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Chakra Healing

Home Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing

Chakra Healing Sessions are designed to super-charge your chakras. If you are feeling off or having physical or emotion issues, there’s a good change one or more of your chakras are out of balance.

Chakra means wheel of light in Sanskrit. The chakras are the seven power points (energy centers) in the human body that circulate energy or the life force also known as Prana. They are vertically aligned in the center of the body close to the spine.

If the chakras are unbalanced – not properly aligned or blocked – it can affect physical and mental health. The spiritual development is also connected with the good health of the chakra.

That’s why it’s so important to maintain healthy chakras, as they will ultimately improve the quality of your life.

You can purchase Chakra Healing Sessions individually, or purchase more than one, please know that each session requires an integration period of at least 3 days to allow the energies to work within your body.

By purchasing a Chakra Healing Session below, please understand and know that because these sessions actually super-charge each chakra, you may notice some type of clearing symptoms as the Chakra itself begins to open and allow for life force energy to flow through it freely.

It is also very possible that you may feel warm/cold tingling sensations or pressure in the area where your chakra is located when receiving the Chakra Healing Session.


root_chakraRoot Chakra Healing Session

Located at the base of the spine and groin area, this is the animal or base nature. It is also taste and smell. The Root Chakra is associated with adrenals, kidneys, muscles and arterial blood.

The Root Chakra links us to the physical world, solidity and support – especially to the physical body. It is the foundation of energy.

The Base or Root Chakra manifests strongly in the motivation to ensure personal survival by way of food, rest, and sexual expression. Spiritually, the Root Chakra has to do with protection of individual integrity. It is an energy center that provides a solid ground from which to establish our equilibrium in order to ascend to higher awareness.

Some signs that the Root Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Restlessness
  • Lack of energy
  • Loss of interest in the real world or practical survival
  • Volatile emotions
  • Obsession with one thing
  • Selfishness

The Root Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Root Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your awareness and emotional level.

sacral_chakraSacral Chakra Healing Session

Located at the genitals, this chakra deals with our duality, the feminine and masculine energy, or shiva and shakti or yin and yang.

It’s developmental stage is from the age of 6 months to 24 months.

The Sacral Chakra is associated with our senses or sensual pleasure, and hence it is also called our sexual chakra.

The mother’s pleasure in nurturing her baby is also a Sacral Chakra function.

The Sacral Chakra signifies your creative and sexual energies.

Some signs that the Sacral Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Bladder
  • Fertility issues
  • Miscarriages
  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome
  • Nervousness
  • Anger
  • Feeling victimized
  • Expecting the worst
  • Depression
  • Sexual pressure

The Sacral Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Sacral Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your sexual and creative energies.

solar_plexus_chakraSolar Plexus Chakra Healing Session

Located midway between the rib cage and the navel, this is the sense of identity.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, spleen, digestive system and nervous system.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is associated with the fire element because fire provides warmth and comfort, but also can cause fear and terror.

This chakra spans a wide emotional area.

The Solar Plexus Chakra allows one to really know oneself.

Some signs that the Solar Plexus Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Poor ability to make decisions or judge a situation accurately
  • A feeling that you are more important than other people
  • Trouble taking action or getting things done

The Solar Plexus Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Solar Plexus Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your ability to truly know yourself and make proper decisions.

heart_chakraHeart Chakra Healing Session

Located near the center of the breastbone or sternum, this chakra represents higher consciousness and love. The Heart Chakra is associated with the heart, thymus gland, lower lung and circulatory system.

The Heart Chakra acts as the balance point for all the chakras. It governs our relationships and how we interact with other people.

A balanced Heart Chakra is expressed in acceptance of self and others, personal values and ethics, following one’s unique direction in life.

A balanced Heart Chakra means expansion, freedom and growth.

Some signs that the Heart Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Lack of self discipline
  • Difficulty in relationships
  • An attempt to live vicariously through another
  • Dependence on someone else for your happiness

The Heart Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Heart Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your ability to expand and grow.

throat_chakraThroat Chakra Healing Session

Located at the throat, this chakra is associated with creativity, self-expression and the search for truth.

The Throat Chakra is associated with thyroid gland, upper lungs and respiratory system.

The Throat Chakra brings out your inner truth. The Throat Chakra allows us to communicate our thoughts and feelings.

It is directly connected to the ability to express inner creativity.

Both teaching and learning are affected by the balance of the throat chakra.

Some signs that the Throat Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Difficulty expressing oneself
  • Poor learning ability
  • Habitual lying
  • Fear, doubt, uncertainty

The Throat Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Throat Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your creativity level.

third_eye_chakraThird Eye Chakra Healing Session

Located between the eyes, this chakra is intelligence and psychic power. The Third eye chakra is associated with the pituitary gland, eyes, nose, ears and skeletal system.

The Third Eye Chakra is directly related to your senses of sight and hearing. It has to do with perception.

It is the seat of understanding that affects how we see the world we live in and how we make sense of what is being perceived.

Balancing this chakra can help remove confusion or indecision and increase the ability to see clearly and make important distinctions.

Some signs that the Third Eye Chakra is out of balance are:



  • Jumping to conclusions
  • Confusion
  • Indecision
  • Inability to see the bigger picture in life situations

The Third Eye Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Third Eye Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your ability to see more clearly and enhance your inner vision.

crown_chakraCrown Chakra Healing Session

Located above the head, this chakra links individual and universal. The Crown Chakra is associated with the pineal gland, brain and central nervous system.

The Crown Chakra is the body’s primary co-ordination center.

It ensures a connection to universal sources of energy and with the world as a whole.

A balanced Crown Chakra allows for expanded awareness on an emotional level.

The Crown Chakra signifies illumination.

Some signs that the Crown Chakra is out of balance are:




  • Co-ordination difficulties
  • Poor balance and clumsiness
  • An attempt to stop new thoughts (in self or others)
  • Lack of spiritual exploration

The Crown Chakra Healing Session will re-align your Crown Chakra, opening it up fully to allow energy to flow through it freely to increase your awareness and emotional level.

7 Main Chakra Healing Session

7_main_chakra_healingThe 7 Main Chakra Healing Session is designed to fully super-charge all of your energy centers.

A word of caution when purchasing this Chakra Healing Session, because this session is designed to fully open up all 7 of your main chakras, you will experience clearing symptoms and you may also feel a shift of energy in different parts of your body.

This happens when a lot of energy is moved quickly in your body.

Your body doesn’t exactly know how to handle these immediate changes in that instant.

As the negative energies are being flushed out of each chakra and life force energy begins to freely flow through your chakras, clearing issues will occurr to completely detoxify your body from all of the toxins that has caused your chakras to shutdown.

You will either experience a physical detox (getting a cold, etc.) or experience some kind of emotional release (experiencing some emotional turmoil following this Chakra Healing Session)

This is a 21 day Chakra Healing Session.

Each chakra will be worked on and cleared of all negative energies every 3 days. The reason for this is, if you are not used to working with or receiving energy, you may literally short-circuit your body from receiving too much energy all at once. There is no set time for these sessions. It is based on my availability for each session. Also, keep in mind that if you need more than one chakra healing session, you can add the required amount of quantities in your shopping cart before purchase.

To order your session or sessions, click the button below:

Single Chakra Healing Session
Cost: $15.00

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7 Main Chakra Healing Session
Cost: $100.00

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Chakra Entity Removal Session
Cost: $22.00

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Avatar Chakra Entity Removal Session (All 7 Chakras)
Cost: $133.00

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