Avatar Clearing Program
The Avatar Clearing Program is a daily program to effectively remove all forms of spiritual attachments to a client and their home. If you are being affected by any form of negative energies, utilizing one of these programs will remove them permanently from you and your home. These sessions can also be purchased for a loved one, but permission must be given in order to remain inline with the spiritual law of non-interference. Which constitutes that a potential client's free-will choice is taken into consideration and that until permission is given, no sessions will be performed. The following sessions may be included, but the amount of sessions are based on the program purchased:
By clearing all of the above forms of negative energies and influences daily, we are not only raising the vibrational frequency of the client through the Angelic Ray Sword Sessions, but through the daily clearings, we are also diminishing/lessening/completely removing all of the negative energies which stops them from being able to re-attach to the home and/or client again.
It is important to note that most spirit attachments of all kinds happen due to the level of frequency and well-being of the client directly. When the client is depressed, upset, angry, worried, etc. their vibration is much lower which allows the different types of spirit attachments to latch on and begin affecting the client in a multitude of ways.
If purchasing more than a 1 week program, you will automatically receive a discounted cost.
Choose A Program Below
Daily Program - 1 Day: $33
(1) Daily Powerful Dowsing and Clearing of Home/Client
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Daily Program - 1 Day: $55
(1) Angelic Ray Sword Session: Clearing of Home/Client
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Daily Program - 3 Days: $84
(3) Daily Powerful Dowsing and Clearings of Home/Client
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Daily Program - 7 Days: $196
(7) Daily Powerful Dowsing and Clearings of Home/Client
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Daily Program - 14 Days: $486
(2) Angelic Ray Sword Session: Clearing of Home/Client
(14) Daily Powerful Dowsing and Clearings of Home/Client
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Daily Program - 30 Days: $1,028
(4) Angelic Ray Sword Session: Clearing of Home/Client
(30) Daily Powerful Dowsing and Clearings of Home/Client
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Pre-arranged sessions for Angelic Ray Sword Sessions require that clients are to lay down on their back for 1 hour with their eyes closed, wearing loose-fitting clothes, nothing in pockets, around neck or on fingers for the duration of the sessions. Each pre-arranged session will be spread out by 7 days to ensure proper integration of the energies and so that the client does not experience extensive clearing and detox effects from the energies.
Partial.ly Payment Plan Policy:
Requirements: Customers are *** required *** to make minimum monthly payments according to payment terms that are setup within the legally binding contract that is created through Partial.ly, the customer and Avatar Activation.
If payments are cancelled or declined, the invoice for the remaining balance will be taken to a collection agency in order to obtain the remaining balance.
Failure to make required monthly payments will dramatically affect your credit if a debt collection agency becomes involved. If you are not able to financially make the required monthly payments, DO NOT use this method of purchase.
Spiritual Agreement: By submitting your energetic commitment to pay based on the payment plan you have chosen, you are making a spiritual agreement with Avatar Activation. If the agreement is broken due to non-payment, you will accrue karmic debt automatically by breaking this contract.
If you are not able to pay for any reason, you must contact Avatar Activation in order to remain compliant financially, and spiritually. For these services rendered on this page, you will still be paying a monthly payment on these well after you’ve received all of the sessions in one of the packages and would be karmically unethical to cancel payments for services that you have already received well in advance.
Affiliates: You will be paid commission on the total cost of the product, excluding the fee for customer making payments and your commission will be manually added after all payments for the service has been paid in full.
Please make sure that if you know your referral has purchased a service and used partial.ly to make monthly payments, that you notify Avatar Activation so that it can be added to your account when payments have been paid in full.
Due to this payment plan not being a part of the affiliate checkout system, commissions are not tracked through this process automatically and must be added in manually.
It is not Avatar Activation’s responsibility to track your own referral sales for services purchased.
Flexible Payment Term: Customers are able to choose to make 1 full payment for the service or break it up according to the total payment term.
Example: If you purchase a service that is $971, you can choose to pay it off on the next payment in full, or up to a total of 4 months. You will be able to change your frequency in payment terms inside your customer account on Partial.ly.
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