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April Sale 2023

Home April Sale 2023

April Sale 2023


The Avatar Activation April Sale is a sale that you absolutely don’t want to miss! There are 3 parts to this sale and those who take action first are going to benefit the most.

.:: First Part Of Sale ::.
.:: ENDED::.

This sale runs from April 25th – May 2nd and you will access a 33% discount on all services, packages and programs with a limit of 100 sales. This part of the sale will either end at 100 sales, or on May 2nd at 11:59PM EST — whichever comes first.

Coupon Code: FPOS33
FPOS33 - 13 of 100 Claimed

.:: Second Part Of Sale ::.
.:: ENDED::.

This sale runs from May 3rd – 18th and you will access a 22% discount on all services, packages and programs with a limit of 75 sales. This part of the sale will either end at 75 sales, or on May 18th at 11:59PM EST — whichever comes first.

Coupon Code: FPOS22
FPOS22 - 23 of 75 Claimed

.:: Final Part Of Sale ::.

This sale runs from May 19th – 31st and you will access an 11% discount on all services, packages and programs with a limit of 50 sales. This part of the sale will either end at 50 sales, or on May 31st at 11:59PM EST — whichever comes first.

Coupon Code: FPOS11
FPOS11 - 5 of 50 Claimed
Whether you are looking to dramatically advance spiritually or even begin your journey into your spiritual awakening process, look no further, you’ve come to the right place!

But don’t just take my word for it, here are some results-based testimonials from hundreds of clients…

Results-Based Testimonials
Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider

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It’s been over a month now since I’ve had the second camouflage shield destroyer and I frankly cannot recommend it enough. Since my session I’ve noticed that my sleeping has dramatically improved. I used to suffered from stomach pain. The pain is now gone. I am less tired during the day. It’s much easier to get into a meditative state and I feel generally that my frequency has vastly improved as well. I’ve been working with Xan’ther for over 2 years and I can honestly say that I wouldn’t be alive without him. I was in a very low and dark place. I strongly believe that my Higher Self led me to Xan’ther. He’s a true master healer with integrity. He’s the only healer I trust. Thank you Xan’ther for everything.

ANL September 11, 2024

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Do you believe in coincidences?

What if I told you that there is actually no such thing as a coincidence and that everything happens for a reason?

In fact, everything is connected and everything is deliberate.

… And most importantly, everything happens in Divine Timing and in Divine Right Order.

You are seeing this message for a specific reason and you have been guided to this website because you are searching for answers.

… Whether you realize this or not, you or someone close to you in direct alignment has guided you to this website through pre-arranged agreements prior to your incarnational experience here for this purpose and potentially so much more.

This alignment is quite possibly one of the most important aspects of your life right here, right now.

Avatar Activation’s variety of spiritual services and packages are some of most unique and sought after processes available to allow you to fully awaken to your true multidimensional self.

But not only that, they enable you to clear distortions from your fields for things that may have been impacting you your entire life.

I don’t offer discounts very often on my services. Now is the time to get started with a service or a package that makes the most sense for you at this time in your life.

There are many packages available that will require us to be working together for quite some time, so be prepared. I am very interactive, as my clients and students know that I am always there to guide and assist through the entire process — whatever process you choose!

Check out the various services, packages and programs offered and I look forward to working with you soon!

You can always send a message to me via the “Leave a message” below, or get in contact with me directly on Facebook, Skype or Telegram for further information or special requests.

First Part of Sale Ends On 5/2/23 at 11:59PM EST

*** Remember, the above coupon codes are ONLY valid for the specific time periods, including the coupon code limits.

Once the coupon code has reached its limit, the sale will end and you must wait for the next sale (if another exists) before you can utilize the next coupon code.***

Payment Options Are Available For Higher End Services. Inquire Within.