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25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session

Home 25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session

25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session


The axiatonal lines, or meridian lines are energetic lines that ultimately flow through our bodies creating a grid system within the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.

This grid system has been the basis for many different types of healing practices such as acupuncture, reflexology, reiki, to name a few…

What if I told you that these very lines were yet another form of inorganic distortions that are present in our body to allow for even greater levels of energetic access to our energy systems?

What many do not realize is that there is an agenda behind all of this stuff. We are truly multi-dimensional, energetic beings and we are having a human experience in this avatar body, or vehicle.

Our bodies have been severely messed with due to all of the nefarious beings who have been modifying the grid systems, the planets and even our bodies through the Universal Grid System.

While many beings think that it is best to properly align these axiatonal lines in our bodies, they are actually doing more harm to us than good.

I see so many people spending time working with these axiatonal lines, healing them, aligning them.

What they are actually doing which they don’t even realize is giving the dark one’s greater levels of access to their energy system because they have the ability to affect them through these energetic cords and other distortions that are attached to the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies through these very axiatonal lines.

These energetic cords and other distortions are connected into the Universal Grid System, all of the planets and all planetary and star systems.

These axiatonal lines are not actually doing anything good for you by leaving them within your fields.

They are energetic. Not physical and they are inorganic, meaning you are not supposed to have these axiatonal lines within your fields.

Ask yourself this question…

Why do all of these lines run through all areas of your body?

Each of these lines make up the left, center and right sides of the body and these lines allow energies through the light body where all dimensional frequencies transduce into all bodies we possess, which also run through chakras and etheric nadial structure.

The left side of body focuses on axiatonal lines 4, 7, 10, 1, and 5.
The center hara line focuses on axiatonal lines 11 and 12.
The right side of body focuses on axiatonal lines 3, 6, 9, 2, and 8.

All 12 axiatonal lines move throughout the entire light body running energy to the chakras and creates intersecting points within the horizontal fields that project out of the chakra cones, where the DNA manifests.

Each axiatonal line has a corresponding dimension, chakra, chakra crystal, and frequency color.

This happens regardless if you’ve integrated your chakras.

The axiatonal lines are still present in your fields, because they are energetic.

All beings being born into the Earth experience various forms of distortions such as implants, imprints, seals and other energetic and etheric devices that are placed on these various lines within the body.

Axiatonal Lines 4, 7, 10, 1 and 5 potentially carry the following implants and distortions:

  • Line 4: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, cellular disease DNA reversal, mental bodies splitter, phantom matrix, human animal hybrid traumas and mother archetype.
  • Line 7: Jehovian Annunaki seals, crucifixion implants, Zeta hybrid trauma pain, DNA accelerate code, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, phantom matrix and mother archetype.
  • Line 10: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, fear of extraterrestrials, phantom matrix and symbols & sigils.
  • Line 1: Zeta hybrid trauma pain and cellular disease DNA reversal.
  • Line 5: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, phantom matrix, Underworld/Anubian trauma and mother archetype.

Axiatonal Lines 11 and 12 potentially carry the following implants and distortions:

  • Line 11: Genital plugs, sexual fears, phantom matrix, Underworld/Anubian trauma, human animal hybrid traumas, and anti-emotions.
  • Line 12: Lack of intelligence, race discrimination, trapped in darkness, war and killing, nephilim reversals, Mother Mary Splitter, pineal implant, alien chi siphons, alien parasites and eggs, alien tracker devices, alien etheric weaponry, alien mind control, genetic code crasher, vampirism damage, Kumara Master implants, wings cut off trauma, fallen angelic schism trauma, dead or reversal geometries, reversal pain pleasure response, lust – shame and Thothian Grid.

