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Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self Removal & Restoration

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Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self Removal & Restoration

Most people are not aware that they are dealing with a corrupted/imposter Higher Self and more often than not, when they are trying to work with divination they tend to receive incorrect or inaccurate, or completely misguided information from their Higher Self.

What Is The Higher Self?

Your Higher Self is the highest aspect of you.

It is the greatest version of you that can be attained by being able to bring the frequencies of your Higher Self that which can be held within the physical body.

It is the part of you that knows, sees, and understands at the highest level possible, while the physical part of you (lower self) still continues to move around in this three dimensional reality.

Anchoring the wisdom of the Higher Self into your physicality is very much a part of our human spiritual evolution and purpose for being on planet.

As you are now aware, your Higher Self knows everything about your present life and about the purpose of your present incarnation and before you were born, your Higher self arranges the circumstances of your future life through pre-arranged agreements that have been made by you prior to incarnating on planet.

Your Higher Self then begins to guide you while your consciousness is incarnated into your physical body and assists you on your path of spiritual growth and evolution.

For most people, it can take years of meditation, mindfulness and other spiritual practices in order to attain the level of connectedness needed to communicate with their Higher Self.

What Connects Us To Our Higher Self?

The connection to our Higher Self begins with the 4th strand of DNA. Many people try to connect with their Higher Self before they are energetically and vibrationally prepared to do.

This results in potentially misguided information due to connecting to an entity that is posing as their Higher Self.

Until you’ve gone through certain types of clearings and activations, you should not try to connect to your Higher Self and utilize any type of divination unless you personally know that you’ve cleared specific distortions that are blocking your DNA from being able to activate, and that you have at least 4 strands of activated DNA.

The activation of your 4th strand of DNA, by generally going through certain DNA Activation services is what creates the superconscious connection between you and your Higher Self.

What Causes A Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self?

There are a number of reasons why you’ve potentially attained a corrupted/imposter Higher Self.

Most of which may consist of very deep levels of spiritual and psychic attacks or possibly accepting healing from healers that are not truly from the light.

Spiritual warfare is one of the major causes for this corruption by purposely infecting your Higher Self by either corrupting it, or installing an imposter that is designed to provide you with poor guidance and inaccurate information which can also lead to additional attacks upon you through the corrupted/imposter Higher Self.

Unfortunately working with false light healers can be very detrimental to you because they are there to entice you and shift you down a different path.

They can be master manipulators and they know exactly how to talk to you to get you to believe everything that they say.

A lot of times we connect with people that we think are helping us, but in reality, they were sent to shift us off of our path. 

By accepting a false light healer, you are enabling them to work with your energy fields and be able to place any form of distortion into your fields without your conscious knowledge or permission.

Working With Your Higher Self

Being able to work with your Higher Self is one of the most critical aspects in your spiritual evolution and is how you will be able to evolve and grow and follow specific guidance on what is necessary for you to achieve at various levels of your personal and spiritual daily life.

There may be times where you ask certain questions to your Higher Self about a direction in which you should take whether it is to buy something, or visit a certain place, or whether or not it is even safe to do certain activities or work with certain types of people.

Your Higher Self has the ability to determine what is best for you and when you are working with a non-corrupted/non-imposter Higher Self, your guidance and accuracy of results will be far greater than it has ever been.

The Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self Removal and Restoration Session is a 1 hour session that requires you to be laying down on your back with your eyes closed.

Please note that it is possible that one’s Higher Self can eventually become corrupted and/or an imposter Higher Self is installed once again if you fall victim to very detrimental psychic and spiritual warfare.

If you feel this has happened again, you may contact me and I will scan your Higher Self and if it is determined to be the case, you may purchase the session again as needed.

If you have never gone through any type of DNA activation, it is best to choose the “Prerequisites Needed” option. If not, you may purchase just the session itself.


Choose the best option for you below:

Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self Removal & Restoration
Cost: $222.00

Prerequisites Needed:
Matrix Unplugging Session
Avatar 12 Strand DNA Activation Session
Corrupted/Imposter Higher Self Removal & Restoration
Cost: $522.00

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