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Camouflage Shield Destroyer

Home Camouflage Shield Destroyer

Camouflage Shield Destroyer

Our Bodies Have Been Imprisoned!

There are many distortions that humanity suffers from that you can liken to that of powerful form of imprisonment.

Many of which can easily be discovered, but there are some types of distortions that are so hidden, unless you truly know what you are looking for, it may be very difficult locate and you will almost always miss it…

What if I told you that there may be OTHER factors for reasons why certain areas of your body aren’t being healed, as well as, even having gone through multiple healing services with absolutely no shifts or changes whatsoever?

Some Clients Don’t Experience Shifts & Changes

It’s no secret, for whatever reason there are some clients who don’t seem to have any type of healing shift in any service that they receive from ANY healer.

It doesn’t matter the level or abilities of the healer. There may be a few reasons why, and I will break them down for you…

  • You may not be ready to heal or ascend in this lifetime. This tends to be one of the most controversial reasons because you are going to a healer for assistance and in some way you feel that you are ready to go through the process, but your soul/body may not entirely be ready to heal for whatever reason and no matter what level of healing services you receive from any healer, you will not experience any type of shifting. That is why you hear about how some people experience very profound, deep levels of healing, and some experience very little, or no type of energetic shifting at all.
  • You may possess certain types of distortions in your fields that may be blocking certain areas of your body from being able to receive healing energy. 
  • There may be certain types of distortions in your fields that are also being protected from being cleared from certain areas of your body, which also may hold other distortions that are also protected from being removed.
  • Your healings may not even be going directly to you. They may be going to a cloned version of you that is receiving the healing. Possibly more than one clone. (a service is being created for this)
  • Potentially more ways not yet discovered.

Designed To Create Many Struggles In Your Life

As you can see, there are several ways that we as humans suffer from a wide array of distortions that are designed to cause struggle in many aspects of our lives.

Camouflage Shields are among some of the most difficult forms of negative shielding that we have been impacted by.

Everyone in some way, may have camouflage shielding in their fields, on certain areas of their body and even on their entire energetic body.

When it comes to the entire energetic body having a camouflage shield around it, no form of healing service a client receives will ever amount to anything — from ANY healer. It doesn’t matter if it’s the most powerful healer on the planet, if there are distortions blocking their healings and they are unaware of it (approximately 98% are not aware and not capable of removing them) then the healing that you are receiving is not actually able to get to you the way that it was designed to.

The good news is, when these shields are removed from you, the various types of healings you have received from other healers will start to have an impact on you and many aspects of your life.

There are two types of services, the removal of the camouflage shields, failsafes and booby traps, and the removal + clearing.

The Camouflage Shield Destroyer Service consists of the following two types: (click links below to open/close descriptions and payment buttons)



If you choose to go through the “Camouflage Shield Destroyer”, it is a 2 hour session that focuses on clearing all failsafes, booby traps and camouflage shields on all internal and external areas of your body. It does not clear failsafes and booby traps on the following distortions: seals, implants, doorways, portals, gateways, access points, entities, demons, djinn, matrices, holograms, alien machinery, alien weaponry, black holes and vortexes. This service focuses only on the distortions represented by the camouflage shielding itself.

If you choose to go through the “Camouflage Shield Destroyer + Partial Clearing”, it is a 2 hour session that focuses on clearing all failsafes, booby traps and camouflage shields on (YOU CHOOSE) either the internal or external area of your body which also comes with clearing all forms of distortions including failsafes and booby traps on seals, implants, doorways, portals, gateways, access points, entities, demons, djinn, matrices, holograms, alien machinery, alien weaponry, black holes and vortexes. All 7 of your auric layers will also be repaired of any tears or holes.

If you choose to go through the “Camouflage Shield Destroyer + Full Clearing”, it is 2 x 2 hour sessions separated by 7 days each that focuses on clearing all failsafes, booby traps and camouflage shields on all internal and external areas of your body, as well as, clearing all forms of distortions including failsafes and booby traps on seals, implants, doorways, portals, gateways, access points, entities, demons, djinn, matrices, holograms, alien machinery, alien weaponry, black holes and vortexes. All 7 of your auric layers will also be repaired of any tears or holes.

In my professional opinion, this is the very first session that you should go through in order to experience the maximum level of healing with any healing services you receive.

If you are a dowser/divination specialist, feel free to check with your Higher Self to determine if you require this session.

Majority of humanity, if not the whole of humanity has some level of these camouflage shields in their fields and these shields may contain powerful, debilitating distortions that could be creating many other issues in your life.

To purchase either service, please click on either of the above links and each will expand to reveal the payment button.


Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider

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I’ve been with Xanther almost a year , but Camouflage Shield Destroyer was the game changer! The session started with lot of pain at various points where entities were tied, I then went into a deep trance & shockingly seen many evil & ugly faces gazing deep into my eyes & just vanishing!

After a few days of intergration – I’m so calm & peaceful with deep sleep, relaxed, feeling renewed and rejenuvated!

This is just session-1. Awaiting session-2 for further updates!

Million thanks Xanther Ka EnRa El. I’m alive because of you. Love & Light ✨️❤️✨️

S. Borkar January 2, 2025

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