unkind, I was non-reactive and just wanted to love them. I feel I want to contribute to making the whole world happy and my mood is definitely uplifted. I can see that people feel happier when in my presence. I sense that I am beaming light from my heart out to the world. How special is that way of being?
My meditations are terrific. I immediately connect as my higher self, seeing myself inside my MerKaBa with shining light from my head and core star so far. Very nice! I am much better connected to Source. I used to question whether my intuitive insights were true, but now I am absolutely certain they can be trusted and I act on them. I no sooner ask a question before the answer appears. What a gift! Meditation gets me instantly to a place where I am connected and I can expand my core star. Lovely!
I want to meditate a lot, eat well, care for myself. I feel at peace with the world. I feel that all is right with the world. I feel set free.
I really appreciate Xan’ther’s information post-session about how to meditate for the three energy centres now and the MerKaBa meditation. I know that these will empower me even more. I’m so glad I did this and so grateful to Xan’ther for providing a safe space for it.
Karen Smith July 20, 2021
I don’t think words can convey how extremely powerful and transformational Xan’ther sessions are. In the last 3 weeks I’ve had the auric karmic clearing, kundalini and chakra removal and yesterday had the 25D mirror sheild. The benefits of these sessions are out of this world. I am so much calmer, more peaceful, less prone to negative thoughts and finally I
can sleep throughout the night without interference. For someone who suffered many years of insomnia, this is simply amazing.
I can personally vouch that Xan’ther is the real deal and his healings are truly life changing.
Ive got several healing sessions booked for the coming weeks which I am extremely excited. I cannot thank you enough for everything. With infinite blessings to youANL July 17, 2021
It was about a couple of weeks ago that Xan’ther’s work came into my attention which I felt would contribute to the expansion of my consciousness. As I was browsing through his w/site, the title of ‘Angelic Ray Sword Session: Reptilian Overlay Removal’ jumped at me. When I read the description I knew why; – ‘feeling a constant battle of fighting yourself and struggling to move forward in life’. Being an empath, normally, I am rather sensitive to energy and I feel its movement / impact strongly. However, the session was a rather gentle one during which I did not even have any visuals. In the evening of the day, I was ready for sleep in my bed, I felt expansion in my chest and was able to breath easily and fully. Since April 2020 due to life threatening health challenges and the procedures received, I was not able to breath properly. So this was a magical gift that was appreciated immensely. In the following days I felt lighter and more energy to get up early enough to go for a walk in the nearby neighbourhood green. I am also observing my negative thought patterns and able to let them go more easily. All in all, this was a welcomed initial session that followed by a package, which I am excited about. I feel, each and every one of us deserves to liberate ourselves from accumulated energetic debris, in order to align ourselves with our soul purposes and share our gifts with the world. Xan’ther’s tools and services are providing the most rounded support. In deep gratitude and may you all benefit from these services too.
Arzu July 16, 2021
I’m grateful for Avatar Xan’ther, he helped me when everybody else denied me help I was seeking to recieve. Thanks to new shielding way, I am now able to work peacefully, black magic does not affect me, and I feel very safe. Finally I have peace! Namaste, blessings upon you Avatar Xan’ther and your family. Blessings to all who read this testimonial, Godess Lakshmi and I are preparing something special with help of St. Germain
Narayah Shiktu San July 16, 2021
Hello everyone, I recently had my chakra and kundalini removal last July 12, 2021. During the session I felt cold and a heavy energy in my chest. After the session I went back to sleep for about 45 minutes. When i woke up I had very painful headache/fever so, I took a painkiller and went back to sleep again. After my sleep I felt better with a very light feeling and much calmer. Today(7/15/21) I tried a merkaba meditation while having a nap. I imagined I was inside the merkaba making it spin faster and faster until
I could feel I was shaking. All of a sudden I was taken somewhere else while in my merkaba. I seen in my minds eye aqua blue with white light energy(must have been an aura). I also seen a Green head with oblong eye I am pretty sure it was an alien. The last image I seen in my mind eye was a bunch of green trees. I probably could’ve seen more but I decided to close my minds eye and end the meditation. Before the Kundalini/Chakra removal I never ever experienced a meditation of this nature. It was a powerful spiritual experience and I am sure that in the future I will continue to raise my frequency higher. Thank you X’ander you really helped me a lot.Irene Mcdonald July 16, 2021
Had my chakra and kundalini removal session yesterday. Oh boy! What an incredibly powerful and deeply healing session. I felt the energy moved within me during the session. Saw flashes of past lives and memories from childhood.
Felt like I was undergoing surgery literally.. which shows how powerful the session was.Thank you so much Xan’ther for being such an exceptional healer and a beautiful soul. Cant to have more sessions with you. With immense gratitude
ANL July 12, 2021
Let me preface this review by stating, my words will absolutely not do justice to this session & the profound experience & effects.
This was the most powerful session ever. Xan’ther is always next level, and his sessions are always extremely moving, life changing, & soul recharging — on multiple different dimensions but the experience of this one (with the accumulation of other sessions I’ve had at this point) was like turning a much needed leaf my soul needed.
I won’t go into the personal details around what guided me to Xan’ther, but it was no accident — and the sessions I’ve needed have restored the integrity of my soul.
This session is like a security blanket for your soul. You WILL feel the effects, and if you don’t physically — or immediately, it will show up in your life over time. This is such a powerful session to get for yourself. It’s truly a necessity in this matrix we all participate in! Thank you again, so much for everything Xan’ther!
Mase Marie July 6, 2021
During the 15d cord cutting session I felt dizzy, and pain behind my head. I also has cold/hot sensations in my body. Later that day I felt nauseous. The next day I felt lighter and happier I highly recommend this session.
Irene Mcdonald July 4, 2021
Had my first session yesterday and it was absolutely amazing. I felt so blissful and loved. The whole experience is quite surreal. Feeling a bit lightheaded today which I take to mean the healing is happening. Can’t wait to have more sessions. I am glad you were recommended to me. Thank you 🙏
ANL July 4, 2021
I have now been using the 25D love booster for a couple of weeks. The initial session was similar to other sessions that I had had with Xan’ther – very smooth and yet powerful. I could feel a strong warm energy around my heart chakra, which felt very loving. Whenever I reconnect to that energy, it feels very similar to this initial session. Sometimes the energy is stronger, sometimes it’s a bit weaker – depending on my personal energy level and my ability to focus on these energies. They are definitely stronger when I take some time to focus on them. I also found out that I can “reconnect” to the energy within the 6 hour time window – this gives me the same energy that I get when I activate it for another 6 hours, but I don’t have to wait until the 6 hours are over. I am wondering if I could change the scheduling of the energy and activate them automatically at the same time every day, but I have not yet tried that.
Holger July 2, 2021
I’ve had this overlay for a longer time and the removal of it was so important and needed for me. It was not easy for me in my daily life with this overlay but thanks to xanther and his healing, i am free of this burden.
I’ve had many sessions with Xanther and can highly recommend to work with this divine healer. His healings have done miracles on me. Thank you xanther!!Aydin Karabulut June 26, 2021
I had my second session with Xan’ther yesterday. I was hoping I would be able to establish a better communication channel with my higher self after removing the j-seals and activating my DNA. I woke up from a night’s sleep the day after the session and as I was standing in my washroom looking around, I noticed that the sink, toilet and floor were quite far away and small as if I was standing at quite a height above them. I looked at myself in the mirror and didn’t see any difference, but I felt huge. Then it occurred to me that my 3D self had merged with my higher self and I was experiencing that moment from the perspective of my higher self. That result was way better than I had hoped for. Very, very cool!
Karen Louise Smith June 23, 2021
I haven’t fully integrate the energies in order to be emboding a 6D vibrational frequency as this session tends to takes much longer (several months) as other sessions already did to fully integrate the energies one will be receiving on a daily basis from their Higher Self, however so far I can tell you most of the suffering associated with a low vibrational frequency which is commonly known as 3D as already dissipated. There is no room for suffering when you vibrating from a higher frequency because you experience your reality from an entirely different perspective. Just for that alone it was totally worth it.
Amílcar Almeida June 15, 2021
It has been 4 days since I received the Astral Body Removal Session. I feel more connected to my body. I have gained more clarity during day time also as soon as I wake up. I am ready to think about my goals as soon as I getup in the morning. I usually would feel drowsy and it would take almost half a day to gain clarity. I highly recommend this session to anyone who has astral body(ies). Thank you Xan’ther for this wonderul healing session.
Seetha June 15, 2021
I believe this is definitely one of the more important sessions that is offered as it greatly reduces the manipulation by entities in your energy fields, especially while you sleep.
