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Calendar Distortion Removal Session

Home Calendar Distortion Removal Session

Calendar Distortion Removal Session


The Calendar Distortion Removal Session focuses on removing all forms of distortions that could have been placed on you as an individual and also your family on days, weeks, months and years, which can cause very powerful levels of turmoil in the family and each person’s life in a variety of ways that are somewhat incomprehensible.

Many people do not realize just how affected they truly are until they’ve been cleared from the various energies related to other people and beings who are out to get you and to try to stop you from living your life and ultimately being happy.

These kinds of people and/or other malevolent beings who are trying to wreck your life on an energetic level in which you are never actually aware of.

As you may know already, everything happens on an energetic level before it manifests into our physical reality and we suffer from so many other distortions that they tend to become the main focus for clearing, healing, shielding, etc.…

However, we have absolutely no idea that behind all of what else is affecting us, what is having a major impact on us is the constant negative force of energies that are being directed to the days, weeks, months, years, holidays, special days and events, etc.

This is one of the most silent levels of attack that one can experience because it is not an aspect of your life that you would even suspect that this could happen to. 

Think about this for a moment…

How many times in your life have many of your events and other special days of the months that you have experienced some form of drama, chaos, suffering or other negative things in your life?

Were these events and other special days ruined completely?

Where did it all stem from?

What happened to bring about all of what transpired each time?

Do you know or remember why you felt the way you did or what exactly happened as a result?

Have you ever just fallen or gotten hurt or experienced something specific that made absolutely no sense and there was absolutely no rhyme or reasoning for why you just experienced what you did?

What about the car accident you may have experienced?

Do you really believe that it was just an “accident”?

Ever experience multiple car accidents?

Do you really believe they are coincidences?

There are no coincidences. Everything is connected. Everything is deliberate.

How much of your life do you actually believe is controlled by you?

What you need to realize is, these distortions and the people and beings behind them are designed to cause pure chaos, suffering and other evil things to create havoc in your life in many ways… and it affects each person in the family differently.

This is generally not just done to one person, it is done to a family as a whole. It can be part of a multi-dimensional family oriented situation as well. However, that being said, it can be placed on people individually, especially if the person doesn’t have a family.

What is more, is this has been dramatically enhanced by the entertainment industries because what you really don’t know is they are doing things to you without even realizing it.

… They are doing this in front of you all the time … and they are laughing about it too because they know what they are doing, and you have absolutely no clue just how affected by them you are.

You may think that listening to their music or watching their movies or going to their shows or tours is great thing. You may even idolize them, too.

What you don’t realize is this is all being done on purpose. You are being controlled in a way that is so unique and so disguised to be hidden from your awareness so that you would never know that it existed or even how to stop it from happening.

There is a reason why the entertainment and music industries are so focused on symbolism. Without you even realizing it, they are creating distortions that are attaching to aspects of your life that are basically hidden from your awareness and you are willfully allowing it into your fields because you are interacting with these forms in some way.

Sometimes we have special days that we have been preparing for and have created plans to do things and were completely excited about this special day or event…

And then, you wake up in the morning and you feel like total crap. You wonder why you are feeling upset, angry, frustrated, agitated, etc., you may even have very weird or violent thoughts that are coming from absolutely no where, for no specific reason. 

It is as if a switch just flipped and now you are in a completely different state of being and in many cases, a different level of reality!

And the reality all of this is, nothing happened to you on the surface, directly… but on an energetic multi-dimensional level, you have been seriously attacked in a way that you would never know could even exist, or suspect.

And sometimes it doesn’t just stop for that day… It continues into more days. The dark ones will place these distortions on all days of the month and year and this can have major impacts on everything in your life.

Not only that, but all of this doesn’t just affect the humans in the family. It also affects the pets of the family as well.

Animals that are not normally aggressive may even become more aggressive. Animals are very sensitive to energies. If you think for one minute that they are not affected by what affects us as human beings, you are wrong.

This happens all the time and to so many people and it is for this reason that I am now offering the ability to clear every day, month and year from these various distortions:

All forms of:

  • Negative distortions
  • Negative influences
  • Negative energies

All forms of hidden, visible, camouflaged, disguised or infrared:

  • Curses
  • Hexes
  • Spells
  • Witchcraft
  • Sorcery
  • Evil eye
  • Black magic
  • Voodoo magic
  • And all other forms of distortions affecting these experiences

These various distortions could extend into the hundreds upon thousands of different energies that could be having an affect on you each and every day.

