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The Quantum Shortcut

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The Quantum Shortcut


How busy is your spiritual/healing business?

Do you have so many clients and students that you are spending almost all of your time performing services for them?

How much time do you spend each day performing the various sessions and services that you offer on your clients and students?

Do you often find that you just don’t have enough time to do everything you need to do?

Completing tasks, setting up schedules, working with new clients, answering questions, performing sessions, creating more healing systems and services…

What if there was a way that you can dramatically speed up the process of your services in a way that ultimately allows so much more freedom than you’ve ever thought possible?

In just a few moments, you will learn how you can literally save hours and hours of your time with this powerful and unique method that works at quantum speed for all of your sessions and services that you offer.

The Quantum Shortcut works for any type of spiritual and healing business and with this system, you will no longer be tied to your desk, chair, or wherever you are performing your services and sessions on your clients and students!

Have you ever wondered what it would be like in your business if you could actually automate the various services that you offer?

With the Quantum Shortcut, this is NOW your reality!

Sit back, relax and just allow this to really set in for a few moments…

I know, I’ve been there. On average, I generally have anywhere from 10 – 15+ sessions per day.

This takes up an EXTENSIVE amount of time… Specifically, because my client and student sessions are scheduled at very different times throughout each day.


Because clients and students are not always available at certain times and on top of that, if you work with clients all over the world, time zones come into play.

This can become a very tricky process to schedule your client and student sessions at certain times… Especially, if your sessions are a lot longer to perform!

Think about this for one moment…

What if I told you, that you could literally setup your sessions via either of the two Quantum Shortcut methods in this system that will automatically perform these sessions when your clients and students choose to call them down…

OR, on command by activating a one line command that you personally create that literally takes no more than 5 seconds to state?

This is the power of the Quantum Shortcut in action and it is going to REVOLUTIONIZE the way your entire business operates!

The sky really is the limit here on what you can do with this system!

It is this very reason why I’ve chosen to call this method the “Quantum Shortcut”.

There is absolutely nothing out there like it that exists on this planet. ANYWHERE!

the Quantum Shortcut consists of two separate methods. Both of which can be purchased individually, or together as a package deal…

Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level I

This system gives you the ability to place all of the various healing systems, sessions, attunements, imbuements and other services that you offer into the ethereal realm via a specifically designed process, where they are permanently setup via a quantum orb that is called down by your client or student whenever they choose to do so.

There is absolutely no expiration for when they can call down their services from you that they are to receive.

However, it is definitely recommended that you supply your clients and students with pre-arranged schedules for them to call down the services that they purchase from you, when they are meant to receive them.

What exactly does this system do for you? It literally frees you up so that you are no longer stuck sitting at your desk while performing the various services that you offer to your clients and students.

It ultimately gives you peace of mind because once you’ve setup each one of the various services that you offer into the ethereal realm via a quantum orb. Your clients and students can easily and instantly call down a specific session, attunement, imbuement, empowerment or system that they have purchased from you.

This means you will never have to actually do this for them manually like you would have previously before the the Quantum Shortcut.

To give you an idea of just how powerful and beneficial it is to be able utilize The Quantum Shortcut, think of your own website and how often others purchase healing systems, sessions, attunements, empowerments, imbuements, etc. from you…

Each one of these types of services that you offer instead of manually performing them on your clients and students, they will have already been setup by you, via the Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement and all you would have to do is provide your clients and students a way for them to receive the services they have purchased from you.

It requires very little effort on your part. The one caveat to this is, you must still setup your clients and students with the same types of integration schedules that you would normally do, but instead of actually performing the services, all you have to do is provide them information on how to call down the services at the appropriate time for them to receive.

That’s all there is to it. This is going to save you hours and hours of time throughout your day-to-day regime!

No longer will you be forced to be at your desk for an extended period of time while performing your sessions, attunements, imbuements, empowerments, etc.

Example: Let’s say that you have a session to offer your clients that takes 1 hour to complete on your end. Once you’ve setup this session permanently via the Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement, all you would have to do is provide your client or student a brief document that states how they call down their session on their own and this is generally done by having a schedule setup as you normally would, except you are not actually having to perform the session with your client.

Think about how much time this is going to save you and what that means for your ability to free up more of your time, for even more things!

You could create new healing systems and healing sessions, work with new clients that you’ve been putting on hold because of your extremely busy schedule, or even take a day off after completing your sessions with your clients.

What if you had more than 1 client or student that wanted to receive their session at a specific time and day that conflicts with another client or student? This no longer is an issue!

If you wanted to offer your clients and students the same time slots, or around the same time slots to receive their sessions, you can do this and only this, with the Quantum Shortcut.

This system actually gives you the ability and the freedom to setup your schedules with clients and students in a way that you no longer have to have multiple blocks of time setup throughout the day. It is all literally done for you automatically and with absolutely no further effort on your part whatsoever!

Quantum Orbing System: Instant Healing Commands:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level II

Similar to the Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement, a quantum orb is permanently placed into the ethereal realm via a specifically designed process, however, instead of your clients initiating the services that they purchase from you, you are actually activating a one line command that starts the process for them at a specifically pre-arranged time.

Realize the power within this system and just how amazing it would be for you to be able to activate a one line command that immediately performs the service that you have setup and have imbued into the ethereal realm, without ever having to perform the service directly again. Just followup with your client after their session has been completed and you are good to go.