During the session, I felt light waves of energy and vibration going through my body as these astral bodies and the distortions they created were being removed.
Over the next several days, you notice a big difference. I feel lighter and much more present and I find it easier to connect with my Higher Self. You also sleep like a baby at night.
If you’re wondering whether or not you need these astral bodies, you do not. I find them to be more of a hindrance to spiritual advancement.
Xan’ther is a gentle soul who will guide you in your process of ascension and is always there to answer any questions or concerns you may have.
Alex T. June 8, 2021
I have been having different kind of sessions with Xan’ther since November 2020.
Each and every one of them are different.
As I am super sensitive for energies I have been experiencing enormous amount of lights going through my system as well as releasing blockages.
As my frequency is raising my life is in continuous change. I really have to put my seatbelt on as the changes are so profound.
Places, people…etc whatever doesn’t resonate any longer with me and doesn’t serve anymore my highest good simply get dropped off out of my life.
I am in constant change and move. Recently l left my job and now I am moving to another country for good.
If you really want to experience many changes in your life and ready for it,
do not hesitate to contact Xan’ther.
He is always there answering questions, explaining everything and supporting you through your ready to start, magical journey.Premlata May 31, 2021
Two weeks went by since I had the reptilian overlay removed. You don’t notice it’s there until it removed. I am beyond grateful for the subtle but effective transformation I am experiencing since. Thank Xan’ther for sharing your gifts and helping many people to live the life their souls intended.
During the session, I’d noticed different sensations such as tingling in my whole body, coldness and heat etc… I saw some past lives and colors.
Now, I am more in control of myself and not feeling conflicted internally. In my Yoga practice, my body feels much lighter and I am able to do some asanas pose that I couldn’t do before. I am breathing deeply on a daily basis and my meditation has become deeper. I can’t recommend enough having the reptilian overlay removed to experience spiritual freedom. 🌈🪐🌠
Christian May 30, 2021
AHMAZING!!!! I feel so much lighter, happier, more free, and just chill. I am a TRUE BELIEVER in Xanther. I tell all my friends about him and his services. I have been able to manifest so much easier and I notice easy sources of income just pop into my life now with no effort. Xanther is a true master and I am so excited to continue working with him.
Sonia F May 30, 2021
The 12 strand dna for me has been of tremendous help. I recommend anyone’s who’s anyone to get some session from Xan’ther.
Toran Dulaney May 25, 2021
I ordered this both for my husband and me, not because we had Covid, but because of the core wound healing and body healing for underlying health conditions. For my husband I can definitely say that he feels better and has increased energy. As for myself, I felt the session in what I consider are my “problem areas”—mostly feelings of pressure in certain areas of my body. The rest of the day I could feel the energy, and all week, in fact, I’ve had more energy than I have in a long time! I feel great! As always, thank you Xan’ther 🙂
Marjorie May 21, 2021
Ive been working with Jaye since 2018 and highly evolved Spiritually since then.Jaye is very kind, compassionate & honest. This session is a game changer. It was very intense & transformational. After a week, I’ve definitely felt a positive shift within my mind, body & soul. I’m feeling more empowered in terms of healing. I’d definitely recommend this session.
Vipul May 19, 2021
Xanther is AMAZING! Not only in his psychic and energetic powers but also as a person. He is kind, ethical, transparent, responsive, and an incredibly skilled psychic and healer. His sessions have truly changed my life and my manifestation abilities have skyrocketed. Some of my friends have already done sessions with him and have had great life results. I will absolutely be getting more sessions with Xanther. Wow, just wow! Take the risk, experience a session of his, you will not be disappointed.
Sonya Som May 17, 2021
This session was insane. By far one of the most powerful sessions I’ve received ever. Once the session was over I felt the effects immediately. It’s hard to put into words as it’s literally an experience out of this world. Everyone IMO should undergo this session, as it’s such a foundational one to get done. TYSM Xan’ther, for all of my sessions this far!
Mase Marie May 15, 2021
So at first I didn’t know what to expect but after a couple of weeks I begin to feel completely different and people has been treating me differently. It made me want to become even healthier also my third eye intuition has been getting more accurate or it’s easier to discern universal synchronicity. Truly a must have experience if you are serious about your spiritual growth.
Toran Oshea Dulaney May 7, 2021
Results were felt practically instantly once my fields had been cleared from all of the energetic distortions that were holding me back from from experiencing all the blessings this temporary human experience has to offer. Couldn’t be more satisfied with all the support I’ve received from Xan’ther prior, during and after the session and I will most definitely return for more sessions.
Amílcar May 3, 2021
I received the J-seals and unnatural implants removal about a week ago. I immediately felt some positive changes. I feel like I can think more clear….it’s not so “fuzzy”. I also noticed that my mood has been lifted and common annoyances just float on by. I feel a little more connected to the planet as well. I just feel happier….calmer, and content. I can’t wait to try other services. Thanks you!
Jennifer Snyder May 3, 2021
I’m writing this testimonial on behalf of my father, who will turn 70 later this year. He’s had a stubborn dry cough for decades despite being very healthy otherwise (he doesn’t smoke etc.). The doctors have said it’s probably genetic and he’ll just have to live with it. After the Covid-19 Session with Jaye the cough is almost gone. My father is a sceptic, who mainly agreed to have the session because I asked him to. But after the session he had tears in his eyes and he was deeply touched. He asked me to thank Jaye for curing him. We are so grateful for everything Jaye is doing!
Jessica April 25, 2021
This is an amazing healing experience and will propel you to the next level of your spiritual journey. Look forward to more future sessions with Xan’ther. He cares deeply about his clients and their progress.
Alexander T. April 18, 2021
I had 12 Strand DNA Activation and Golden DNA Activation and my life seams to open up incredibly. I was working on my website, and out of no where one of my client, from Italy gifted me with a professional website. Also my life, my emotions, everything is very light, and seams that things are coming into my life without any efforts. I will definitely keep doing activation and energetic clearing. I’m deeply grateful to Xan’ther. Thank you
Marina March 29, 2021
The effects of this session occurred the very same night I received it. I only slept for 3 hours but when I awoke, I felt like I was in deep REM for 8. It’s been 5 days since my session and every night, my body has continued to insist that 3 hours is all it needs anymore. I used to get 8 hours of sleep each night and never feel rested, so this is a huge leap for me
JB March 3, 2021
This session had a tremendous impact on my life! I’m now four days after receiving the session, and I can testify that my sleep has improved unrecognisably, my thought is much clearer, and I experience colors much more vividly!
I highly recommend this session!Israel Moshe Berger February 23, 2021
I just took this session yesterday and its effects are already evident. I feel as if I have been allowed to use my own knowledge, mind, potential and control, for the first time in my life. More calm and serene are just a few of these effects.
I understand to how much energy we energized and exploited for things other than ourselves, it’s amazing. Considering that the integration period is not over yet, this session is very needly and valuable. I didn’t expect that much, and no matter how much I describe it, I don’t think I can express it fully.
Avatar Activation sessions, each one more valuable than the other, have the potential to continue to surprise people every time. Although there are different integration times according to the sessions and personal structure, each session makes the person feel more whole, strong, loving and willed. This place is a gift!
Thanks dear angelic beings and dear Jedi attendant X’anther. I greet you all with love, respect and the power of pure light
Deniz Ekin Derinalp February 16, 2021
The reason I was not yet able to provide feedback on many of the extraordinarily useful and highly skilled sessions on Avatar Activation was due to the integration time of the sessions. All sessions that make radical and deep improvements and transformations require integration periods that include different durations for each person.
These sessions, the sessions on this site, when viewed as a whole, are unique on planet earth. The next day after the Astral Body (s) Lifting session, my sleep, which had been troubling me for a lifetime, changed tremendously. On average, one third of human life consists of sleep. At the same time, sleep has a direct impact on the rest of the time. The attacks and manipulations made on us on our astral bodies in spiritual, mental and physical terms are clearly stated by X’anther on the session page.
In short, the effects are incredible. It is very important to remove such implants for people like us who desire improvement, ascension and purification holistically. I thank our positive galactic and spiritual friends and my brother Jaye of spiritual name X’anther, for channeling such healing systems to us. I would like to thank the negatively inclined beings for their contribution to evolution, and I would like to express with affection that I want to continue my journey with a positive focus.
