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Galactic Cord Cutting Technique

Home Galactic Cord Cutting Technique

Galactic Cord Cutting Technique

Do you ever truly wonder why you always feel like you are being drained of your energy and life-force?

Whether you realize this or not, one of the biggest reasons for energy drain and feeling exhausted all the time is related to various forms of cords of attachment.

There are many different forms of cords that we may accumulate throughout our lives and what many do not understand is that cords can be one of the leading causes for many of our issues that we experience as we navigate our reality.

Think about this for a moment…

We Are Multidimensional, Energetic Beings
And We Cord With ALL Of Our Experiences

When you go to a park and sit on a bench, did you know that you are actually cording with the bench itself?

Yes, that is right, you cord with objects too!

Did you also know that you are also cording with the experience itself?

If you see birds or other animals and you are inevitably noticing them, which causes you to think and even feel about them, you are creating cords with these animals.

Did you happen to walk by and see or touch a bush or a tree while you were there? If so, you created cords with these sentient beings!

While these particular energetic cords are positive and healthy cords, you may accumulate 100’s of these cords which create a stacking effect and will cause energy drain over time.

It won’t be as strong as a negative and unhealthy cord that is being formed, but it can still cause you to have some level of fatigue and exhaustion as you accumulate more and more of these types of cords.

Our Thoughts and Feelings Create Energetic Cords

Have you ever found yourself out of the blue and for no apparent reason begin to constantly think about someone in particular, even though you haven’t heard or spoke to them in several years?

If so, the reason why is they may either be thinking about you, or possibly talking about you to someone else and through this action alone a cord between the both of you begins to form that can drain you and make you feel bad for no reason.

Most people do not and will not understand the concept of this…

As an energetic being with our thoughts, feelings and emotions we create energetic cords that are either healthy or unhealthy — which either promote good health, or bad health as a result of the type of cord that is being created.

These energetic cords are a method of high speed communication and the sharing of energy between two or more people/beings/objects/events/places/etc.

There are healthy cords that create and nurture the sharing of information and energy and there are unhealthy cords that can drain huge amounts of energy from you as a means of control and even contamination.

They are generally attached by mutual agreement, however there are lots of ways to persuade, trick or con people into being corded.

Some Energetic Cords Are Important From Birth

There are also energetic cords that are very important, such as ones that are between parents and children.

For instance, when you were 2 years old, but now in adulthood the cord between you and your parents is no longer useful, but the cord is still there. Some energetic cords can be temporary, and/or a telepathic and energetic link between two persons. Usually they don’t last long and dissipate within a few days or even hours.

Energetic cords can form between people, objects, and situations where there is a fearful attachment, afraid to let go, scared to be alone, afraid to be without. These are invisible energy links. We normally cord to other people and also allow them to cord to us throughout the course of our everyday lives. Many of these cords are short lived and dissolve quickly.

Longer-term relationships generally create cords with a build-up of numerous energies and emotions such as need, desire, love, anger, jealousy, envy, etc. They can be very intensive and volatile and can create problems in the form of aches and pains, depression, rage, exhaustion, burn-out, etc.

Most people aren’t even aware of these energy cords, the few that are aware can only vaguely describe their experiences. There are also a multitude of frauds, phonies, gurus and religious zealots who use cording to attach to their followers to make money.

“Cutting cords doesn’t mean, “I don’t love you or care about you anymore.” Cord cutting doesn’t necessarily lead to break-ups or abandoned relationships. It simply means that you are releasing the dysfunctional parts of your relationships. Remember, fear is the opposite of love, and etheric cords (and all attachments) are created from fear”. Doreen Virtue

Parents form cords normally with their babies as it is a necessity to help parents communicate with and understand their baby’s needs. It is a positive cord and will dissolve naturally over a period of time as the child grows, but sometimes the cord can remain for various reasons.

Sometimes these cords over time can become negative between the parent and child, for any number of reasons.

Energetic Cords Can Hold You Back From Letting Go

An energetic cord will feed on the energy and emotions of one person to another in both positive and negative ways and you may feel angry and not know why. You may feel depressed for no apparent reason as these cords are normally formed on a subconscious level through the need of a person’s manipulation and control.

