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Distortion Removal Session

Home Distortion Removal Session

Distortion Removal Session


What if all of the various levels of suffering that you have been experiencing in your life was caused by specific distortions that were placed by others, or even yourself?

Do you recognize stubborn patterns of things that keep on happening in your life?

Do you recognize that these patterns continuously keep happening regardless of what kind of life choices you make?

There are reasons for this… many of which you may not have any idea could even be present in your fields.

But these various distortions that are in your fields are contributing or may be the exact reason why you experience your life the way that you do.

Make no mistake about what you are about to learn, this is not an easy pill to swallow.

So much has been done to humanity and individuals that can seem like their way of life has shifted in ways that are incomprehensible.

This is 100% true due to the fact that others have the ability to place various levels of distortions on people, even their personal items, as well as various distortions we place upon ourselves during different circumstances and experiences that we go through while navigating life.

There are of course other factors involved that can become deeply ingrained within our subconscious and unconscious mind that they ultimately become part of our belief system and through this, our lives are shaped by the reality we create, or have been influenced to create.

What law of attraction states is, we create our reality based on what we are in vibrational alignment with.

What many people do not realize is that these thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions and reactions can become deeply ingrained within our subconscious and unconscious minds.

These subconscious and unconscious beliefs are created through these thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions and reactions and begin playing out into our life in both conscious and unconscious ways.

We are constantly creating our thoughts, feelings, actions, emotions and reactions to various situations.

In fact, we are creating every millisecond of the day what we want in our tomorrow, and sometimes even sooner depending on your physical frequency levels!

In some instances, these variables may not be deeply ingrained, but when they are it creates very strong problems associated with these variables.

Deeply ingrained subconscious beliefs can be very powerful and detrimental to many aspects of our lives.

The Distortion Removal Session will remove these distortions from not only your subconscious and unconscious mind, but also many aspects of your life, home, land, vehicles, property, etc.

This session will clear from the following areas:

  • Subconscious mind
  • Unconscious mind
  • Psyche
  • Energetic body
  • Light body
  • Etheric body
  • Monadic body
  • Physical body
  • Auric layers
  • Higher self
  • Oversoul

This means that if there are any specific distortions that were placed into these fields and layers, they will automatically be cleared from your entire being. This is a VERY deep level of clearing because this is taking care of everything all at once, without having to ever worry if these distortions are being missed in various layers of your multi-dimensional anatomy.

It’s all being taken care of through this session each time a distortion you recognize as a pattern is cleared from your fields.

Most people don’t realize that majority, if not everything we face in life is caused by some level of distortion that has either been placed upon us, or something that we’ve placed upon ourselves throughout our life experiences.

But also too, other people can influence our reality in various forms.

It is important to understand that these distortions can have a dramatic impact on our lives in so many ways and on so many levels of our existence.

Think about a situation in your life, or situations where many repeating patterns are taking place.

When you can recognize these patterns, it doesn’t matter what they are, know that more than likely there may be multiple distortions that have been placed onto you that are actually creating these specific patterns.

Again, it could even be something you’ve done to yourself and didn’t know.

A vow, oath, pact or an agreement is a VERY powerful thing and we ultimately create these distortions within our fields and on certain aspects of our lives based on our personal experiences.

If you’ve been hurt by a person, you may vow to yourself that you will never be hurt again, or you will never marry or be close to anyone again…

And in turn, your fields will reflect this vow and you will never be close to another person or marry in this way because you’ve vowed this into your existence.

This can go for SO many things and while you personally may not place certain types of failsafes and booby traps on these distortions, others can and it is absolutely CRITICAL to remove these variables before trying to clear the distortions or otherwise other “things” may come up and create more destructive properties than what you were dealing with previously.

Think of a failsafe and/or a booby trap like a computer virus. If you delete certain aspects of the virus, such as a file that runs it, but you don’t clear everything out from the windows registry which is how it runs, the virus will immediately recopy itself and embed itself further into your system to where you won’t be able to detect certain things.