We are all one. Our aim, mission and journey are one. This is our home and a very correct address for healing! With love and pure light
Deniz Ekin Derinalp February 13, 2021
W😇W!! Xan’ther you & your services are Devine!! I highly recommend sessions for trapped e-motions. This is my testimony ••• Years of Kidney issues…western medicine practiced on me to help….holistic care said d it was from build up emotions & was able to help some…with constant appts & natural herbs…BUT The 25D Trapped E~Motions Clearing Session pulls everything out from the Root! No medicines No Therapy! This Was AMAZING!! These E-MOTIONS and the Energy cause DIS-EASE in the body which is a domino effect on our Health …Mind, Body, Soul! This has been my most intense session yet…Xan’ther communicated before & after, answering all my questions. He advised me of what I may feel. He is on point with everything he say. This session I felt hot & cold…waves of energy flowing inside….I could hear my higher self as well as See XAN’THER in a light body form Very Powerful Energy Flowing from him…..I did get Devine Fever for a few days (tolerable) after I feel like a ton of bricks has been removed from me….more clarity, not so wishy-washy, not feeling hurt and depressed and attacked. I have a Peace & I Am Unbothered. Ready to complete another session…Life changing moments you certainly give! Thanks Again! Love& Light Stay Bright:)
J.C. February 9, 2021
I got interested in the session since I often found myself feeling exhausted and disoriented in the morning after having some sort of crazy trips during my sleep without much recollection as to the details retrospectively. After the session, I had a transient period of time (lasting for 2 weeks) of having difficulty in falling asleep and my sleep was very shallow. I could not tell if I was actually sleeping and having a dream of not being able to fall asleep, or I actually I did not fall sleep at all. But after this period (2 weeks), my sleep gradually went back to my usual state. I have dreams when I sleep. But the difference is I almost feel like I am staying in my body (as opposed to getting out of my physical body and travelling far far away) during my entire sleep. So when I get up, I no longer have the disoriented feeling of “Where am I? Who am I?” which I used to experience at lot. Instead, I feel like I just had a real restful sleep literally. In addition, I’m not sure if it’s due to this session, but I also feel like I’m more grounded in general lately without the feeling of being in the rainbow clouds high up there. I feel like my mind is very calm being in this physical body if that makes sense.
Takaaki Onodera January 28, 2021
Xan’ther, here is my update to my 25D Astral Body Removal session: I was sleeping well, waking up in the morning well, even still I am not morning person lol! But what is apparently different it’s how I feel and think during the day. I found out I am more rested, like my nervous system calmed down. Before it was like a cloud of permanent terror and sort of time pressure. Feelings like you cannot rest because there is some threat, it more likely resonates with sort of torture. (All these perceiving I felt like from the tunnel, not directly in life. But it was permanently there for last 5-10 years I guess) And now, it is changed, it’s gone, I am safe. I mean I feel safe, no threat out there. It is very difficult to explain though. And with this safe feeling i am laying down in bed in the evening and it feels different. And so in the morning. This is that change with the sleeping pattern. Over the session I was sensing like if veils of something were lifting and removed one by one and after them a space and light was left. It is still there, that light, that me. Also, my thinking during the day comes up from different perspective, from that point of safety. Like nothing stopping me from my goals any more, because I can do it. There is enough time and I don’t need to just survive. I can say I feel different. What I have realized is that my face expression changed a bit too. It’s more softer, more me again. If I look in my eyes I can see myself again, I can reconnect with my soul. I had long time ago a dilemma what’s going on that I cannot see myself in a mirror any more. It seems this is going to be changed now. I am grateful for you that your life path generate such a healing service for humanity. I am grateful for listening myself to choose and go for this session with you. I love you so much my galactic brother and wish you and your family infinite blessings!
K.L. January 15, 2021
This was seriously the most powerful thing I have ever experienced (in a sober state – no plant/animal medicine) During the session I felt a lot of releases and especially stuff coming out of my left ear. I had tons of energy the next two days, and barely slept at all. My body was buzzing with energy. The second night when I did finally fall asleep, I had vivid dreams of my inner child healing and seeing my purpose/path. I began to grasp how powerful I am and why we had to go through all the trauma we did to keep our light dim until we were ready. I woke up in a fully body sweat and shaking and rocking for about 2 hours. My body was purging and activating and it was intense!!! I have been able to go much deeper in meditation already and connect with my guides much more vividly! I am so extremely thankful for Xan’ther and these amazing healings! Cannot wait for more to come. Thank you 🙏🏼
Melody-Regan: Warnes January 14, 2021
Highly recommended service. Had it performed 1 week after testing positive while being pretty sick although not needing to go to hospital but needing a lot of rest. Now 1 week later I appear very close to have beaten it. Energy levels growing daily. Very positive experience. Thank You Xan’ther NAMASTE
Donna January 10, 2021
My astral body removal session was outstanding. I felt blissful energies during the session and it was a beautiful experience . Since my session my dreams have been much more positive and i can sleep better. My dreams also got more vivid and i feel much better during the day. Thank you xanther for this experience
Aydin January 7, 2021
The first session was instense. I felt like i had gained enormous energy and people around me treated me much better after this session . Xanther is absolutely amazing
Aydin October 2, 2020
I don’t have Covid, but Jaye scanned me and said that I did have Core Wounds that needed healing. We did the 25D COVID-19 healing today and I have to report amazing results. My heart chakra has never felt so clear and open. Overall I just feel fantastic. This is an amazing procedure and I would encourage anyone that feels their heart may be slightly blocked to take advantage of this offering immediately.
Peter Donarski July 29, 2020
I’ve received the Galactic DNA 36 strand activation & Lightarian activation with Xan’ther over the past 2-months & the acceleration of my frequency & connection with my Higher Self has been beyond astounding.
We are living in truly exciting times to re-member who we are & why we chose to incarnate in a world where a great transformation is taking place. We are truly blessed to have an Avatar such as Xan’ther amongst us to guide us Home.
I can’t thank you enough for your warrior light & the work you do for us in the background.Jodi July 19, 2020
I wanted to get this session mainly for the clearing of all the core wounds, I have not had the virus so cannot share about that, but the session was very powerful I felt tingling all over my body as Xanther was working and I felt pain in certain areas of my body where the core wounds were probably held and being released and healed, like my forearms, shoulder and heels etc. afterwards there was a definite feeling of increased vibration and frequency. I felt amazing for a few days after. And now its been almost two months and I definitely feel that those wounds have been released. I am happier and in a higher vibe most of the time. Things don’t seem to affect me the way they used to before. The charge over them is gone. This work is so powerful, Thank you
Mehtab July 14, 2020
I feel confident and at ease with the result with this session. Everybody needs a boost for their immune system.
I noticed my allergies symptoms are down and my body doesn’t need the energy to keep fighting everytime I have an attack in my body.Audrey July 14, 2020
Awesome session! I was relaxed and experienced some warm then cold sensations. I look in the mirror now and it’s like I’m looking at my upgraded self. I feel much lighter and looking forward to my next session!
Ann H. July 6, 2020
Amazing experience. I could feel the energy and the next few days really feel the integration. My meditations are getting stronger. I cant wait for the next few
Anil Gunjal July 6, 2020
I have experienced many other energetic healing systems in the past. However, the Matrix unplugging was pretty intense in a good way! I did have many sensations of things being removed from my body. Afterwards, I felt like a happy drunk! I had much more energy! My health issues have gone away and I’m looking forward to more sessions! This is the real deal! Thank You! 🙂 Everyone should do this!!!
Ann H June 24, 2020
I feel great, although I still have a little anxiety.. I have realized that my sensitivity to being very perceptive and highly intuitive has been greatly awakened. When something is not right or someone doesn’t have very good energy or good intentions, I immediately receive messages from my beings of light, or I receive from that person his low vibrations, is incredible! Thank you Xan’ther, you’re absolutely amazing!!! 🤗🥰
Diana June 24, 2020
My mom was exhibiting the symptoms of covid and was rushed to the hospital for difficulty breathing. Immediately I contacted Xanther. She started getting better and was released after 13 days. I knew she was in critical condition and she may not make it. She felt she nearly died too. Luckily she is home now and still with us. I feel this healing was a huge part of that. Thank you Xanther!!! For all you do!!!
Vryannaia Sun May 18, 2020
Receiving this session was life changing for me. I appreciate Xanther’s absolute integrity and capacity to assist in massive shifts. I’ve felt catapulted into embodying the most true version of myself and connected deeply to who I am in the most profound ways!!
Vryannaia Sun May 18, 2020
Whether you have covid-19 or not, you should consider having this session. The beginning of 2020 was amazing. So many higher vibratory energies were coming in. And then I started noticing that the air was being sprayed on purpose by the WillyWonka, and I was being irradiated and hit with DEWs as one of the targeted individuals ( Day in and day out they tried to steal the life, joy and radiance I was experiencing during this New Galactic Age. And then this pLandemic happened, and it was simply hard to remain in the higher resonance state with all the sheep buying into the propaganda.