Do you have constant problems with people in your family where you are just constantly butting heads, or arguments are being created that essentially make no sense as to why they are happening in the first place?

There may be specific types of negative influences and distortions that have been placed between you and specific family members, or even other people which cause you and them to never see eye-to-eye, or be able to talk to each other or be around each other without feeling anger or hatred towards them.

Have you ever just woke up and for no good reason just felt angry, sad or experienced strong levels of anxiety out of no where?

Or even feel as if you are here, but you really don’t feel like you should be here?

Or even have thoughts running through your head that come from no where, giving you ideas that are not your own and are causing you to react very negatively?

You basically begin to push the people away that you are closest to, but in actuality you don’t want them to go, but the energies consume you so much from all of what they are doing that it makes every aspect of your being conflict with yourself.

You struggle to figure out what exactly you want because of all of what is hitting you all at once.

And unknowingly, this happens daily to you whether you realize it or not.

You are constantly being bombarded with all of these different energies from your environments and people and other malevolent beings.

The difference is, this level of psychic attack is more sophisticated version because it is not really an attack on you.

It is an attack on an aspect of your life. If you think about it. What better way to affect a person if these dark beings are able to negatively influence or affect every day, month and year for them?

Unfortunately you would never even know it. That is just how easy it is to perform this level of attack on a person. It is literally the silent takedown.

These distortions can cause all kinds of suffering in one’s life, but it affects each person in a different way completely.

If you suspect this to be happening to you or you resonate strongly with this level of interference it is best to contact me to determine if you as an individual are being affected, and if you have a family, if you are also affected. Because this is not just happening to people individually.

There are many that experience this individually, but there are many that experience this as both family and individually. So it is best to determine first how it is happening. You may even want to refer your family members to this page if they are also deemed as being affected.

Choose the option that best fits your situation…

In order to make your purchase, you can choose how many months you want to have cleared from distortions.

Example, if you only want the next 3, 6 or 9 months cleared from distortions each day, purchase either of these options.

If you want to have the next year or 2, or more cleared, choose the 12 months option and add as many quantities that you wish to have cleared for the amount of years to be cleared.

If it is determined that one or more individuals in your family, or you and your family are being affected and you want to clear more than one situation, you can apply this specific discount ONLY if you are purchasing for more than one individual, or an individual and family as a whole.

Do you have a business that you would like to have distortions cleared from as well? Many businesses owners can also benefit from clearing these distortions from their business. If you are noticing that your employees are having issues while they are working in your place of business, contact me to scan your business for these distortions.

Choose an option below:

Individual Or Family Or Business:

3 Months Clearing: $346.00

6 Months Clearing: $692.00

9 Months Clearing: $1,038.00

12 Months Clearing: $1,384.00 $1,333.00


The Calendar Distortion Removal session not a session that you will specifically be experiencing because it is a clearing that is being done on an aspect of your life. That being said, you may experience some form of detox or clearing by actually going through this service because it is freeing you from all kinds of distortions that are affecting you without even knowing it.

Testimonials For Session

Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider

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The very next day after this session is applied, it brings tremendous relaxation and purification to one’s life.

As soon as I joined, I started to make calculations of getting the session again, because after the different forms of attacks and spells that I was not aware of before were lifted from me, I felt a tremendous difference in my daily life.

Aside from cleaning such negativities, it was a wonderful cleaning that I would not even know existed. Jaye often makes surprises like this and it’s not easy to describe how great his work is.

Working with Jaye is truly a special and important experience. It is a source of pride to see what a good and decent human being he is as well as being a superior healer. He is one of the most important characters of our transformation to light and Source.

We had some audio sessions and apart from working with him, even chatting is a great activity. Someone really interesting, by sitting and at the computer (it’s not that simple of course) is transforming Gaia for light.

For this and all such experiences and purifications, I extend my love and gratitude to Source and to all beings and groups connected to Source, especially Jaye. This was really important.

Deniz April 17, 2022

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