Are you finding it particularly difficult to “let-go” and move forward from a relationship? Chances are there are cords of attachment from the other person that is holding you back. A person going through a divorce may be feeding their anger, rage, stress, and jealousy to the other person and vice versa. Without realizing it, parents feed these emotions to their children and partners, creating all sorts of problems for everyone.

If you have a cord attached to someone you love and that person is going through a major crisis, they may be draining energy from you. So you will feel drained without even knowing why!

However, what most people do not realize is that it is not just the negative and unhealthy cords that can have an effect on us. All forms of cords have some type of energy drain that goes along with them because they are connections to and from person to persons, person to other beings, person to places, person to objects, person to events and so on.

There Are Various Forms Of Energetic Cords

Besides the negative and unhealthy and positive and healthy cords, which also consist of etheric and ancestral cording, there are also other types of cords of attachment that can create significant energy drain like:

  • Self-cords
  • Cords within cords from other timelines
  • Energy trails
  • Sexual cords
  • Past life cords
  • Parallel life cords

These cords can be connected to all people, places, things, physical beings, non-physical beings and even etheric beings!

But not only that, did you know that you may also have various cords with other planets, planetary star systems, celestial star systems and even the Universal Grid System itself?

It is no wonder why many people are exhausted, fatigued, have poor health and a whole host of other stuff!

Energy cords can also be a way to offload other types of distortions such as curses, hexes, spells, etc. to other people.

As long as these cords exist, even if they are healthy, there is still a form of energy drain that after going through the session will be evident to you in the changes and shifts that you will experience simply by having all of these different types of cords cleared and severed from you.

With the Galactic Cord Cutting Technique, your body and MerKaBa will be imbued and programmed with the following:

  • Sever and cauterize all negative and unhealthy energetic cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all positive and healthy energetic cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all ancestral cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all etheric cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all self-cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all cords within cords from other timelines and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all energy trails and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all sexual cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all past life cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Sever and cauterize all parallel life cords and attachments from all people, places, things, all planets and all planetary star systems, as well as Celestial Star Systems and the Universal Grid System.
  • Call back all of your energy.
  • Call back all of your power.
  • Call back all of your memories.
  • Call back all of your soul fragments.

This is not your average or even your intermediate level of cord cutting session…

This Session Is Designed For Even The Highest Frequency-based Clients

Meaning, there is no dimensional level ceiling of awareness that the frequency of energies stop at, however it does begin at the 25D frequency level. You will be cutting cords and calling back energy at the 25D level at a minimum, unless your frequency is higher than 25D.

Whether the physical frequency that your avatar body is holding in this physical reality is at either 2, 3, 4+ or higher digit levels, this session will help you in ways that no other cord cutting system could possibly accomplish!

This also means that you can receive this session as many times as you choose as your frequency expands and you need to cut cords and call back energy at much higher frequency-based levels of dimensional awareness.

This session is performed either by remote, audio or video session.

Remote Session: This is a pre-arranged session where you will lay down for one hour with your eyes closed to receive your session. This is not a live session with me. You will not directly hear the Galactic Command Codes, but you may have experiences during your session that enable you to understand how your body and MerKaBa has been imbued and programmed remotely. This may be an intensive session due to the amount of Galactic Command Codes that are being imbued into your fields.

Audio Session: This is a live audio session with me. There is a lot of additional healing that you receive because you are hearing my very high frequency. So you are experiencing stronger encodings within your body and MerKaBa audibly with specific Galactic Command Codes. You will be repeating these codes back to me which will allow the codes to vibrate through your mind, body, spirit and emotions and this will cement them into your reality. This may be an intensive session due to the amount of Galactic Command Codes that are being imbued into your fields. May be more intensive in live session.

Video Session: This is a live video session with me. There are extensive levels of healing that you receive because you are not only hearing my very high frequency, but you are also seeing me and this produces very strong light codes that are projected from my eyes and body and are being imbued within your body and MerKaBa audibly and visually with specific Galactic Command Codes. You will be repeating these codes back to me which will allow the codes to vibrate through your mind, body, spirit and emotions and this will cement them into your reality. This may be an intensive session due to the amount of Galactic Command Codes that are being imbued into your fields. May be more intensive in live session.


Galactic Cord Cutting Technique – Remote Session
Cost: $555.00



Galactic Cord Cutting Technique – Audio Session
Cost: $777.00



Galactic Cord Cutting Technique – Video Session
Cost: $999.00



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