I wasn’t sure if I had the weaponized “virus” in me or not. But in the session, I moved through layers of AI that were poisoning my energy body with noxious fumes/gases/chemicals. I could smell all the noxious chemicals being cleared off me. My guess is covid is an AI-based implant through which they have been targeting humanity. It is actually crazy the lies they tell about covid-19. Covid-19 is an AI that’s connecting those implanted by it to an adrenochrome-harvesting facility in Wuhan, China. It was disgusting what was being cleared off me. I felt that stuff being cleared from me for a while and then I started remembering things from my younger years, how I was human trafficked, drugged, tortured, used in breeding projects, implanted with false memories, and blocked from reconnecting to my own soul, essence and source. Yes, people, that’s the nature of our reality here on this planet. And it sucks. Some of us are trafficked for blood (adrenochrome), organs and DNA because the fake royals (British, Saudi etc) are actually not royal/holy at all (Sang Raal means Holy Blood [Grail], the blood of Christ and Magdalene). Today’s blood-drinking and Satan-worshipping fake nephilim-“royals” along with their Atlantean brotherhood of snake do not come from the lineage of Christ/Original Creator of the Universe, so they seek all these nefarious ways to subjugate children of original Christ. By tormenting holy bloodlines, their hope is to terrorize their creation, this Universe. Covid-19 is part of that agenda: an attempt to stop Earth Mother from liberating herself from these low level beings and reuniting with her Sun. This clearing has helped me elevate beyond this level of control. It has also helped me heal my Atlantean core wound, which is huge. I know now that Cabal is being cleansed from the body and veins of Mother Earth. And I am thankful to Jaye for this session.
I couldn’t find the MerKaBa session on your website. Is that something you offer?
SirianStar May 11, 2020
Thank you so much Xan’ther for all the sessions that we already have been doing! I am so grateful and thankful for all of them!
There is so much that happens, even before, during and after the sessions. My body is changing in so many good ways as it is starting to embody the new light encodings. It is so powerful and beautiful how all sessions are connected and serve not only me, but also the planet! Thank you so very much!
( for all who read this message, you belong here, and you are reading this message for a very good reason. Trust your heart as a compass as you move your way forward at the rhythm of your pure awakened heart). I wish you well!
AniKa April 26, 2020
I’ve worked with many of the healings personally with tremendous results, but this was for my beloved boyfriend who was diagnosed with Covid-19 5 weeks ago. We thought he was recovering and the doctors told him he was free and clear to go back into society, but this wasn’t the case as he needed to be rushed to the ER 2 weeks after symptoms ceased and then tested positive again (3 weeks after initial symptoms!) when he couldn’t take a full breath and felt like he was drowning.
He came back home that day and I convinced him to also seek energetic support. This was 11 days ago and he’s since tested NEGATIVE for Covid-19. Throughout the entire ordeal, he’s complained that his breathing isn’t right and that doctors thought there might be permanent damage. When I explained this to Xan’ther, he tested this and said there was 50% lung damage and then cleared it to 0%. We’re still in the integration period for that, but he says that he’s breathing better than he was before.
I’ve since bought ANOTHER clearing for my mother who doesn’t have Covid, but is in a high risk category due to being a lifelong smoker in her sixties. Of course, energy healing is never a substitute for medical attention, but when it comes to something this serious, it’s so important to use everything you can to ensure fast recovery and improved wellbeing.
Lily Leyton April 24, 2020
I’ve had many sessions with Jaye during last 6 months but this session was very intense. I felt bursts of high vibrational energy after the session. I’ve been working with Jaye since 2 years and I have evolved dramatically because of these sessions. I highly recommend healing services with Jaye. Thank you Jaye for all the sessions.
Vipul April 24, 2020
LIFE CHANGING EXPERIENCE!!! Jaye is a Powerful being beyond measure! I have had The 15D Auric – Karmic Clearing, 15D Cord Cutting, And The Angelic Ray Sword Session so far and The results were so amazing and life changing that my daughter got a session and her children. Imagine being weighed down under a spell and then finally you wake up & You Are FREE No more chains no more shackles no more blocks no more prison. Just freedom to Soar like a 🦅 Eagle. To be yourself ..To be you and not what life or parents or society told you to be…my eyes are opening to the truth …I still have more sessions to go but so far I Am Better and Better each day My Spiritual, My Mental, & My Physical! Thanks Jaye …One Love you already know how AMAZING I think you are! Love Light Harmony Healing Joy and Peace To Everyone! 💞
Jen April 17, 2020
My session was booked efficiently. Xan’ther explained in details what to expect.The vibration was intense during the session . I felt very light and blissful the next day. Every pain ceased. The after sessions follow-up by Xan’ther is a 5 star, I highly recommend it . The result is effective.
Rachel-Blessing March 20, 2020
Xan’ther is a beautiful kind hearted soon as I made contact with him he made me feel very safe with what I was embarking on..I was a little hesitant at first fearing the unknown and thinking the sessions were going to be very intense but Xan’ther walked me through every step and I felt very calm and somewhat euphoric after each session. It was after each session I would have a lesson that I needed to go through and what helped was keeping a journal throughout the whole experience as Xan’ther recommended. I feel confident now to act on my soul’s desires..before I would sabotage myself and resist my true self. It’s a very liberating experience I highly recommend to anyone who is ready to be called into their true self.
Elena February 24, 2020
I’m currently going through a 777 Strand DNA Activation process with Xan’ther, that I combined with the Lightarian Ray Program and the Avatar Manifestation System which I intend to do after I complete the Lightarian Ray Program. I have already had the Matrix Unplugging Session, the 25D Soul Retrieval Session, the 20D Cord Cutting Session, the Chakra & Kundalini Unification Session, and the 25D Trapped Emotions Clearing Sessions. All have had vast and profound impact on me. I have now begun the Galactic DNA Activation process, and I have started it with having the 36 Strand Galactic DNA Activation Session. After the session, I truly feel that I have ascended to the 6D. I experience life from a much higher perspective, and I have succeeded in utilizing telepathic and telekinetic abilities. I warmly recommend that everyone who reads this uses Xan’ther’s various services! Thank you, Xan’ther!
Israel Moshe Berger February 24, 2020
I just finished my 6th set of Merkaba command codes this evening. Its been a few months since the integration time is 30days between each session, the first couple of sessions I noticed how my frequency just elevated, I was dancing and singing and happy for no reason most days. But on a deeper level I also started to notice thoughts that weren’t mine coming up and there is an awareness now and I can ask the thought to leave and its gone! amazing! how powerful and sovereign we are. Manifestations have also started to speed up.
Other things I have noticed is I do not feel emotional around people anymore and there is no more drama and no tolerance for bullsh*** anymore. I love this! I am more straightforward as a person and clearer too. Friends that were toxic have automatically dropped off because these sessions raise your frequency so people that cannot handle or be around it will not come into your field.
Everything seems to flow better ever since Ive been having these sessions, and there is more awareness and discernment.
Thank you so much Xanther, appreciate you and the knowledge you share very much and looking forward to finishing all 18 sets eventually 🙂Mehtab Khan January 30, 2020
I had the Kundalini and Chakra removal session with Xan’ther, and the outcome was truly overwhelming! I feel filled with energy like never before! I used to find it hard to get up and out of bed, and now I rise and get up with no trouble at all!!! I strongly recommend this service and others that I have had from Xan’ther!!! It was totally an Outstanding Experience!!!
Israel Moshe Berger January 30, 2020
My husband and I just had the DNA activation done and it was an awesome experience! First we felt a calming wave of energy. Then we could follow the sensations as parts of our bodies were being brought back online. Then powerful energy poured into those areas and we instantly felt better , clearer, calmer, more connected. That altered state of conciousness never left. I saw the face of a being right in front of my face when my head was lighting up. It’s one of those experiences you just have to feel to understand. The next morning my hubby woke up and said ‘ it feels like a new beginning” he is definitely a believer of Xan’thers work now. We both have retained a state of calm, peace , clarity and connectedness like we’ve never had before! I definitely recommend Xan’ther to anyone! Thank you so much for an awesome experience!
Marcia Anderson January 29, 2020
This is honestly the best I’ve ever felt in my life. So much clarity, joy, energy, gratitude, and feeling authentic. I feel so alive and blessed to be here on this planet. I feel like all the work we’ve done together and the work I’ve done on my own has finally caught up and there’s NO stopping me. It’s like Ive become whole and I’m evolving more every day and embracing it all. This was one of the most intense sessions yet. Thank you so much! 🙏🏼
MJ January 20, 2020
Amazing, outstanding and phenomenal! Yes, Jaye is the best healer on earth and we would absolutely highly recommend his amazing services! Very kind and friendly too. Five stars!