When this happens, it creates much more destruction on its path. Failsafes and booby traps operate in the same way. They activate based on a certain value that it represents. If the value is not present and the failsafe or booby trap still is, it will activate the programming that it has been created to do and then will wreak more havoc on your body/life in other ways until they are removed.

Not only that, but each time you utilize this service, it is also going to SHIELD the variable (if you choose the shielding option) so it can not be impacted directly by another being that does not have your best interests at heart.

What you are getting with this this amazing service:

  • Clearing and removal all failsafes and booby traps associated with each variable you want to clear.
  • Clearing and removing all forms of distortions that include curses, hexes, spells, witchcraft, sorcery, evil eye, black magic, voodoo magic, vows, oaths, pacts, agreements and much more!
  • Placing a permanent frequency shield (if you purchase this option) that mirrors all forms of these negative energies that are being sent to the variables being cleared and mirror them back at the attacker 10 times the level of energy that is being sent by them — this will stop them in their tracts because they won’t want to keep sending energy when they get hit back with what they send at a power level of 10 fold.
  • There are so many levels to this and so many uses for this session that in my professional opinion, you would be crazy NOT to clear various patterns that you are experiencing in your life.

Remember, we navigate through our lives in ways that are being obstructed on many levels.

If you are recognizing various patterns in your life that keep coming up, there is an energetic reasoning behind them that is manifesting into your physical reality.

The only way to stop these patterns is by clearing the distortions that are feeding them. One of the best ways to work with this service is to get in contact with me directly and explain the patterns you recognize that you are experiencing. I can scan them to determine if there are distortions on these variables you are mentioning and when we are complete with the scan, you can choose the option that best fits the amount of distortions that we find that need to be cleared from all aspects of you!


Distortion Removals (No Shielding):

Removal of 1 distortion, including Failsafe & Booby Trap
Integration Time: 5 minutes

Cost: $10.00


Removal of 6 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 15 minutes

Cost: $55.00

Removal of 12 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 30 minutes

Cost: $111.00

Removal of 25 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 1 hour

Cost: $222.00

Removal of 50 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 1.5 hours

Cost: $444.00

Removal of 75 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 3 hours

Cost: $666.00

Removal of 100 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 4.5 hours

Cost: $888.00

Distortion Removals (With Permanent Shielding):

Removal of 1 distortion, including Failsafe & Booby Trap
Integration Time: 5 minutes

Cost: $20.00


Removal of 6 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 15 minutes

Cost: $110.00

Removal of 12 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 30 minutes

Cost: $222.00

Removal of 25 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 1 hour

Cost: $444.00

Removal of 50 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 1.5 hours

Cost: $888.00

Removal of 75 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 3 hours

Cost: $1,332.00

Removal of 100 distortions, including Failsafes & Booby Traps
Integration Time: 4.5 hours

Cost: $1,776.00


Testimonials For Session

Hover Over Testimonial To Pause Slider

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If you are looking to dismantle deep, and stubborn patterns in your life, look no further. The Distortion Removal session is your remedy. This service, like many others offered by Xan’ther are a game changer because they go underneath the surface to find the root cause of these patterns and uproot them in all layers of your being.
I received this healing almost two weeks ago and I can feel the subtle shifts and change in my energy field. I feel calmer and more aware of awareness itself. I noticed an increased in self-confidence and self-esteem, a willingness to break free from old habits and patterns and a desire to make better choices in alignment with my inner self.
Few days after the removal, I had experienced some deep emotional clearing which I believe were due to the healing being done in all aspects of my being. I am sure they would be more noticeable changes as time goes by, but for now, I don’t think I would fully realize how powerful and liberating this service is as it touches my multidimensional self.
I am grateful beyond words for what you do for humanity, Xan’ther. Your offerings provide deep healing and freedom to anyone who encounters it. May you receive infinite blessings back for what you are offering to us.

Christian K. December 19, 2023

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