This means that literally, if you wanted to setup 20 x 1 hour sessions at the same or around the same time slot – you can! This is the equivalent to creating a keyboard shortcut macro in Windows!

Think about what this will do for your daily experience and work load. Think about how much faster this will be for you and how it will enable you to instantly activate your client’s or student’s sessions or services that they have purchased from you, without ever lifting a single finger again!

With the Quantum Shortcut – Quantum Orbing System: Instant Healing Commands, you ultimately have the power and ability to setup your schedules in a way that dramatically benefits you, your clients and students, and even your family!

What if you had 5 x 1 hour sessions scheduled throughout the day with your clients and students? This would take up a large amount of broken up time throughout the day. More than likely, because not all clients and students can receive their sessions at the same time, right?

But, if you were able to simply state a one line command for that 1 hour session…

What could you do with the other remaining 59 minutes and 55 seconds?

Yes, you heard that correctly. This one line command will not require more than 5 seconds to activate. This is the beauty of the Quantum Shortcut in action!

You are literally eliminating lengthy times of having to sit at your desk, or wherever you are and what ever method you are using to perform your sessions.

What if you offered sessions that are specific to different types of body movements and other tasks that you need to do? This can be applied in the same way!

Activating a one line command that literally takes 5 seconds and will stop you from ever having to do those specific body movements ever again.

Think about it in this aspect… What happens if you got hurt and were no longer able to move the way you did before? What would happen if you couldn’t perform that session anymore because of this?

Imagine for one moment, what it would be like to not have to recite a single piece of scripting that you use to perform your sessions.

Imagine what it would be like to not have to ever open up a single document that you would normally use to perform a session.

Imagine just how simple your day-to-day experience would be by being able to state a one line command that literally takes 5 seconds to accomplish – and you are done!

If you are the type of person who is deeply interested in providing your clients and students with their services without having to have them call them down themselves, the Quantum Shortcut – Quantum Orbing System: Instant Healing Commands is exactly what you are looking for.

With the Quantum Shortcut, you can utilize one or both specifically designed, unique methods in which will ultimately save you HOURS and HOURS of time throughout each and every day!

This works for ANY kind of spiritual/healing business and services that you possess, AND…

It will completely eliminate the need for:

  • Never having to recite or read scripts for your sessions and services.
  • Never having to open up a single document.
  • Never having to worry about conflicting schedules.
  • Never having to deal with time constraints and other challenges.
  • Never having to perform your sessions and services manually – EVER.
  • Never having to turn away new clients because of how busy you are.

Ability To Create Master Shortcuts

Another amazing factor with the Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level II System is the ability to create quantum shortcuts within quantum shortcuts, thereby calling them “Master Shortcuts”.

With a Master Shortcut, you have the ability to create various services through the versatility of the Quantum Shortcut System.

What does this actually mean to you?

It means that you can add multiple Quantum Shortcuts that you’ve previously created and then add them into one Master Shortcut that you can activate which will perform all of the services you imbue into your Master Shortcut!

This is why I said the sky is the limit here on what you can do with this system!

Whether you choose to purchase both systems or, one or the other… You will dramatically save HOURS and HOURS of time throughout your day, every day!

*** Not Just For Healers ***

Yes, you read that correctly.

This is NOT just for healers or spiritual businesses!

With the Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level II, you can:

  • Program mantras
  • Meditations
  • Frequencies
  • And much more

You can then you can immediately activate the shortcuts you create, or create Master Shortcuts for different applications that you want to combine together!

What does this do for you?

It assists in deeper expansion because you are actively activating different energies and frequencies into your energy fields at your command.

Think about this for a moment…

Do you like binaural beats?

What if you could program hours and hours of binaural beats into a system that allows you to receive them as if you spent multiple hours listening to them?

That is the power and versatility of the Quantum Shortcut.

Choose an option below:
** There is no prerequisite, you can purchase either level I or II, or both. **

Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level I
Cost: $1,699.00


Quantum Orbing System: Instant Healing Commands:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level II


Quantum Orbing System: Energetic Imbuement:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level I


Quantum Orbing System: Instant Healing Commands:
Quantum Shortcut Facilitator Level II
Cost: $2,999.00


As a Quantum Shortcut Facilitator, you will also be able to place a
Website Badge on your website to earn passive commissions, like this:

Due to the nature of this system and how it works, payment plans are not available.

Testimonials For Session

Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider

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I cannot praise enough one of Xan’ther’s masterpieces, “The Quantum Shortcut”. I believe it is by far one of the revolutionary tools available for healers and non-healers. The fact that you can place in the ethereal realm different services for clients, mantras, binaural beats/ solfeggio frequencies, meditation, frequencies etc. is simply phenomenal.

As spiritual beings having a human experience, time is our most precious commodity and the Quantum shortcut would allow you to call down the services placed in the quantum field for yourself and/or your clients and save you some time instead of performing it manually. The cool thing about the shortcut is your can create shortcut within shortcut (Masters shortcut) to group different services together. I am enjoying not having to carve out some time in my day to recite Mantras or Affirmations. I can just state a command anytime I want to, and the energy will be downloaded in my field.

Also, the Quantum orb is imbued with Source energy which amplify and intensify the energy of what you’ve placed into the ethereal realm. This enables one to constantly interacting with Source frequency and Source energy acts as a cleanser and purifier in your field.

Thank you, Xan’ther, for creating and making available to us one of a kind of system. This system is the next level in energy healing for people who volunteered to Service to others as a soul mission.

Christian K. January 4, 2024

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