We suffered from the negative energy attack for 1.5 years and tried three different healers here in Finland, but they couldn´t see anything. But then we found Jaye and the rest is history: with his amazingly powerful healing and clearing energies Jaye cleared us, our homes and our land from negative energies in some days! Jaye is a gift, negative energies can not hide from him, he will detect them from anywhere.
We had Angelic Ray Sword Session and J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal Session.
Thank you Jaye for sharing your skills with us 🙂 We are so happy and grateful 🙂
Pete December 23, 2019
The sessions are incredibly powerful and life changing. I would recommend to anyone. I have split into three sessions in order to help myself integrating the energies. Just after the first one .. my sexual addiction has gone! That was a huge relive as it was bothering me for the last few years. My body is much lighter, my psychic ability became sharper, I am more connected to my body and grounded as well. I am feeling happier and more joyful… I am less in my head and more in my heart.. Self worth and self love is not an issue as it used to be I have very strong boundaries now!!! Beautiful work Xan’ther. Thank you so much for your amazing service to us all. Much love
Natalia Allen December 17, 2019
I had the Matrix Unplugging session, 15D Energetic Cord Cutting session, Chakra & Kundalini Removal session as well as the Avatar 12 Strand DNA Activation sessions with Jaye over the last 2 months. These sessions have literally changed my life!
When I contacted Jaye, I was struggling with physical symptoms I had had for months or even years. It did not matter what I did, these symptoms would not go away. I was also extremely sensitive to other people’s energies, which was very disruptive to my life. I had many destructive and self-sabotaging thoughts. Even though I was aware these thoughts were not mine, I could not shake them off no matter how much I meditated, recited positive affirmations… I was also exhausted all the time.
The improvements after the first session (the Matrix Unplugging session) were unmistakable even with the normal divine fever symptoms. My head was much clearer and my physical symptoms started reducing drastically only hours after the session. I have felt huge improvements after each session and I cannot wait to see what the coming months will bring as I integrate the energies completely.
The 3 clearing sessions were very powerful. I could feel the energy shifting in my body as Jaye was removing J-Seals, implants, energetic cords, chakras and kundalini system. I generally blacked out and woke up after the sessions wondering where I was and what had happened.
The DNA Activation sessions were both relaxing and stimulating. They have shone a light on some dark aspects within me, which I am still transmuting. This Dark Knight of the Soul has already brought about major transformation and life-changing realizations and I have a feeling my life is about to get very interesting!
Much gratitude to Jaye for his amazing work. I highly recommend his services to anyone who is ready to jump off the cliff and change their life for the better.
Karine November 29, 2019
After much research on energy interference & manipulation methods, I was drawn to receive these clearings from Xan’ther particularly the removal of seals, Chakra and Kundalini .
I did perceive shifts and changes occur during the session, and I felt more aware of the work on the sessions that I had added the optional extra of an audio/video session. After each session I felt more freedom and power in myself, more grounded in my body, clearer thoughts and less worry about little stuff.
Chakra removal was very effective especially having the 2 earlier sessions as preparation.
The Kundalini disconnection was very interesting. The net day I felt a huge disconnect from Earth and I had to make a conscious effort to reconnect with Earth by being in nature and giving myself mini sound healings for a few days. It really revealed to me how the connection I had with Earth was not what I thought it was, and that I could only access what the Kundalini funnel would allow. Now my Earth connection is my natural connection and much easier to maintain or “turn-up”.
After all the sessions I feel amazing. Very confident in my Being, in my intuition & abilities, in my connection with Earth. I have a lot of ideas and inspiration come through since then as well, more than I can fit in!!
Thank you Xan’ther for offering these powerful sessions.
Kylie Wilson October 25, 2019
I have been struggling with severe mental illness for almost a decade. Thanks to sessions with Jaye I was able to completely come off one of my medications which improved my life dramatically and the sessions have helped me immensely in various other ways as well. Thank you Jaye.
Tom October 25, 2019
I have taken several sessions from Xanther, all of them have had a drastic effect on me but the 25D emotional clearing stands out as the most powerful session for me. My over thinking and anxiety has drastically reduced. I am much more grounded and relaxed. This 25D healing healing session is on a completely different level.
Vishwas Jain October 21, 2019
I cannot say enough great things about my experiences with Jaye. I can literally feel healing energies and spiritual shifts even from a simple question i may ask him. I’ve felt so much positive energy in our sessions along with profound self discoveries that have sped up the trajectory of my spiritual path. I would highly recommend his services to anyone looking to change their life for the better. With deep gratitude, Marisa.
MARISA October 8, 2019
This was intense and very visual for me. I went back to a few of my past lives. In the beginning I felt a weird spacey feeling, I was aware from feeling that Xanther was working in my auric field around my solar plexus, a bit in my heart and then third eye and crown I felt some pressure.
And then felt tingling in waves come over my body and then towards the middle of the session, it felt like something lifted off me, I saw a small black pyramid spitting black goop out of it and sounded like my higher self saying to me very forcefully “ there’s no turning back now”.I also saw a forest I think or maybe a massive giant that was a forest walking around.
And then I had white wings and was flying I was like a superhero I think I was wearing a suit like super man but mine was light metallic ish blue, pink and lilac (unicorn colours) with no S on it,
Then I was riding a big griffin lion like creature flying around and I was dressed like a warrior with a golden jewelled headpiece and I felt very powerful and there was a revelation to me via feeling at that point then –That all starseeds on the planet are this powerful, we have had superpowers in our past lives, like being able to fly and move things with our minds and ability to communicate telepathically with animals and we all have to come together to win the battle against the dark on this planet and lift everyones vibration higher.
Afterwards – its been a few weeks now and I feel great! There has been a definite shift and there is more peace, joy, calm, the voice in my head (monkey chatter) is definitely more quiet and I drop deeper into meditation as well. I am sure the effect are still integrating these are just a few of the ones I am feeling currently.
Thank you Xanther appreciate you so much 🙂
Mehtab October 5, 2019
After I received my energy check, I requested this removal first. I felt some movement within my body, pressure around my throat, saw colors, and felt strong sexual energies. I had never worked with a distance healer of any kind before, and was amazed that this could be experience remotely. After the session, X’anther messaged and explained that the sexual energies had been trapped inside the suit. As he suggested in his explanation of the procedure and its effects, my life was much happier and I was better received by others after the jacket was removed. I will always be incredibly grateful for the gift of this removal, as it was the beginning of a much more positive life for me. It also accelerated my awakening as a starseed in many ways!
Celia Drill September 25, 2019
I have had many sessions with X’anther! I remember worrying at first about chakra removal, but ultimately trusting X’anther’s advice completely, and going for it! I remember this as being one of the most intense sessions with pressure all around the throat, head, thighs, belly, feet. I remember seeing colors and visions. I remember the amazing feeling afterward of being freed from the chakras; I felt this purity of body and mind, like all had been released, and when I closed my eyes I saw a glowing purple light and was aware of my third eye as a potential portal. I still see the purple glow when I close my eyes and it has been several months. After the session, X’anther taught me about my mind star, core star, and loin star and gave me a basic meditation to maintain them. I practiced the meditation in the garden that day and felt pure bliss. Being freed from the slave system of the chakras is an amazing feeling. Xanther is always a humble and friendly supportive and wise presence as I move through his mind-blowing program of clearings and activations! Many thanks to him!
Celia Drill September 25, 2019
I’ve starting working with Jaye’s 15D and 20D healing programs in June. I am an energy healer and considered myself fairly advanced before my work with him (Usui/Kundalini/Karuna/Lightarian Reiki Master). Since June, I have received the Matrix Unplugging, Cord Cutting, Chakra/Kundalini Removal, 12 Strand DNA Activation and Golden DNA Activations.
I can candidly say that Jaye’s programs are the most advanced, amazing thing available on the planet right now and the improvements that I have seen emotionally and also financially/professionally have completely surpassed anything I thought was possible. I am literally building my entire healing practice around these programs.
Furthermore, I used to suffer from bipolar disorder, and I carried around constant fear from that imbalance that I inherited. I can honestly say that I have been completely disconnected from all fear for almost 3 months now. I don’t feel and fear or worry. Ever. Not even for a moment.
The DNA Activations helped me to hold even more positivity than I thought was possible, especially the Golden DNA sessions. If you are on this website, I cannot recommend these programs enough. You may feel the changes instantly or it may take a few months, but regardless— don’t hesitate and start these programs now.Peter Donarski September 17, 2019
Was an incredible experience. All the sensations during the removal I have no words to describe.
