Avatar Activation Client / Home Programs
Check out the various individualized healing sessions that we offer:
Avatar Spirit Removal Program: The Avatar Spirit Removal Program is a daily program to effectively remove all forms of spiritual attachments to a client and their home.
If you are being affected by any form of negative energies, utilizing one of these programs will remove them permanently from you and your home.
These sessions can also be purchased for a loved one, but permission must be given in order to remain inline with the spiritual law of non-interference.
You will be able to purchase programs of 1 week, up to 12 weeks of daily clearings which includes multiple types of higher dimensional energy-based clearing and protection.
Avatar Clearing Program: The Avatar Clearing Program is a daily program to effectively remove all forms of spiritual attachments to a client and their home.
If you are being affected by any form of negative energies, utilizing one of these programs will remove them permanently from you and your home.
These sessions can also be purchased for a loved one, but permission must be given in order to remain inline with the spiritual law of non-interference.
You will be able to purchase programs of 1 day, up to 30 days of daily clearings which includes multiple types of higher dimensional energy-based clearing.
Avatar Clearing & Protection Program: The Avatar Clearing & Protection Program is a monthly subscription-based, weekly program to effectively clear and remove all forms of negative energies and other energetic distortions from a client and their home.
If you are being affected by any form of negative energies, utilizing one of these programs will remove them permanently from you and your home.
These sessions can also be purchased for a loved one, but permission must be given in order to remain inline with the spiritual law of non-interference.
You will be able to purchase leveled weekly programs based on frequency of sessions performed which includes multiple types of higher dimensional energy-based clearing and protection.