Axiatonal Lines 3, 6, 9, 2 and 8 potentially carry the following implants and distortions:

  • Line 3: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, cellular disease DNA reversal, mental bodies splitter, phantom matrix, human animal hybrid traumas and mother archetype.
  • Line 6: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, DNA accelerate code, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, phantom matrix, Underworld/Anubian trauma, and mother archetype.
  • Line 9: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, phantom matrix and symbols & sigils.
  • Line 2: Zeta hybrid trauma pain, cellular disease DNA reversal, mental bodies splitter, phantom matrix and mother archetype.
  • Line 8: Crucifixion implants, Zeta hybrid trauma pain, DNA accelerate code, genital plugs, prostate implant portal blocker, sexual fears, phantom matrix and mother archetype.

These implants and other types of distortions affect us in a multitude of ways that ultimately blocks our ability to ascend into higher frequencies, activate DNA, expand consciousness, creates exponential discordance within our bodies and much more.

Removing the axiatonal lines does not actually remove the energetic properties of these specific distortions mentioned above.

You must have these distortions removed from your fields before you can remove the axiatonal lines.

As stated previously, the axiatonal lines also correspond to the lines that run within the planets, the Universal Grid System and all other planetary and star systems.

This means that through this access, the dark one’s can easily manipulate, contaminate and control your energy system and force different levels of distortions into your fields which can create a severe amount of problems in one’s life.

Does this affect everyone? Yes, it does. Some beings are not affected as much as others are, who on certain levels are constantly being psychically attacked through the axiatonal lines, the Universal Grid System and all other planetary and star systems.

The axiatonal lines, like the chakras, limit the flow of Universal life-force and Source energies within our body to specific areas.

Why do we have to be limited with our energies? Why should they not all be flowing through ALL of our bodies and only in certain sections of these energetic lines?

Here is what you will be receiving during this session:

  • Completely clearing and removal of all 12 axiatonal lines from within the mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.
  • Clearing and severing all forms of energetic cords and distortions attached from the axiatonal lines to Universal Grid System.
  • Clearing and severing all forms of energetic cords and distortions attached from the axiatonal lines to all planets and planetary and star systems.

Major benefits for receiving this session:

  • You may be less, if not no longer affected by the planetary retrogrades.
  • You may notice a dramatic increase of energy within your body after this session.
  • Much less energetic access to your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical bodies.
  • Much less psychic related attacks.

There is special pricing for more than one purchase, if you want to do this for your family as well, know that their conscious permission is required, unless they are under age. This session can be performed on children that are 2 years of age and older.

The 25D Axiatonal Lines Removal session is a 2 hour session and requires you to be laying down on your back with your eyes closed.

There is a prerequisite for receiving this session.

You are required to go through a Matrix Unplugging Session before you can receive this session. All of these various unnatural implants, seals and other distortions that are on all of the axiatonal lines, must first be removed before the axiatonal lines can be removed.

Choose an option below:

Prerequisite for Session: Matrix Unplugging Session

25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session – 1 Session
Cost: $333.00



25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session – 2 Sessions
Coupon Code: 25ALR2S-15%OFF
Actual Cost: $666.00
Discounted Cost: $566.10



25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session – 3 Sessions
Coupon Code: 25ALR3S-20%OFF
Actual Cost: $999.00
Discounted Cost: $799.20



25D Axiatonal Lines Removal Session – 4 Sessions
Coupon Code: 25ALR4S-25%OFF
Actual Cost: $1,332.00
Discounted Cost: $999.00


Testimonials For Session

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This session was amazing! First week after the session was a little hard, with some symptoms but at the same time with a new freedom. Symptoms like digestive discomfort went away a few days later. Sometimes passed in my mind how we were deceived all this time about the meridians lines, which is even used by chinese medicine for thousand of years! I know theses therapies have their place and are important, but the feeling of not have theses restrictions anymore is outstanding. It is like we are taking a constant bath in Source Energy. Very interesting. Really recommend this session, coupled with other ones surely. Thanks, Xan’ther!

Rafael Aleixo August 31, 2023

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