I could feel the removal for real according reactions of my physical body. Jaye is amazing, patient, and very kind. The peace of mind I fell now is the best thing I’ve ever experienced, I feel I’m in charger of my mind, the anguish and anxiety has no space anymore!
All my gratitude for you and your awesome work!
Looking forward for my next treatments :):)
Karlla Silva September 8, 2019
First off, I would like to say that this is the first session, which I got from Xan’ther.
I tried to include all the important experiences I made in the testimonial, so that it may be of help to others.So, these are all the important things, which I have experienced during the actual removal session and the integration period of 2 weeks after:
About one hour before the session even began I suddenly became really aware and lightheaded simultaneously and once the actual process started I instantly felt a really strong wave of negative emotions out of nowhere. These negative feelings varied in their intensity, until the emotions disappeared completely halfway through.
During the first part of the two hours I felt many small points of pain within my body, similar to the feeling, which is caused by small needles piercing through ones skin, but not quite as strong and slightly deeper inside the body.
Throughout the whole session a rather unpleasant, tingling feeling emerged and disappeared several times across different points on my spine. Every time it felt both hot and cold at once, similar to the feeling that comes up when one puts ones cold hands under really hot water. This sensation always started at a small point and expanded after a short time across my whole back and faded only very slowly. I had to forcefully laugh many times while it happened, due to the weird tingling sensation that accompanied these feelings.
After what felt like the middle of the session I could suddenly breath slightly better, like a wrap around my torso was removed. It wasn’t that much of a difference, just enough so that I was able to notice it.
I also experienced a really strong feeling of pain in my right arm, like someone had stabbed me with a small knife. The pain stayed for quite a long time even after the removal process was completed.
After the session, I still felt really lightheaded, but I could instantly notice that I no longer had the strong tendency to think negatively or otherwise. It was quite common for me to lose my self in random thoughts and thought loops – constantly thinking was a really strong habit, which I had since my early childhood.I usually had to address my turbulent thoughts first before I could experience peacefulness. Now I am in a state of serenity by default and thinking feels much more like a choice to me.
Additionally to that I realised, that I don’t seem to react to any confrontation, bad thoughts or negativity in general as nearly as much as I did in the past. It is almost like the connection between my mental and emotional state and external negativity, which was directed towards me, was diminished to a fraction of what it was previously.
For many years I had this deep negative feeling inside me that always pulled me in the direction, which was the direct opposite of what I thought was good and beneficial for me. This feeling was comparable to a negative voice inside me that grew stronger and stronger, as soon as I started to build myself up and rose in energy levels, until it became so strong that once I gave in, even if just a tiny bit, I ended up as bad or worse than before. It always threw me into a severe downwards spiral, powered by a strong, forced desire to think and act in a negative, destructive or just overly careless way. Once my energy dropped far enough it disappeared and reemerged right as I got better. This made me incredibly frustrated for most of my life, as I could never go beyond a certain level of well-being permanently.
I assume that the main reason, why the overlay had such a strong effect on me, was due to me being overly sensitive in general. This increased sensitivity made me more fragile and susceptible to the influence of the overlay, so that it could hold me in a low vibrational state for most of my life.
But now I am able to build myself up again, without having to fear these destructive tendencies and random antagonizing thoughts anymore. It hasn’t even been two full weeks since the session and I already feel so much better, really SO MUCH BETTER, even though I just started to build my self up again.
Xan’ther, thank you really, really much for this!
The Overlay Removal just made such a big difference for me.Felix Gast September 7, 2019
A few weeks ago I did the Matrix unplugging session. It is amazing that this is possible!! I feel lately so much more quiet inside! I feel I live on this beautiful planet Earth now and do not resonate with the synthetic field anymore. Finally I can live my live trully how it supposed to be.
Thank you Xan’ther! Also for your friendly mail contact we have.Claudia September 3, 2019
Unbelievable!! I felt already much better since the chakra/kundalini and Matrix removal, but after this healing, enourmous! I do feel myself. And now I realise I never did. It was like I was always in a struggle with myself. After the session I felt immediately more energetic. As if a lot of weight is gone. Also when I feel my body energeticly I feel smaller/slimmer. My mind is more clearer and more me. Totally me! Ha, ha!!
I am so happy!! Now I can live my live fully as it should be. Thank you dear Xan’ther!!Claudia August 29, 2019
I have been receiving sessions from Xan’ther Ka EnRa El for several months now. It has always been a pleasant experience and I have always been assisted or helped if I had questions. He is the epitome of patient, kind, and helpful.
The changes that I’ve gone through are invaluable. I’ve gained confidence and the fear I once had is all but gone. I now feel that I have a purpose and that there is something bigger that I am a part of. I am filled with love, peace and confidence. I’ve become more sensitive in a psychic sense yet less vulnerable as well.
I have far to go but Xan’ther has been the catalyst and teacher that has brought me this far.
My undying gratitude to you kind sir. 🙏🏻
Amy Knowles August 28, 2019
Thank you for a most thorough impactful package which was diligently and professionally delivered by Jaye.
I was astounded how much the cutting out of the matrix totally bewildered my very being and luckily have a cosmic sister nearby who felt my distress and immediately came over. And yes, Jaye has also offered to assist if anything yet I needed it now there and then immediately 6 hours after my first session. Divinely timed divinely contracted so all is well.
I have just now concluded my last session and feel that the parallel synchronicity of upgrading to 4/5th dimension with the support of Jaye was and is vital for my work and very being going forward: how very blessed am I : wow!
All in all I feel and know that yes, distant healing is as powerful as hands on healing and what I also know to be true for me that going forward the connection and collaboration of healers globally is vital in order to co create a net for the client locally as well as cosmically!
What an amazing experience and adventure!
And yes, water water water to flush the system, to calibrate, to upgrade : absolutely a must otherwise the mental kicks in!
O meteo, aho, SatNam
Coco July 7, 2019
I received the 20D Cord Cutting yesterday (Teacher edition). It was simply fantastic. The attunement/healing was probably the longest (60 min) and most effective healing I’ve ever had, and considering I’ve gotten 30 to 40 attunements in the last couple years that’s saying a lot. I felt a really massive clearing around my head, heart and solar plexus area. I’m writing this the day after and I’m still buzzing with energy. My energy is literally turning heads as I walk down the crowded streets of NYC and I’m able to express myself in clients and coworkers with a level of focus and courage I was not able to tap into before. The Avatar System offerings are second to none and if you’re anyone that’s remotely serious about getting rid of your negativity, you should work with Jaye Pause immediately.
Pete Donarski June 7, 2019
Since my session with Jaye, I experience a detachment from my ego and a better connection with my spirit guides. I feel a lot more centered and in the present moment, I also feel closer to my authentic self. Some days, I can feel that I’m receiving lots of energies, which means that I’ll see more and more effects of that session with time. I’m looking forward to it !
Thank you JayeELSA May 1, 2019
Testimonial written on 03/16/19 for Matrix Unplugging recieved on 02/17/19 and 20D Cord Cutting done on 03/06/19.
Thanks to Jaye, I am unburdened of some negative emotions and thought patterns/belief that were on causing me to be unhappy and very reactive. I am now calmer, less triggered and better able to speak my mind and set boundaries without fear of disapproval or rejection from others. I still have a looong way to go and with Jaye’s help I’ll get there sooner rather than never.Jaye is also honest. I was on the fence about doing Reptilian Overlay Removal, I asked Jaye to check(he did this for free) and he told me I did not have a Reptilian Overlay and that receiving services I don’t need will not help me. I trust Jaye and have already referred my husband for the Full Energetic Test. My husband is doing the 20D Cord Cutting tomorrow 03/17/19.
I also did the Chakra and Kundalini Removal with Jaye on March 15th and will leave another testimonial for that in a few weeks.
Nin NinNin nin March 17, 2019
Much gratitude and Thanks to Jaye for his wonderful work. I will be honest with my session’s with Jaye, they were very relaxing but also activating at the same time. However, I felt kind of worse for almost two months. I had this thought one day, ‘oh Jaye’s work did not work for me’. Woah, until the next day, it happened. I feel released from all attachments, I feel like I am myself again. I have heightened awareness and my energy levels are excellent. All paths feel smoother and aligned. So much Love and appreciation for Jayes work. Also note that I had the Jseals and unnatural Implants removal too.
juliet parfrey February 16, 2019
Jaye saved my life. I am so grateful for his services. About 14 years ago someone who really knew what they were doing did black magic on me and I tried everything to no avail. I was literally on the verge of taking my own life when Jaye messaged me. I tried it and now I am happy and free. I am continuing with my life and the universe is opening up for me. If you need help in this area you can trust Jaye. There are many out there that will make it worse and take your money or are false light. Jaye is the true Jedi that he is.Analisa Bodien February 9, 2019
I would definitely recommend Jaye. I purchase Avatar Activation System. Sessions for sure brought improvement into my life. Overall it’s profound experience, great help on the way of spiritual evolution.
So my first session was Matrix Unplugging. The energies I felt is in fact are liquid and had an cleansing and I would say circumfluent properties, that I felt them for few weeks that they going through my body top to bottom and washing away whatever stuff had to be gone. During the session there were color show in front of my eyes, so over time I understand it was distortions been removed and space being filled with light. Also as the result of the session is dramatic increase of energy and calmness.
Cord Cutting session brought me closer to the edge of the matrix. I felt elevated but being blocked by giant octopus, It was like machine. At one of next sessions I rise over octopus/machine, in a space with a lot of light/sunlight. I believe it was my consciousness went over and beyond the matrix.
During Chakra Removal session, I fell asleep, and woke up with sense of sphere in heart area, Core Star. After this session came what I would say increased sense of control of self, also going ahead that sense increased even more after I did Mirror Shield session (that is not part of Avatar Activation). Mirror shield session also creates additional sense of energetic stability. And shield installed is actually being connected to Core Star. I have sense that Mirror shield is working both ways. Externally it’s shows up as more awareness how I respond to others.
DNA, and Golden DNA activation sessions were filled with it’s own beauty.
So, by the end of 4 month since Matrix Unplugging session realization came, that I’m is the conscience wearing human body. I’m not a physical form, but soul/energy/consciousness. It’s one thing to know in a mind, and the other thing is when inner knowledge comes from within. Another month later another realization that Creator is within, and only way to be one with, is get reed of negativity.
Anton January 15, 2019
I’ve always felt stifled my whole life. Like I wanted to help others but I just couldn’t. Jaye told me I had the reptilian overlay on me. During the session i could feel pressure and even something touching my toes. I felt bad energy going away. I have also had the j seals and the angelic ray session for myself and my home. I am seeing the archangel lights on occasion. I have been so happy and free! Most importantly is I am now starting to be effective in my service to others which is what I wanted. Love..unconditional for people. The energies ring in my ears frequently. It’s nice. Jaye is a JEDI! I feel like I am human (well starseed human) and am not being controlled…its wonderful
Analisa January 13, 2019
Jaye is hands down the best energy worker i have worked with ive been to many healers that couldnt help me rather took my money and tried to hide it all i had spent thousands of dollars trying fix things matrix unplug session through jaye was amazing i could feel things been ripped from my being 12/12 i had my session for 2 hours i feel great next is chakra removal process best by fair ive worked with no doubt in his work amazing healer
Matt December 14, 2018
INCREDIBLE. I am so grateful for this Higher Self Connection Guide! Absolutely amazing experiences so far following this highly useful guide. I use it all the time.
I like that it helps me to quickly connect with my Higher Self in a way I can easily understand. This was the missing link for me in receiving answers to many questions that I had about myself, with a burning desire but no other way yet to understand. In addition, this guide helps me harness my intuition, overcome indecisiveness, and much more. The value is enormous – way bigger than I could have imagined.
Thanks, Jaye. You are a blessing to this world!
Audrey December 10, 2018
It’s been several hours since I’ve had the reptilian-overlay removal session, and I can tell the difference already. It was a very interesting experience. I was in and out of the conscious state. I kept hearing and seeing strange things that needed to be gone.
During the session like Jaye predicted, I did get super nauseous, and I started retching when this synthetic suit was coming off. The sensations I felt were strong. It felt like there was a lot of resistance within: not from me, but from the spiritual soul sucking vampires/entities who have been trying to possess me for quite a while. And then after a while I started feeling this energy just pushing stuff out of me. At one point I completely went into an altered state of mind and felt myself break free from some kind of ship. I have been under attacks for more than a year now. It’s been hard to find peace and break free from the parasites that are trying to possess me. I normally try to do my own clearings, but yesterday I just had enough of this galactic nonsense. I was really drained and exhausted from fighting the archons with their galactic cabal on my own, so I reached out to Jaye. Not only these matrix overlords with their black nobility are trying to possess your thoughts with their artificial intelligence and cyborgs (project genesis) but also they try to stop your DNA-heart template from activating. But after the session with Jaye I felt so much better. There was a huge shift in perspective. Things looked more vivid and multidimensional.
During the session I also felt like I had a breakthrough – like I broke free from control by a group of beings that were keeping me in their ship against my will. I would highly recommend this session to anyone regardless of where in the awakening process you are. Look, what religion isn’t telling you is that the evolution we study in zoology 101 actually parallels galactic history/evolution. Those reptilians (dinosaurs, lizards) that you learned about in your zoology textbook also have spirits that animate them too. And spiritually they’re raptor consciousness that’s been trying to enslave this planetary body and humanity for millions of years (and I am not trying to be racist – they keep doing awful things to humanity). And it’s about time to take that power away from them.
Thank you, Jaye!SN December 10, 2018
I have done many sessions with jaye but this is the session i feel has made the biggest difference in my life (Angelic Ray Sword Session: Reptilian Overlay Removal)
■i am less angry and more patient with my son. I feel less edgy. I have noticed that for the past few weeks.
■for the first time in a really long time i want to persist in my work. I have always let go in the past going from one job to the next. I feel pride in this work. And i feel i am well suited for it. I can see the potential and how much this is worth doing.
■my son is happier at home and enjoy doing activities with me.
■i feel more stable on the whole and more balanced in my mind.
■ during the session i felt pains in particular areas which were gone by the end. Pains in the heart, at the back of my neck and on my feet. I was feeling uncomfortable and worried, anxious but this did not last long. I am and will always be a sceptic person related to this sort of things but could not help but notice a strong difference in my life as mentioned above. Thank you jaye and the ascended masters who came to do healing on me. I am grateful for your work, knowledge and feel actually privileged to have received this much attention and such a high level and treasurable type of healing. I now wish to give as much as i have received. I have received in my eyes one of the best kind of healing anyone could find on this earth and learnt so much by asking Jaye who never hesitated in answering all of my crazy thinking. I deserve the best. Don’t we all?Celine November 26, 2018
Hi, Jaye, i wanted to say the sessions where very transforming!
Chander November 19, 2018
I had been feeling off balance, drained & exhausted along with fatigue, muscle cramps & not sleeping well.
I was also experiencing a constant deep piercing pressure in my throat which was really on my nerves.
I tried different healling techniques on my throat to release the pain/pressure but nothing helped.I contacted Jaye about my symptoms.
Jaye immediately identified the very source of WHAT, WHY & WHO’m was the cause of all that I was experiencing!!!Jaye explained I had curses, hexes, voodoo energies & other distortions attached to me as well as negative & unhealthy cords.
And the pressure in my throat was energetic & it was a negatively influenced energy!I had a powerful session, during which I had visions of what was getting cleared from me.
Immediately after the session I felt my energy had been restored, I was so energized & feeling free that it was hard to sleep!
The session feels like a shower you take if you were drenched from head to toe in dirt, mud & sweat!!! Fully cleansed, energy restored, head cleared, literally taking the reigns of your life back in your hand, not being influenced by any unwanted energy/entity!It is a truly powerful life changing healing session.
So far I’ve had a few family members & my partner do the session also.
I’m making it a part of my lifestyle, to have it done regularly.Thank you & infinite blessings Jaye.
Kleo November 14, 2018
Hi Jaye and million blessing to you
I had an Angelic ray sward session done last week for my self and a family member and it was amazing.
I had clear vision of what was getting removed from me and it was so powerful that I felt the result straight away.I have a suggestion that maybe you should tell people to get this session done before any DNA activation. Its so powerfull.
Blessing to you, first time I contacted you was last Dec to get Avatar activation and since then my life has changed You are doing amazing work and I think this Angelic ray sward session is magnificent.
Thank youMaria October 31, 2018
My session with jaye was truly amazing, i could immediately feel these energies going through my beeing and pulling out things which did not belong there.
Now after a couple of days i feel much more peacefull and lighter in a way i didnt feel since months. I highly recommend jaye and am looking forward to further sessions with him. Definitely the best healer i came across till now and i already had a few!!!Thank you jaye 🙏
Markus October 26, 2018
Jaye is very gifted! I am 100% satisfied with my results. My whole life has shifted and filled with abundance. The experiences I had can not be put into words. Totally multi-dimensional!
N. Ra-El October 23, 2018
I was always experiencing being completely wiped out after a day spent at an event surrounded by many people. A few days after the kundalini and chakra removal session i had to go to one of these large events. I was fine the whole day and even after taking 6 different public transportations i was absolutely fine and full of beans!!!😉 i recommend doing this session.
Even if i did not feel anything or any changes during the session i noticed a massive difference in the results.Celine September 10, 2018
Well, first of all, during the session I was very aware of being under the care/knife so to speak, like I was laying on a hospital bed and there were caring Dr’s working on me. My spiritual insight saw this. It was from a distance yet not, which is exciting. My world has changed in powerful ways. Heart and mind, clarity and purpose within have all grown well. Thanks Jaye.
Nicholas Enloe August 2, 2018
I could neither be brief nor descriptive enough to provide clarity on how both gifted and a gift that Jaye is. Once I committed and started with J-Seals and Unnatural implants removal, my life started to rapidly manifest purification and more Unity in every aspect of my life. Although I have studied as an energy healer this first experience with Jaye has allowed monumental alignments and shifts to occur in my life directly, and I am sure indirectly in countless more ways to come.
I can directly feel and see these energies moving in my field and in my body and as I go into them, I learn something every time. This was meant to be.
Please if you are reading this and not sure where to start or if it’s right for you, please let me share with you how important it is right now to trust why you are here right now reading this. I invite you to begin your journey with Jaye if you have the opportunity to right now, and start with removing your J-Seals and Unnatural implants that are without doubt holding you from that which you desire from within so much. I didn’t know what I do now or how to say it with such conviction before this work, but trust that you are here to begin this journey. You have an incredible support system 🙇 and you are worthy and deserving of all that which you can bring to this Life. So, what are you waiting for – Now is the only time.
🙏 Thank you Jaye for your incredible service to humanity and the Planet.
Joel Serino July 30, 2018
Jaye is a very powerful healer and I felt the intensity of his energy in our first session. Each time we connected, it felt like he was in the very same room.
During our sessions I felt powerful tingling, activation, and swirling all throughout my body. I also saw many colors and shapes, and most definitely felt the shifts physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
It has been a few weeks now and I am a completely different person. My resilience is unbelievable, things that could make me break down for weeks last only hours now. I feel more aligned with truth now than ever before.
It has made a huge impact in how I live my life, the people I surround myself, and the choices that I make.
Breaking old patterns and walking away from what no longer serves me is so much easier now. I feel a stronger sense of inner strength and inner peace.
I feel like so much is still shifting for me and still unfolding.
I am so thankful for Jaye’s gifts and his assistance though this transition and transformation.
I highly recommend working with him.
He is a master at what he does and I highly admire his abilities and the magnitude of his healing energy.
Such an amazing experience!
Thank you!!
Aida Rojas June 8, 2018
A big thank you and blessing to Jaye.
I have done golden DNA activation, Lightarian
activation and few other healings. On my first session I didnt feel anything and I asked Jaye to refund me as I felt this is not for me !!! Jaye was so kind to accept that and told me that I need to trust in the system and give it a time and if Im still not happy he will refund me.
Im glad that I took his advice and continued the sessions😀☺
Just in a week time from my first session I felt the changes in myself and mylife.
I had such a great experience that I have my whole family getting sessions from Jaye .Thank you Jaye and blessing
Maria June 5, 2018
I did a combinations of services with Jaye and feel overall better feelings. I did the charkas removal, j steal implant removal, dna activations (both regular and golden), energetic attachments removal, and lightrian clearing program. Everytime I did a session with him, I feel like my body need adjust before I move to the next session. I do recommend it to anyone who needs better themselves and those around them. Thank you Jaye for your service. I plan on doing more sessions with him.
Audrey Jenkins April 11, 2018
Jaye is a wonderful healer.
I have recommend him to my family and right now 4 members of my family are his client.
Myself an my family have used his Avatar activation system, golden DNA activation, J Seal removal, kundalini remoal and cord cutting.
We all have got Amazing results and different experiences.
Im almost toward the end of my Avatar activation sessions and I feel that my meditations are deeper and in my day to day life I can let go of things that doesnt serve me anymore.
My brother had an amazing results after just one session of
J-Seal removal.
He said that he felt like forgiving everyone and being stree free.I want to say a big thank you to Jaye and multi million blessing to him to be so professional and flexible in terms of making appointment or changing appointment and being so generous and kind in terms of answeing any question even though some questios are outside the healing and its more like a counselling.
Thank you JayMaria March 25, 2018
Dear Jaye.
Thank you.
When I connected with you just under a month ago, I was in a place in my life that felt trapped and discordant. Things didn’t make a lot of sense. My day to day was a monotone, as a student parent and solo mother.
It has been almost 10 years since my last healing experience. 10 years on I feel completely separated from myself, I found your website and contacted you via facebook. Thank you that you took your time to answer my questions and even make the time to speak with me. My first meeting with you spiritually gave me a sense of lightness and was vibrationally changing. I could see that where I was at this exact point in time was so dense and reflected my feelings of entrapment.
Your report was very interesting, giving me valuable information about attachments and my meta physical state. I assessed what steps I should take based on your report and I began with the Basic
Matrix Unplugging. I am so grateful that you explained my sensations and how you explained what I didn’t feel was normal as sometimes my higher self allows me to not sense the work as its being done. I came back to consciousness just after you had finished the session as if I was wide awake- Brilliant.Thank you for your care and support whilst in this session. Because, of the nature of my specific experience here, I booked a session for my child a few days later, my child spoke to me in such a
different manner and noticed that I had sparkly eyes.“You have sparkly eyes mummy” he said! I smiled because confirmation of change comes from the most unexpected places.
I have in the past struggled with my weight and today I have noticed that I feel so much lighter its only been 5 days since the Chakra and Kundalini removal but there is noticeable movement in the spiritual space around me. I remember feeling very disorientated the day after the session and again you were at hand to support the session and after care, when events within my sphere took place instead of feeling vulnerable, I felt protected and so much stronger. WoW. So, much has happened in this short month I embrace the feeling of space, place and presence that surrounds me.
I appreciate that every journey is a unique process that can at times be quite challenging and there are questions and emotions to understand. I am grateful that you have accepted to support and facilitate my journey at this time space in our life. I look forward to the next steps of vibrational healing for myself and my little one. Its so exciting and who I was one month ago I can hardly remember.
With Gratitude
March 24, 2018
Jaye is hands down the most amazing healer I have ever worked with! As a Lightworker and an earth-based Starseed, I had been seeking to not only activate my DNA, but to get my Self totally activated for the upcoming Earth Gaia shifts… Also, I have known for a very long time that chakras are in fact implants from negative beings. I have been searching for a very long time for someone to remove my chakras, and I am so very happy I found Jaye! So far, Jae (and his high dimensional team) have completed about 75% of the Avatar Activation process on me… I am so far ecstatic with the process…and joyous with the results…. I strongly recommend that ALL Lightworkers, Starseeds, Indigos, Crystals, and Shamans…. as well as all earth-based beings and the Sidhe all work with Jae. Once Jae and his higher dimensional team begin to work on you, you will feel very blissful and happy most of the time! Also, you get healthier, and more prosperous during the astounding process… Jae is a one of a kind Master of Healing!
JTariah En Ra El March 24, 2018
Jaye Pause is a phenomenal healer! So far, I have had 4 different healings in the package – including the new “Mirror Shield Healing” – and I am totally wowed by the experiences thus far! Jaye is very thorough and makes sure that he covers all healing issues before and after the healing: he is very vigilant with emails to keep in touch to make sure the healing went well with successful results. Unlike most healers I have worked with, Jaye’s healing can actually be ‘felt’ if you are awake during the healing: you feel cold wash over you and you feel items from the matrix and other cords being pulled off of you! I am about to get my chakras removed and I am very excited about it. All of the Services that Jaye offers are unique, and very necessary, for living upon New Earth Gaia. I strongly recommend his healing!
Aset Sheran Kumara Venus March 24, 2018
I have greatly enjoyed and am continuing to benefit working with Jaye. I started with the J-Seals & Unnatural Implants Removal session and 12 Strand DNA activation (4 sessions total), I then moved on to the Chakra and Kundalini Removal to maintain my sovereignty (1 session) and just finished up the Golden DNA Activation (3 sessions total). So I have worked with Jaye remotely for 8 weeks. Each activation is different and felt different to me…..from heat, cold, pressure in my head, seeing colors, tingling and feeling light headed. I have noticed being a bit tired a couple days after the sessions and sometimes more emotional. I have had profound insights and am so curious as to what’s next! I am feeling centered and at peace. Jaye is extremely responsive, knowledgeable, helpful and dedicated to not only my ascension but all of humanity. THANK YOU JAYE! I am so glad we met at the appointed time.
Lynn Davis March 24, 2018
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